# frozen_string_literal: true require 'yaml' module Backup class Database < Task extend ::Gitlab::Utils::Override include Backup::Helper attr_reader :force, :config IGNORED_ERRORS = [ # Ignore warnings /WARNING:/, # Ignore the DROP errors; recent database dumps will use --if-exists with pg_dump /does not exist$/, # User may not have permissions to drop extensions or schemas /must be owner of/ ].freeze IGNORED_ERRORS_REGEXP = Regexp.union(IGNORED_ERRORS).freeze def initialize(progress, force:) super(progress) @config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.find_db_config(Rails.env).configuration_hash @force = force end override :dump def dump(db_file_name, backup_id) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(db_file_name)) FileUtils.rm_f(db_file_name) compress_rd, compress_wr = IO.pipe compress_pid = spawn(gzip_cmd, in: compress_rd, out: [db_file_name, 'w', 0600]) compress_rd.close dump_pid = case config[:adapter] when "postgresql" then progress.print "Dumping PostgreSQL database #{database} ... " pg_env pgsql_args = ["--clean"] # Pass '--clean' to include 'DROP TABLE' statements in the DB dump. pgsql_args << '--if-exists' if Gitlab.config.backup.pg_schema pgsql_args << '-n' pgsql_args << Gitlab.config.backup.pg_schema Gitlab::Database::EXTRA_SCHEMAS.each do |schema| pgsql_args << '-n' pgsql_args << schema.to_s end end Process.spawn('pg_dump', *pgsql_args, database, out: compress_wr) end compress_wr.close success = [compress_pid, dump_pid].all? do |pid| Process.waitpid(pid) $?.success? end report_success(success) progress.flush raise DatabaseBackupError.new(config, db_file_name) unless success end override :restore def restore(db_file_name) unless force progress.puts 'Removing all tables. Press `Ctrl-C` within 5 seconds to abort'.color(:yellow) sleep(5) end # Drop all tables Load the schema to ensure we don't have any newer tables # hanging out from a failed upgrade puts_time 'Cleaning the database ... '.color(:blue) Rake::Task['gitlab:db:drop_tables'].invoke puts_time 'done'.color(:green) decompress_rd, decompress_wr = IO.pipe decompress_pid = spawn(*%w(gzip -cd), out: decompress_wr, in: db_file_name) decompress_wr.close status, @errors = case config[:adapter] when "postgresql" then progress.print "Restoring PostgreSQL database #{database} ... " pg_env execute_and_track_errors(pg_restore_cmd, decompress_rd) end decompress_rd.close Process.waitpid(decompress_pid) success = $?.success? && status.success? if @errors.present? progress.print "------ BEGIN ERRORS -----\n".color(:yellow) progress.print @errors.join.color(:yellow) progress.print "------ END ERRORS -------\n".color(:yellow) end report_success(success) raise Backup::Error, 'Restore failed' unless success end override :pre_restore_warning def pre_restore_warning return if force <<-MSG.strip_heredoc Be sure to stop Puma, Sidekiq, and any other process that connects to the database before proceeding. For Omnibus installs, see the following link for more information: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/raketasks/backup_restore.html#restore-for-omnibus-gitlab-installations Before restoring the database, we will remove all existing tables to avoid future upgrade problems. Be aware that if you have custom tables in the GitLab database these tables and all data will be removed. MSG end override :post_restore_warning def post_restore_warning return unless @errors.present? <<-MSG.strip_heredoc There were errors in restoring the schema. This may cause issues if this results in missing indexes, constraints, or columns. Please record the errors above and contact GitLab Support if you have questions: https://about.gitlab.com/support/ MSG end protected def database @config[:database] end def ignore_error?(line) IGNORED_ERRORS_REGEXP.match?(line) end def execute_and_track_errors(cmd, decompress_rd) errors = [] Open3.popen3(ENV, *cmd) do |stdin, stdout, stderr, thread| stdin.binmode out_reader = Thread.new do data = stdout.read $stdout.write(data) end err_reader = Thread.new do until (raw_line = stderr.gets).nil? warn(raw_line) errors << raw_line unless ignore_error?(raw_line) end end begin IO.copy_stream(decompress_rd, stdin) rescue Errno::EPIPE end stdin.close [thread, out_reader, err_reader].each(&:join) [thread.value, errors] end end def pg_env args = { username: 'PGUSER', host: 'PGHOST', port: 'PGPORT', password: 'PGPASSWORD', # SSL sslmode: 'PGSSLMODE', sslkey: 'PGSSLKEY', sslcert: 'PGSSLCERT', sslrootcert: 'PGSSLROOTCERT', sslcrl: 'PGSSLCRL', sslcompression: 'PGSSLCOMPRESSION' } args.each do |opt, arg| # This enables the use of different PostgreSQL settings in # case PgBouncer is used. PgBouncer clears the search path, # which wreaks havoc on Rails if connections are reused. override = "GITLAB_BACKUP_#{arg}" val = ENV[override].presence || config[opt].to_s.presence ENV[arg] = val if val end end def report_success(success) if success progress.puts '[DONE]'.color(:green) else progress.puts '[FAILED]'.color(:red) end end private def pg_restore_cmd ['psql', database] end end end