# rubocop:disable Naming/FileName # frozen_string_literal: true # Sidekiq-cluster code is loaded both inside a Rails/Rspec # context as well as outside of it via CLI invocation. When it # is loaded outside of a Rails/Rspec context we do not have access # to all necessary constants. For example, we need Rails.root to # determine the location of bin/metrics-server. # Here we make the necessary constants available conditionally. require_relative 'override_rails_constants' unless Object.const_defined?('Rails') # We need to supply this outside of Rails because: # RubySampler needs Gitlab::Metrics needs Gitlab::Metrics::Prometheus needs Gitlab::CurrentSettings needs ::Settings # to check for `prometheus_metrics_enabled`. We therefore simply redirect it to our own Settings type. require_relative 'override_gitlab_current_settings' unless Object.const_defined?('Gitlab::CurrentSettings') require_relative '../config/settings' # rubocop:enable Naming/FileName