#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require 'optparse' # This script returns end-to-end tests or test directories. The returned value is stored in QA_TESTS # variable for executing only those tests. class DetermineQATests # rubocop:disable Gitlab/NamespacedClass def initialize(options) @changed_files = options.delete(:changed_files) @mr_labels = options.delete(:mr_labels) || [] end def execute # If only e2e test files have changed, run only those tests qa_tests = if has_qa_spec_only_changes? changed_files # If only non qa files have changed, use the devops MR label to run the files in the related directory # However, if a feature flag file has changed, do not return any specific test/test directory elsif has_non_qa_only_changes? && mr_labels.any? && !has_dev_ops_feature_flag_changes? devops_stage = devops_stage_from_mr_labels qa_spec_directories_for_devops_stage(devops_stage) if devops_stage end trim_path(qa_tests).join(' ') if qa_tests end private attr_reader :changed_files, :mr_labels # Are the changed files only qa specs? # # @return [Boolean] whether the changes files are only qa specs def has_qa_spec_only_changes? changed_files.all? { |file_path| file_path =~ %r{^qa/qa/specs/features/} } end # Are the changed files only outside the qa directory? # # @return [Boolean] whether the changes files are outside of qa directory def has_non_qa_only_changes? changed_files.none? { |file_path| file_path =~ %r{^qa/} } end # Are the changed files for development and ops feature flags? # # @return [Boolean] whether the changes files are for development and ops feature flags def has_dev_ops_feature_flag_changes? changed_files.any? { |file_path| file_path =~ %r{/feature_flags/(development|ops)/.*\.yml} } end # Remove the leading `qa/` from the file or directory paths # # @param [Array] paths Array of file or directory paths # @return [Array] Array of files or directories with the first occurance of `qa/` removed def trim_path(paths) paths.map { |path| path.delete_prefix("qa/") } end # Extract devops stage from MR labels # # @return [String] a devops stage def devops_stage_from_mr_labels mr_labels.find { |label| label =~ /^devops::/ }&.delete_prefix('devops::') end # Get qa spec directories for devops stage # # @param [String] devops_stage a devops stage # @return [Array] qa spec directories def qa_spec_directories_for_devops_stage(devops_stage) Dir.glob("qa/qa/specs/**/*/").select { |dir| dir =~ %r{\d+_#{devops_stage}/$} } end end if $0 == __FILE__ options = {} OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.on("-f", "--files CHANGED_FILES_PATH", String, "A path to a file containing a list of changed files") do |value| changed_files_path = value abort("ERROR: The specified changed files path does not exist") unless File.exist?(changed_files_path) changed_files = File.read(changed_files_path).split(' ') abort("ERROR: There are no changed files") if changed_files.empty? options[:changed_files] = changed_files end opts.on("-l", "--labels MR_LABELS", String, "A comma separated list of MR labels") do |value| options[:mr_labels] = Array(value&.split(',')).compact end opts.on("-h", "--help", "Prints this help") do puts opts exit end end.parse! puts DetermineQATests.new(options).execute end