# frozen_string_literal: true require 'fast_spec_helper' load File.expand_path('../../scripts/determine-qa-tests', __dir__) RSpec.describe 'scripts/determine-qa-tests' do describe DetermineQATests do describe '.execute' do let(:qa_spec_files) do %w[qa/qa/specs/features/browser_ui/1_manage/test1.rb qa/qa/specs/features/browser_ui/1_manage/user/test2.rb] end let(:qa_spec_and_non_spec_files) do %w[qa/qa/specs/features/browser_ui/1_manage/test1.rb qa/qa/page/admin/menu.rb] end let(:non_qa_files) do %w[rubocop/code_reuse_helpers.rb app/components/diffs/overflow_warning_component.rb] end let(:non_qa_and_feature_flag_files) do %w[rubocop/code_reuse_helpers.rb app/components/diffs/overflow_warning_component.rb config/feature_flags/development/access_token_ajax.yml] end let(:qa_spec_and_non_qa_files) do %w[rubocop/code_reuse_helpers.rb app/components/diffs/overflow_warning_component.rb qa/qa/specs/features/browser_ui/1_manage/test1.rb] end let(:qa_non_spec_and_non_qa_files) do %w[rubocop/code_reuse_helpers.rb app/components/diffs/overflow_warning_component.rb qa/qa/page/admin/menu.rb] end shared_examples 'determine qa tests' do context 'when only qa spec files have changed' do it 'returns only the changed qa specs' do subject = described_class.new({ changed_files: qa_spec_files }.merge(labels)) expect(subject.execute).to eql qa_spec_files.map { |path| path.delete_prefix("qa/") }.join(' ') end end context 'when qa spec and non spec files have changed' do it 'does not return any specs' do subject = described_class.new({ changed_files: qa_spec_and_non_spec_files }.merge(labels)) expect(subject.execute).to be_nil end end context 'when non-qa and feature flag files have changed' do it 'does not return any specs' do subject = described_class.new({ changed_files: non_qa_and_feature_flag_files }.merge(labels)) expect(subject.execute).to be_nil end end context 'when qa spec and non-qa files have changed' do it 'does not return any specs' do subject = described_class.new({ changed_files: qa_spec_and_non_qa_files }.merge(labels)) expect(subject.execute).to be_nil end end context 'when qa non-spec and non-qa files have changed' do it 'does not return any specs' do subject = described_class.new({ changed_files: qa_non_spec_and_non_qa_files }.merge(labels)) expect(subject.execute).to be_nil end end end context 'when a devops label is not specified' do let(:labels) { { mr_labels: ['type::feature'] } } it_behaves_like 'determine qa tests' context 'when only non-qa files have changed' do it 'does not return any specs' do subject = described_class.new({ changed_files: non_qa_files }) expect(subject.execute).to be_nil end end end context 'when a devops label is specified' do let(:labels) { { mr_labels: %w[devops::manage type::feature] } } it_behaves_like 'determine qa tests' context 'when only non-qa files have changed' do it 'returns the specs for the devops label' do subject = described_class.new({ changed_files: non_qa_files }.merge(labels)) allow(subject).to receive(:qa_spec_directories_for_devops_stage) .and_return(['qa/qa/specs/features/browser_ui/1_manage/']) expect(subject.execute).to eql 'qa/specs/features/browser_ui/1_manage/' end end end end end end