# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe ApplicationExperiment, :experiment do subject(:application_experiment) { described_class.new('namespaced/stub', **context) } let(:context) { {} } let(:feature_definition) { { name: 'namespaced_stub', type: 'experiment', default_enabled: false } } around do |example| Feature::Definition.definitions[:namespaced_stub] = Feature::Definition.new('namespaced_stub.yml', feature_definition) example.run Feature::Definition.definitions.delete(:namespaced_stub) end before do allow(application_experiment).to receive(:enabled?).and_return(true) end it "doesn't raise an exception without a defined control" do # because we have a default behavior defined expect { experiment('namespaced/stub') { } }.not_to raise_error end describe "#publish" do let(:should_track) { true } before do allow(application_experiment).to receive(:should_track?).and_return(should_track) end it "tracks the assignment", :snowplow do application_experiment.publish expect_snowplow_event( category: 'namespaced/stub', action: 'assignment', context: [{ schema: anything, data: anything }] ) end it "publishes to the client" do expect(application_experiment).to receive(:publish_to_client) application_experiment.publish end context 'when we should not track' do let(:should_track) { false } it 'does not track an event to Snowplow', :snowplow do application_experiment.publish expect_no_snowplow_event end end describe "#publish_to_client" do it "adds the data into Gon" do signature = { key: '86208ac54ca798e11f127e8b23ec396a', variant: 'control' } expect(Gon).to receive(:push).with({ experiment: { 'namespaced/stub' => hash_including(signature) } }, true) application_experiment.publish_to_client end it "handles when Gon raises exceptions (like when it can't be pushed into)" do expect(Gon).to receive(:push).and_raise(NoMethodError) expect { application_experiment.publish_to_client }.not_to raise_error end context 'when we should not track' do let(:should_track) { false } it 'returns early' do expect(Gon).not_to receive(:push) application_experiment.publish_to_client end end end describe '#publish_to_database' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax let(:publish_to_database) { ActiveSupport::Deprecation.silence { application_experiment.publish_to_database } } shared_examples 'does not record to the database' do it 'does not create an experiment record' do expect { publish_to_database }.not_to change(Experiment, :count) end it 'does not create an experiment subject record' do expect { publish_to_database }.not_to change(ExperimentSubject, :count) end end context 'when there is a usable subject' do let(:context) { { context_key => context_value } } where(:context_key, :context_value, :object_type) do :namespace | build(:namespace, id: non_existing_record_id) | :namespace :group | build(:namespace, id: non_existing_record_id) | :namespace :project | build(:project, id: non_existing_record_id) | :project :user | build(:user, id: non_existing_record_id) | :user :actor | build(:user, id: non_existing_record_id) | :user end with_them do it 'creates an experiment and experiment subject record' do expect { publish_to_database }.to change(Experiment, :count).by(1) expect(Experiment.last.name).to eq('namespaced/stub') expect(ExperimentSubject.last.send(object_type)).to eq(context[context_key]) end end end context "when experiment hasn't ran" do let(:context) { { user: create(:user) } } it 'sets a variant on the experiment subject' do publish_to_database expect(ExperimentSubject.last.variant).to eq('control') end end context 'when there is not a usable subject' do let(:context) { { context_key => context_value } } where(:context_key, :context_value) do :namespace | nil :foo | :bar end with_them do include_examples 'does not record to the database' end end context 'but we should not track' do let(:should_track) { false } include_examples 'does not record to the database' end end end describe "#track", :snowplow do let(:fake_context) do SnowplowTracker::SelfDescribingJson.new('iglu:com.gitlab/fake/jsonschema/0-0-0', { data: '_data_' }) end it "doesn't track if we shouldn't track" do allow(application_experiment).to receive(:should_track?).and_return(false) application_experiment.track(:action) expect_no_snowplow_event end it "tracks the event with the expected arguments and merged contexts" do application_experiment.track(:action, property: '_property_', context: [fake_context]) expect_snowplow_event( category: 'namespaced/stub', action: 'action', property: '_property_', context: [ { schema: 'iglu:com.gitlab/fake/jsonschema/0-0-0', data: { data: '_data_' } }, { schema: 'iglu:com.gitlab/gitlab_experiment/jsonschema/1-0-0', data: { experiment: 'namespaced/stub', key: '86208ac54ca798e11f127e8b23ec396a', variant: 'control' } } ] ) end context "when using known context resources" do let(:user) { build(:user, id: non_existing_record_id) } let(:project) { build(:project, id: non_existing_record_id) } let(:namespace) { build(:namespace, id: non_existing_record_id) } let(:group) { build(:group, id: non_existing_record_id) } let(:actor) { user } let(:context) { { user: user, project: project, namespace: namespace } } it "includes those using the gitlab standard context" do subject.track(:action) expect_snowplow_event( category: 'namespaced/stub', action: 'action', user: user, project: project, namespace: namespace, context: an_instance_of(Array) ) end it "falls back to using the group key" do subject.context(namespace: nil, group: group) subject.track(:action) expect_snowplow_event( category: 'namespaced/stub', action: 'action', user: user, project: project, namespace: group, context: an_instance_of(Array) ) end context "with the actor key" do it "provides it to the tracking call as the user" do subject.context(user: nil, actor: actor) subject.track(:action) expect_snowplow_event( category: 'namespaced/stub', action: 'action', user: actor, project: project, namespace: namespace, context: an_instance_of(Array) ) end it "handles when it's not a user record" do subject.context(user: nil, actor: nil) subject.track(:action) expect_snowplow_event( category: 'namespaced/stub', action: 'action', project: project, namespace: namespace, context: an_instance_of(Array) ) end end end end describe "#key_for" do it "generates MD5 hashes" do expect(application_experiment.key_for(foo: :bar)).to eq('6f9ac12afdb9b58c2f19a136d09f9153') end end describe "#process_redirect_url" do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax where(:url, :processed_url) do 'https://about.gitlab.com/' | 'https://about.gitlab.com/' 'https://gitlab.com/' | 'https://gitlab.com/' 'http://docs.gitlab.com' | 'http://docs.gitlab.com' 'https://docs.gitlab.com/some/path?foo=bar' | 'https://docs.gitlab.com/some/path?foo=bar' 'http://badgitlab.com' | nil 'https://gitlab.com.nefarious.net' | nil 'https://unknown.gitlab.com' | nil "https://badplace.com\nhttps://gitlab.com" | nil 'https://gitlabbcom' | nil 'https://gitlabbcom/' | nil 'http://gdk.test/foo/bar' | 'http://gdk.test/foo/bar' 'http://localhost:3000/foo/bar' | 'http://localhost:3000/foo/bar' end with_them do it "returns the url or nil if invalid" do allow(Gitlab).to receive(:dev_env_or_com?).and_return(true) expect(application_experiment.process_redirect_url(url)).to eq(processed_url) end it "considers all urls invalid when not on dev or com" do allow(Gitlab).to receive(:dev_env_or_com?).and_return(false) expect(application_experiment.process_redirect_url(url)).to be_nil end end it "generates the correct urls based on where the engine was mounted" do url = Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.experiment_redirect_url(application_experiment, url: 'https://docs.gitlab.com') expect(url).to include("/-/experiment/namespaced%2Fstub:#{application_experiment.context.key}?https://docs.gitlab.com") end end context "when resolving variants" do before do stub_feature_flags(namespaced_stub: true) end it "returns an assigned name" do application_experiment.variant(:variant1) {} application_experiment.variant(:variant2) {} expect(application_experiment.assigned.name).to eq('variant2') end end context "when nesting experiments" do before do stub_experiments(top: :control, nested: :control) end it "doesn't raise an exception" do expect { experiment(:top) { |e| e.control { experiment(:nested) { } } } }.not_to raise_error end it "tracks an event", :snowplow do experiment(:top) { |e| e.control { experiment(:nested) { } } } expect(Gitlab::Tracking).to have_received(:event).with( # rubocop:disable RSpec/ExpectGitlabTracking 'top', 'nested', hash_including(label: 'nested') ) end end context "when caching" do let(:cache) { Gitlab::Experiment::Configuration.cache } before do allow(Gitlab::Experiment::Configuration).to receive(:cache).and_call_original cache.clear(key: application_experiment.name) application_experiment.control { } application_experiment.candidate { } end it "caches the variant determined by the variant resolver" do expect(application_experiment.variant.name).to eq('candidate') # we should be in the experiment application_experiment.run expect(application_experiment.cache.read).to eq('candidate') end it "doesn't cache a variant if we don't explicitly provide one" do # by not caching "empty" variants, we effectively create a mostly # optimal combination of caching and rollout flexibility. If we cached # every control variant assigned, we'd inflate the cache size and # wouldn't be able to roll out to subjects that we'd already assigned to # the control. stub_feature_flags(namespaced_stub: false) # simulate being not rolled out expect(application_experiment.variant.name).to eq('control') # if we ask, it should be control application_experiment.run expect(application_experiment.cache.read).to be_nil end it "caches a control variant if we assign it specifically" do # by specifically assigning the control variant here, we're guaranteeing # that this context will always get the control variant unless we delete # the field from the cache (or clear the entire experiment cache) -- or # write code that would specify a different variant. application_experiment.run(:control) expect(application_experiment.cache.read).to eq('control') end context "arbitrary attributes" do before do application_experiment.cache.store.clear(key: application_experiment.name + '_attrs') end it "sets and gets attributes about an experiment" do application_experiment.cache.attr_set(:foo, :bar) expect(application_experiment.cache.attr_get(:foo)).to eq('bar') end it "increments a value for an experiment" do expect(application_experiment.cache.attr_get(:foo)).to be_nil expect(application_experiment.cache.attr_inc(:foo)).to eq(1) expect(application_experiment.cache.attr_inc(:foo)).to eq(2) end end end context "with deprecation warnings" do before do Gitlab::Experiment::Configuration.instance_variable_set(:@__dep_versions, nil) # clear the internal memoization allow(ActiveSupport::Deprecation).to receive(:new).and_call_original end it "doesn't warn on non dev/test environments" do allow(Gitlab).to receive(:dev_or_test_env?).and_return(false) expect { experiment(:example) { |e| e.use { } } }.not_to raise_error expect(ActiveSupport::Deprecation).not_to have_received(:new).with(anything, 'Gitlab::Experiment') end it "warns on dev and test environments" do allow(Gitlab).to receive(:dev_or_test_env?).and_return(true) # This will eventually raise an ActiveSupport::Deprecation exception, # it's ok to change it when that happens. expect { experiment(:example) { |e| e.use { } } }.not_to raise_error expect(ActiveSupport::Deprecation).to have_received(:new).with(anything, 'Gitlab::Experiment') end end end