require 'spec_helper' describe Issue do describe "Associations" do it { belong_to(:milestone) } it { have_many(:assignees) } end describe 'modules' do subject { described_class } it { include_module(Issuable) } it { include_module(Referable) } it { include_module(Sortable) } it { include_module(Taskable) } it_behaves_like 'AtomicInternalId' do let(:internal_id_attribute) { :iid } let(:instance) { build(:issue) } let(:scope) { :project } let(:scope_attrs) { { project: instance.project } } let(:usage) { :issues } end end subject { create(:issue) } describe 'callbacks' do describe '#ensure_metrics' do it 'creates metrics after saving' do issue = create(:issue) expect(issue.metrics).to be_persisted expect(Issue::Metrics.count).to eq(1) end it 'does not create duplicate metrics for an issue' do issue = create(:issue) issue.close! expect(issue.metrics).to be_persisted expect(Issue::Metrics.count).to eq(1) end it 'records current metrics' do expect_any_instance_of(Issue::Metrics).to receive(:record!) create(:issue) end end end describe '#order_by_position_and_priority' do let(:project) { create :project } let(:p1) { create(:label, title: 'P1', project: project, priority: 1) } let(:p2) { create(:label, title: 'P2', project: project, priority: 2) } let!(:issue1) { create(:labeled_issue, project: project, labels: [p1]) } let!(:issue2) { create(:labeled_issue, project: project, labels: [p2]) } let!(:issue3) { create(:issue, project: project, relative_position: 100) } let!(:issue4) { create(:issue, project: project, relative_position: 200) } it 'returns ordered list' do expect(project.issues.order_by_position_and_priority) .to match [issue3, issue4, issue1, issue2] end end describe '#card_attributes' do it 'includes the author name' do allow(subject).to receive(:author).and_return(double(name: 'Robert')) allow(subject).to receive(:assignees).and_return([]) expect(subject.card_attributes) .to eq({ 'Author' => 'Robert', 'Assignee' => '' }) end it 'includes the assignee name' do allow(subject).to receive(:author).and_return(double(name: 'Robert')) allow(subject).to receive(:assignees).and_return([double(name: 'Douwe')]) expect(subject.card_attributes) .to eq({ 'Author' => 'Robert', 'Assignee' => 'Douwe' }) end end describe '#close' do subject(:issue) { create(:issue, state: 'opened') } it 'sets closed_at to when an issue is closed' do expect { issue.close }.to change { issue.closed_at }.from(nil) end it 'changes the state to closed' do expect { issue.close }.to change { issue.state }.from('opened').to('closed') end end describe '#reopen' do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:issue) { create(:issue, state: 'closed', closed_at:, closed_by: user) } it 'sets closed_at to nil when an issue is reopend' do expect { issue.reopen }.to change { issue.closed_at }.to(nil) end it 'sets closed_by to nil when an issue is reopend' do expect { issue.reopen }.to change { issue.closed_by }.from(user).to(nil) end it 'changes the state to opened' do expect { issue.reopen }.to change { issue.state }.from('closed').to('opened') end end describe '#to_reference' do let(:namespace) { build(:namespace, path: 'sample-namespace') } let(:project) { build(:project, name: 'sample-project', namespace: namespace) } let(:issue) { build(:issue, iid: 1, project: project) } let(:group) { create(:group, name: 'Group', path: 'sample-group') } context 'when nil argument' do it 'returns issue id' do expect(issue.to_reference).to eq "#1" end end context 'when full is true' do it 'returns complete path to the issue' do expect(issue.to_reference(full: true)).to eq 'sample-namespace/sample-project#1' expect(issue.to_reference(project, full: true)).to eq 'sample-namespace/sample-project#1' expect(issue.to_reference(group, full: true)).to eq 'sample-namespace/sample-project#1' end end context 'when same project argument' do it 'returns issue id' do expect(issue.to_reference(project)).to eq("#1") end end context 'when cross namespace project argument' do let(:another_namespace_project) { create(:project, name: 'another-project') } it 'returns complete path to the issue' do expect(issue.to_reference(another_namespace_project)).to eq 'sample-namespace/sample-project#1' end end it 'supports a cross-project reference' do another_project = build(:project, name: 'another-project', namespace: project.namespace) expect(issue.to_reference(another_project)).to eq "sample-project#1" end context 'when same namespace / cross-project argument' do let(:another_project) { create(:project, namespace: namespace) } it 'returns path to the issue with the project name' do expect(issue.to_reference(another_project)).to eq 'sample-project#1' end end context 'when different namespace / cross-project argument' do let(:another_namespace) { create(:namespace, path: 'another-namespace') } let(:another_project) { create(:project, path: 'another-project', namespace: another_namespace) } it 'returns full path to the issue' do expect(issue.to_reference(another_project)).to eq 'sample-namespace/sample-project#1' end end context 'when argument is a namespace' do context 'with same project path' do it 'returns path to the issue with the project name' do expect(issue.to_reference(namespace)).to eq 'sample-project#1' end end context 'with different project path' do it 'returns full path to the issue' do expect(issue.to_reference(group)).to eq 'sample-namespace/sample-project#1' end end end end describe '#assignee_or_author?' do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:issue) { create(:issue) } it 'returns true for a user that is assigned to an issue' do issue.assignees << user expect(issue.assignee_or_author?(user)).to be_truthy end it 'returns true for a user that is the author of an issue' do issue.update(author: user) expect(issue.assignee_or_author?(user)).to be_truthy end it 'returns false for a user that is not the assignee or author' do expect(issue.assignee_or_author?(user)).to be_falsey end end describe '#can_move?' do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:issue) { create(:issue) } subject { issue.can_move?(user) } context 'user is not a member of project issue belongs to' do it { eq false} end context 'user is reporter in project issue belongs to' do let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:issue) { create(:issue, project: project) } before do project.add_reporter(user) end it { eq true } context 'issue not persisted' do let(:issue) { build(:issue, project: project) } it { eq false } end context 'checking destination project also' do subject { issue.can_move?(user, to_project) } let(:to_project) { create(:project) } context 'destination project allowed' do before do to_project.add_reporter(user) end it { eq true } end context 'destination project not allowed' do before do to_project.add_guest(user) end it { eq false } end end end end describe '#moved?' do let(:issue) { create(:issue) } subject { issue.moved? } context 'issue not moved' do it { eq false } end context 'issue already moved' do let(:moved_to_issue) { create(:issue) } let(:issue) { create(:issue, moved_to: moved_to_issue) } it { eq true } end end describe '#related_branches' do let(:user) { create(:admin) } before do allow(subject.project.repository).to receive(:branch_names) .and_return(["mpempe", "#{subject.iid}mepmep", subject.to_branch_name, "#{subject.iid}-branch"]) # Without this stub, the `create(:merge_request)` above fails because it can't find # the source branch. This seems like a reasonable compromise, in comparison with # setting up a full repo here. allow_any_instance_of(MergeRequest).to receive(:create_merge_request_diff) end it "selects the right branches when there are no referenced merge requests" do expect(subject.related_branches(user)).to eq([subject.to_branch_name, "#{subject.iid}-branch"]) end it "selects the right branches when there is a referenced merge request" do merge_request = create(:merge_request, { description: "Closes ##{subject.iid}", source_project: subject.project, source_branch: "#{subject.iid}-branch" }) merge_request.create_cross_references!(user) referenced_merge_requests = Issues::ReferencedMergeRequestsService .new(subject.project, user) .referenced_merge_requests(subject) expect(referenced_merge_requests).not_to be_empty expect(subject.related_branches(user)).to eq([subject.to_branch_name]) end it 'excludes stable branches from the related branches' do allow(subject.project.repository).to receive(:branch_names) .and_return(["#{subject.iid}-0-stable"]) expect(subject.related_branches(user)).to eq [] end end describe '#suggested_branch_name' do let(:repository) { double } subject { build(:issue) } before do allow(subject.project).to receive(:repository).and_return(repository) end context '#to_branch_name does not exists' do before do allow(repository).to receive(:branch_exists?).and_return(false) end it 'returns #to_branch_name' do expect(subject.suggested_branch_name).to eq(subject.to_branch_name) end end context '#to_branch_name exists not ending with -index' do before do allow(repository).to receive(:branch_exists?).and_return(true) allow(repository).to receive(:branch_exists?).with(/#{subject.to_branch_name}-\d/).and_return(false) end it 'returns #to_branch_name ending with -2' do expect(subject.suggested_branch_name).to eq("#{subject.to_branch_name}-2") end end context '#to_branch_name exists ending with -index' do before do allow(repository).to receive(:branch_exists?).and_return(true) allow(repository).to receive(:branch_exists?).with("#{subject.to_branch_name}-3").and_return(false) end it 'returns #to_branch_name ending with max index + 1' do expect(subject.suggested_branch_name).to eq("#{subject.to_branch_name}-3") end end end describe '#has_related_branch?' do let(:issue) { create(:issue, title: "Blue Bell Knoll") } subject { issue.has_related_branch? } context 'branch found' do before do allow(issue.project.repository).to receive(:branch_names).and_return(["iceblink-luck", issue.to_branch_name]) end it { eq true } end context 'branch not found' do before do allow(issue.project.repository).to receive(:branch_names).and_return(["lazy-calm"]) end it { eq false } end end it_behaves_like 'an editable mentionable' do subject { create(:issue, project: create(:project, :repository)) } let(:backref_text) { "issue #{subject.to_reference}" } let(:set_mentionable_text) { ->(txt) { subject.description = txt } } end it_behaves_like 'a Taskable' do let(:subject) { create :issue } end describe "#to_branch_name" do let(:issue) { create(:issue, title: 'testing-issue') } it 'starts with the issue iid' do expect(issue.to_branch_name).to match /\A#{issue.iid}-[A-Za-z\-]+\z/ end it "contains the issue title if not confidential" do expect(issue.to_branch_name).to match /testing-issue\z/ end it "does not contain the issue title if confidential" do issue = create(:issue, title: 'testing-issue', confidential: true) expect(issue.to_branch_name).to match /confidential-issue\z/ end end describe '#can_be_worked_on?' do let(:project) { build(:project) } subject { build(:issue, :opened, project: project) } context 'is closed' do subject { build(:issue, :closed) } it { is_expected.not_to be_can_be_worked_on } end context 'project is forked' do before do allow(project).to receive(:forked?).and_return(true) end it { is_expected.not_to be_can_be_worked_on } end it { be_can_be_worked_on } end describe '#participants' do context 'using a public project' do let(:project) { create(:project, :public) } let(:issue) { create(:issue, project: project) } let!(:note1) do create(:note_on_issue, noteable: issue, project: project, note: 'a') end let!(:note2) do create(:note_on_issue, noteable: issue, project: project, note: 'b') end it 'includes the issue author' do expect(issue.participants).to include( end it 'includes the authors of the notes' do expect(issue.participants).to include(, end end context 'using a private project' do it 'does not include mentioned users that do not have access to the project' do project = create(:project) user = create(:user) issue = create(:issue, project: project) create(:note_on_issue, noteable: issue, project: project, note: user.to_reference) expect(issue.participants).not_to include(user) end end end describe 'cached counts' do it 'updates when assignees change' do user1 = create(:user) user2 = create(:user) project = create(:project) issue = create(:issue, assignees: [user1], project: project) project.add_developer(user1) project.add_developer(user2) expect(user1.assigned_open_issues_count).to eq(1) expect(user2.assigned_open_issues_count).to eq(0) issue.assignees = [user2] expect(user1.assigned_open_issues_count).to eq(0) expect(user2.assigned_open_issues_count).to eq(1) end end describe '#visible_to_user?' do context 'without a user' do let(:issue) { build(:issue) } it 'returns true when the issue is publicly visible' do expect(issue).to receive(:publicly_visible?).and_return(true) expect(issue.visible_to_user?).to eq(true) end it 'returns false when the issue is not publicly visible' do expect(issue).to receive(:publicly_visible?).and_return(false) expect(issue.visible_to_user?).to eq(false) end end context 'with a user' do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:issue) { build(:issue) } it 'returns true when the issue is readable' do expect(issue).to receive(:readable_by?).with(user).and_return(true) expect(issue.visible_to_user?(user)).to eq(true) end it 'returns false when the issue is not readable' do expect(issue).to receive(:readable_by?).with(user).and_return(false) expect(issue.visible_to_user?(user)).to eq(false) end it 'returns false when feature is disabled' do expect(issue).not_to receive(:readable_by?) issue.project.project_feature.update_attribute(:issues_access_level, ProjectFeature::DISABLED) expect(issue.visible_to_user?(user)).to eq(false) end it 'returns false when restricted for members' do expect(issue).not_to receive(:readable_by?) issue.project.project_feature.update_attribute(:issues_access_level, ProjectFeature::PRIVATE) expect(issue.visible_to_user?(user)).to eq(false) end end describe 'with a regular user that is not a team member' do let(:user) { create(:user) } context 'using a public project' do let(:project) { create(:project, :public) } it 'returns true for a regular issue' do issue = build(:issue, project: project) expect(issue.visible_to_user?(user)).to eq(true) end it 'returns false for a confidential issue' do issue = build(:issue, project: project, confidential: true) expect(issue.visible_to_user?(user)).to eq(false) end end context 'using an internal project' do let(:project) { create(:project, :internal) } context 'using an internal user' do it 'returns true for a regular issue' do issue = build(:issue, project: project) expect(issue.visible_to_user?(user)).to eq(true) end it 'returns false for a confidential issue' do issue = build(:issue, :confidential, project: project) expect(issue.visible_to_user?(user)).to eq(false) end end context 'using an external user' do before do allow(user).to receive(:external?).and_return(true) end it 'returns false for a regular issue' do issue = build(:issue, project: project) expect(issue.visible_to_user?(user)).to eq(false) end it 'returns false for a confidential issue' do issue = build(:issue, :confidential, project: project) expect(issue.visible_to_user?(user)).to eq(false) end end end context 'using a private project' do let(:project) { create(:project, :private) } it 'returns false for a regular issue' do issue = build(:issue, project: project) expect(issue.visible_to_user?(user)).to eq(false) end it 'returns false for a confidential issue' do issue = build(:issue, :confidential, project: project) expect(issue.visible_to_user?(user)).to eq(false) end context 'when the user is the project owner' do before do project.add_maintainer(user) end it 'returns true for a regular issue' do issue = build(:issue, project: project) expect(issue.visible_to_user?(user)).to eq(true) end it 'returns true for a confidential issue' do issue = build(:issue, :confidential, project: project) expect(issue.visible_to_user?(user)).to eq(true) end end end end context 'with a regular user that is a team member' do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:project) { create(:project, :public) } context 'using a public project' do before do project.add_developer(user) end it 'returns true for a regular issue' do issue = build(:issue, project: project) expect(issue.visible_to_user?(user)).to eq(true) end it 'returns true for a confidential issue' do issue = build(:issue, :confidential, project: project) expect(issue.visible_to_user?(user)).to eq(true) end end context 'using an internal project' do let(:project) { create(:project, :internal) } before do project.add_developer(user) end it 'returns true for a regular issue' do issue = build(:issue, project: project) expect(issue.visible_to_user?(user)).to eq(true) end it 'returns true for a confidential issue' do issue = build(:issue, :confidential, project: project) expect(issue.visible_to_user?(user)).to eq(true) end end context 'using a private project' do let(:project) { create(:project, :private) } before do project.add_developer(user) end it 'returns true for a regular issue' do issue = build(:issue, project: project) expect(issue.visible_to_user?(user)).to eq(true) end it 'returns true for a confidential issue' do issue = build(:issue, :confidential, project: project) expect(issue.visible_to_user?(user)).to eq(true) end end end context 'with an admin user' do let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:user) { create(:admin) } it 'returns true for a regular issue' do issue = build(:issue, project: project) expect(issue.visible_to_user?(user)).to eq(true) end it 'returns true for a confidential issue' do issue = build(:issue, :confidential, project: project) expect(issue.visible_to_user?(user)).to eq(true) end end end describe '#publicly_visible?' do context 'using a public project' do let(:project) { create(:project, :public) } it 'returns true for a regular issue' do issue = build(:issue, project: project) expect(issue).to be_truthy end it 'returns false for a confidential issue' do issue = build(:issue, :confidential, project: project) expect(issue).not_to be_falsy end end context 'using an internal project' do let(:project) { create(:project, :internal) } it 'returns false for a regular issue' do issue = build(:issue, project: project) expect(issue).not_to be_falsy end it 'returns false for a confidential issue' do issue = build(:issue, :confidential, project: project) expect(issue).not_to be_falsy end end context 'using a private project' do let(:project) { create(:project, :private) } it 'returns false for a regular issue' do issue = build(:issue, project: project) expect(issue).not_to be_falsy end it 'returns false for a confidential issue' do issue = build(:issue, :confidential, project: project) expect(issue).not_to be_falsy end end end describe '#hook_attrs' do it 'delegates to Gitlab::HookData::IssueBuilder#build' do builder = double expect(Gitlab::HookData::IssueBuilder) .to receive(:new).with(subject).and_return(builder) expect(builder).to receive(:build) subject.hook_attrs end end describe '#check_for_spam' do let(:project) { create :project, visibility_level: visibility_level } let(:issue) { create :issue, project: project } subject do issue.assign_attributes(description: description) issue.check_for_spam? end context 'when project is public and spammable attributes changed' do let(:visibility_level) { Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PUBLIC } let(:description) { 'woo' } it 'returns true' do be_truthy end end context 'when project is private' do let(:visibility_level) { Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PRIVATE } let(:description) { issue.description } it 'returns false' do be_falsey end end context 'when spammable attributes have not changed' do let(:visibility_level) { Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PUBLIC } let(:description) { issue.description } it 'returns false' do be_falsey end end end describe 'removing an issue' do it 'refreshes the number of open issues of the project' do project = subject.project expect { subject.destroy } .to change { project.open_issues_count }.from(1).to(0) end end describe '.public_only' do it 'only returns public issues' do public_issue = create(:issue) create(:issue, confidential: true) expect(described_class.public_only).to eq([public_issue]) end end it_behaves_like 'throttled touch' do subject { create(:issue, updated_at: 1.hour.ago) } end end