require 'spec_helper' describe 'Merge requests > User posts notes', :js do include NoteInteractionHelpers let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:merge_request) do create(:merge_request, source_project: project, target_project: project) end let!(:note) do create(:note_on_merge_request, :with_attachment, noteable: merge_request, project: project) end before do gitlab_sign_in :admin visit namespace_project_merge_request_path(project.namespace, project, merge_request) end subject { page } describe 'the note form' do it 'is valid' do have_css('.js-main-target-form', visible: true, count: 1) expect(find('.js-main-target-form .js-comment-button').value) .to eq('Comment') page.within('.js-main-target-form') do expect(page).not_to have_link('Cancel') end end describe 'with text' do before do page.within('.js-main-target-form') do fill_in 'note[note]', with: 'This is awesome' end end it 'has enable submit button and preview button' do page.within('.js-main-target-form') do expect(page).not_to have_css('.js-comment-button[disabled]') expect(page).to have_css('.js-md-preview-button', visible: true) end end end end describe 'when posting a note' do before do page.within('.js-main-target-form') do fill_in 'note[note]', with: 'This is awesome!' find('.js-md-preview-button').click click_button 'Comment' end end it 'is added and form reset' do have_content('This is awesome!') page.within('.js-main-target-form') do expect(page).to have_no_field('note[note]', with: 'This is awesome!') expect(page).to have_css('.js-md-preview', visible: :hidden) end page.within('.js-main-target-form') do have_css('.js-note-text', visible: true) end end end describe 'when editing a note' do it 'there should be a hidden edit form' do have_css('.note-edit-form:not(.mr-note-edit-form)', visible: false, count: 1) have_css('', visible: false, count: 1) end describe 'editing the note' do before do find('.note').hover open_more_actions_dropdown(note) find('.js-note-edit').click end it 'shows the note edit form and hide the note body' do page.within("#note_#{}") do expect(find('.current-note-edit-form', visible: true)).to be_visible expect(find('.note-edit-form', visible: true)).to be_visible expect(find(:css, '.note-body > .note-text', visible: false)).not_to be_visible end end it 'resets the edit note form textarea with the original content of the note if cancelled' do within('.current-note-edit-form') do fill_in 'note[note]', with: 'Some new content' find('.btn-cancel').click expect(find('.js-note-text', visible: false).text).to eq '' end end it 'allows using markdown buttons after saving a note and then trying to edit it again' do page.within('.current-note-edit-form') do fill_in 'note[note]', with: 'This is the new content' find('.btn-save').click end wait_for_requests find('.note').hover open_more_actions_dropdown(note) find('.js-note-edit').click page.within('.current-note-edit-form') do expect(find('#note_note').value).to eq('This is the new content') find('.js-md:first-child').click expect(find('#note_note').value).to eq('This is the new content****') end end it 'appends the edited at time to the note' do page.within('.current-note-edit-form') do fill_in 'note[note]', with: 'Some new content' find('.btn-save').click end page.within("#note_#{}") do have_css('.note_edited_ago') expect(find('.note_edited_ago').text) .to match(/less than a minute ago/) end end end describe 'deleting an attachment' do before do find('.note').hover open_more_actions_dropdown(note) find('.js-note-edit').click end it 'shows the delete link' do page.within('.note-attachment') do have_css('.js-note-attachment-delete') end end it 'removes the attachment div and resets the edit form' do find('.js-note-attachment-delete').click is_expected.not_to have_css('.note-attachment') is_expected.not_to have_css('.current-note-edit-form') wait_for_requests end end end end