import getters from '~/boards/stores/getters'; import { inactiveId } from '~/boards/constants'; import { mockIssue, mockIssue2, mockIssues, mockIssuesByListId, issues, mockListsWithModel, } from '../mock_data'; describe('Boards - Getters', () => { describe('labelToggleState', () => { it('should return "on" when isShowingLabels is true', () => { const state = { isShowingLabels: true, }; expect(getters.labelToggleState(state)).toBe('on'); }); it('should return "off" when isShowingLabels is false', () => { const state = { isShowingLabels: false, }; expect(getters.labelToggleState(state)).toBe('off'); }); }); describe('isSidebarOpen', () => { it('returns true when activeId is not equal to 0', () => { const state = { activeId: 1, }; expect(getters.isSidebarOpen(state)).toBe(true); }); it('returns false when activeId is equal to 0', () => { const state = { activeId: inactiveId, }; expect(getters.isSidebarOpen(state)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('isSwimlanesOn', () => { afterEach(() => { window.gon = { features: {} }; }); describe('when boardsWithSwimlanes is true', () => { beforeEach(() => { window.gon = { features: { boardsWithSwimlanes: true } }; }); describe('when isShowingEpicsSwimlanes is true', () => { it('returns true', () => { const state = { isShowingEpicsSwimlanes: true, }; expect(getters.isSwimlanesOn(state)).toBe(true); }); }); describe('when isShowingEpicsSwimlanes is false', () => { it('returns false', () => { const state = { isShowingEpicsSwimlanes: false, }; expect(getters.isSwimlanesOn(state)).toBe(false); }); }); }); describe('when boardsWithSwimlanes is false', () => { describe('when isShowingEpicsSwimlanes is true', () => { it('returns false', () => { const state = { isShowingEpicsSwimlanes: true, }; expect(getters.isSwimlanesOn(state)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('when isShowingEpicsSwimlanes is false', () => { it('returns false', () => { const state = { isShowingEpicsSwimlanes: false, }; expect(getters.isSwimlanesOn(state)).toBe(false); }); }); }); }); describe('getIssueById', () => { const state = { issues: { '1': 'issue' } }; it.each` id | expected ${'1'} | ${'issue'} ${''} | ${{}} `('returns $expected when $id is passed to state', ({ id, expected }) => { expect(getters.getIssueById(state)(id)).toEqual(expected); }); }); describe('activeIssue', () => { it.each` id | expected ${'1'} | ${'issue'} ${''} | ${{}} `('returns $expected when $id is passed to state', ({ id, expected }) => { const state = { issues: { '1': 'issue' }, activeId: id }; expect(getters.activeIssue(state)).toEqual(expected); }); }); describe('getIssuesByList', () => { const boardsState = { issuesByListId: mockIssuesByListId, issues, }; it('returns issues for a given listId', () => { const getIssueById = issueId => [mockIssue, mockIssue2].find(({ id }) => id === issueId); expect(getters.getIssuesByList(boardsState, { getIssueById })('gid://gitlab/List/2')).toEqual( mockIssues, ); }); }); const boardsState = { boardLists: { 'gid://gitlab/List/1': mockListsWithModel[0], 'gid://gitlab/List/2': mockListsWithModel[1], }, }; describe('getListByLabelId', () => { it('returns list for a given label id', () => { expect(getters.getListByLabelId(boardsState)('gid://gitlab/GroupLabel/121')).toEqual( mockListsWithModel[1], ); }); }); describe('getListByTitle', () => { it('returns list for a given list title', () => { expect(getters.getListByTitle(boardsState)('To Do')).toEqual(mockListsWithModel[1]); }); }); });