# frozen_string_literal: true module Integrations class Datadog < Integration include HasWebHook extend Gitlab::Utils::Override DEFAULT_DOMAIN = 'datadoghq.com' URL_TEMPLATE = 'https://webhook-intake.%{datadog_domain}/api/v2/webhook' URL_API_KEYS_DOCS = "https://docs.#{DEFAULT_DOMAIN}/account_management/api-app-keys/" SUPPORTED_EVENTS = %w[ pipeline job ].freeze TAG_KEY_VALUE_RE = %r{\A [\w-]+ : .*\S.* \z}x.freeze field :datadog_site, placeholder: DEFAULT_DOMAIN, help: -> do ERB::Util.html_escape( s_('DatadogIntegration|The Datadog site to send data to. To send data to the EU site, use %{codeOpen}datadoghq.eu%{codeClose}.') ) % { codeOpen: ''.html_safe, codeClose: ''.html_safe } end field :api_url, title: -> { s_('DatadogIntegration|API URL') }, help: -> { s_('DatadogIntegration|(Advanced) The full URL for your Datadog site.') } field :api_key, type: 'password', title: -> { _('API key') }, non_empty_password_title: -> { s_('ProjectService|Enter new API key') }, non_empty_password_help: -> { s_('ProjectService|Leave blank to use your current API key') }, help: -> do ERB::Util.html_escape( s_('DatadogIntegration|%{linkOpen}API key%{linkClose} used for authentication with Datadog.') ) % { linkOpen: %Q{}.html_safe, linkClose: ''.html_safe } end, required: true field :archive_trace_events, type: 'checkbox', title: -> { s_('Logs') }, checkbox_label: -> { s_('Enable logs collection') }, help: -> { s_('When enabled, job logs are collected by Datadog and displayed along with pipeline execution traces.') } field :datadog_service, title: -> { s_('DatadogIntegration|Service') }, placeholder: 'gitlab-ci', help: -> { s_('DatadogIntegration|Tag all data from this GitLab instance in Datadog. Useful when managing several self-managed deployments.') } field :datadog_env, title: -> { s_('DatadogIntegration|Environment') }, placeholder: 'ci', help: -> do ERB::Util.html_escape( s_('DatadogIntegration|For self-managed deployments, set the %{codeOpen}env%{codeClose} tag for all the data sent to Datadog. %{linkOpen}How do I use tags?%{linkClose}') ) % { codeOpen: ''.html_safe, codeClose: ''.html_safe, linkOpen: ''.html_safe, linkClose: ''.html_safe } end field :datadog_tags, type: 'textarea', title: -> { s_('DatadogIntegration|Tags') }, placeholder: "tag:value\nanother_tag:value", help: -> do ERB::Util.html_escape( s_('DatadogIntegration|Custom tags in Datadog. Enter one tag per line in the %{codeOpen}key:value%{codeClose} format. %{linkOpen}How do I use tags?%{linkClose}') ) % { codeOpen: ''.html_safe, codeClose: ''.html_safe, linkOpen: ''.html_safe, linkClose: ''.html_safe } end before_validation :strip_properties with_options if: :activated? do validates :api_key, presence: true, format: { with: /\A\w+\z/ } validates :datadog_site, format: { with: /\A[\w\.]+\z/, allow_blank: true } validates :api_url, public_url: { allow_blank: true } validates :datadog_site, presence: true, unless: -> (obj) { obj.api_url.present? } validates :api_url, presence: true, unless: -> (obj) { obj.datadog_site.present? } validate :datadog_tags_are_valid end def initialize_properties super self.datadog_site ||= DEFAULT_DOMAIN end def self.supported_events SUPPORTED_EVENTS end def supported_events events = super return events + ['archive_trace'] if Feature.enabled?(:datadog_integration_logs_collection, parent) events end def self.default_test_event 'pipeline' end def configurable_events [] # do not allow to opt out of required hooks # archive_trace is opt-in but we handle it with a more detailed field below end def title 'Datadog' end def description s_('DatadogIntegration|Trace your GitLab pipelines with Datadog.') end def help docs_link = ActionController::Base.helpers.link_to( s_('DatadogIntegration|How do I set up this integration?'), Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.help_page_url('integration/datadog'), target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer' ) s_('DatadogIntegration|Send CI/CD pipeline information to Datadog to monitor for job failures and troubleshoot performance issues. %{docs_link}').html_safe % { docs_link: docs_link.html_safe } end def self.to_param 'datadog' end def fields if Feature.enabled?(:datadog_integration_logs_collection, parent) super else super.reject { _1.name == 'archive_trace_events' } end end override :hook_url def hook_url url = api_url.presence || sprintf(URL_TEMPLATE, datadog_domain: datadog_domain) url = URI.parse(url) query = { "dd-api-key" => api_key, service: datadog_service.presence, env: datadog_env.presence, tags: datadog_tags_query_param.presence }.compact url.query = query.to_query url.to_s end def execute(data) object_kind = data[:object_kind] object_kind = 'job' if object_kind == 'build' return unless supported_events.include?(object_kind) data = hook_data(data, object_kind) execute_web_hook!(data, "#{object_kind} hook") end def test(data) result = execute(data) { success: (200..299).cover?(result[:http_status]), result: result[:message] } end private def datadog_domain # Transparently ignore "app" prefix from datadog_site as the official docs table in # https://docs.datadoghq.com/getting_started/site/ is confusing for internal URLs. # US3 needs to keep a prefix but other datacenters cannot have the listed "app" prefix datadog_site.delete_prefix("app.") end def hook_data(data, object_kind) if object_kind == 'pipeline' && data.respond_to?(:with_retried_builds) return data.with_retried_builds end data end def strip_properties datadog_service.strip! if datadog_service && !datadog_service.frozen? datadog_env.strip! if datadog_env && !datadog_env.frozen? datadog_tags.strip! if datadog_tags && !datadog_tags.frozen? end def datadog_tags_are_valid return unless datadog_tags unless datadog_tags.split("\n").select(&:present?).all? { _1 =~ TAG_KEY_VALUE_RE } errors.add(:datadog_tags, s_("DatadogIntegration|have an invalid format")) end end def datadog_tags_query_param return unless datadog_tags datadog_tags.split("\n").filter_map do |tag| tag.strip! next if tag.blank? if tag.include?(',') "\"#{tag}\"" else tag end end.join(',') end end end