require 'benchmark' require 'rainbow/ext/string' class GithubImport def!(*args) new(*args).run! end def initialize(token, gitlab_username, project_path, extras) @options = { token: token } @project_path = project_path @current_user = User.find_by_username(gitlab_username) @github_repo = extras.empty? ? nil : extras.first end def run! @repo = GithubRepos .new(@options[:token], @current_user, @github_repo) .choose_one! raise 'No repo found!' unless @repo show_warning! @project = Project.find_by_full_path(@project_path) || new_project import! end private def show_warning! puts "This will import GitHub #{@repo.full_name.bright} into GitLab #{@project_path.bright} as #{}" puts "Permission checks are ignored. Press any key to continue.".color(:red) STDIN.getch puts 'Starting the import (this could take a while)'.color(:green) end def import! @project.force_import_start import_success = false timings = Benchmark.measure do import_success = Gitlab::GithubImport::SequentialImporter .new(@project, token: @options[:token]) .execute end if import_success @project.import_finish puts "Import finished. Timings: #{timings}".color(:green) else puts "Import was not successful. Errors were as follows:" puts @project.import_error end end def new_project Project.transaction do namespace_path, _sep, name = @project_path.rpartition('/') namespace = find_or_create_namespace(namespace_path) project = @current_user, name: name, path: name, description: @repo.description, namespace_id:, visibility_level: visibility_level, skip_wiki: @repo.has_wiki ).execute project.update!( import_type: 'github', import_source: @repo.full_name, import_url: @repo.clone_url.sub('://', "://#{@options[:token]}@") ) project end end def find_or_create_namespace(names) return @current_user.namespace if names == @current_user.namespace_path return @current_user.namespace unless @current_user.can_create_group?, group_path: names).execute end def full_path_namespace(names) @full_path_namespace ||= Namespace.find_by_full_path(names) end def visibility_level @repo.private ? Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PRIVATE : Gitlab::CurrentSettings.current_application_settings.default_project_visibility end end class GithubRepos def initialize(token, current_user, github_repo) @client = Octokit::Client .new(access_token: token, auto_paginate: true, per_page: 100) @current_user = current_user @github_repo = github_repo end def choose_one! return found_github_repo if @github_repo repos.each do |repo| print "ID: #{}".color(:green) print "\tName: #{repo.full_name}\n".color(:green) end print 'ID? '.bright repos.find { |repo| == repo_id } end def found_github_repo repos.find { |repo| repo.full_name == @github_repo } end def repo_id @repo_id ||= STDIN.gets.chomp.to_i end def repos @client.list_repositories end end namespace :import do desc 'Import a GitHub project - Example: import:github[ToKeN,root,root/blah,my/github_repo] (optional my/github_repo)' task :github, [:token, :gitlab_username, :project_path] => :environment do |_t, args| abort 'Project path must be: namespace(s)/project_name'.color(:red) unless args.project_path.include?('/')!(args.token, args.gitlab_username, args.project_path, args.extras) end end