@project_issues Feature: Award Emoji Background: Given I sign in as a user And I own project "Shop" And project "Shop" has issue "Bugfix" And I visit "Bugfix" issue page @javascript Scenario: I repeatedly add and remove thumbsup award in the issue Given I click the thumbsup award Emoji Then I have award added Given I click the thumbsup award Emoji Then I have no awards added Given I click the thumbsup award Emoji Then I have award added @javascript Scenario: I add and remove custom award in the issue Given I click to emoji-picker Then The emoji menu is visible And The search field is focused Then I click to emoji in the picker Then I have award added And I can remove it by clicking to icon @javascript Scenario: I can see the list of emoji categories Given I click to emoji-picker Then The emoji menu is visible And The search field is focused Then I can see the activity and food categories @javascript Scenario: I can search emoji Given I click to emoji-picker Then The emoji menu is visible And The search field is focused And I search "hand" Then I see search result for "hand" @javascript Scenario: I add award emoji using regular comment Given I leave comment with a single emoji Then I have award added