module API module V3 class Builds < Grape::API include PaginationParams before { authenticate! } params do requires :id, type: String, desc: 'The ID of a project' end resource :projects do helpers do params :optional_scope do optional :scope, types: [String, Array[String]], desc: 'The scope of builds to show', values: ['pending', 'running', 'failed', 'success', 'canceled'], coerce_with: ->(scope) { if scope.is_a?(String) [scope] elsif scope.is_a?(Hashie::Mash) scope.values else ['unknown'] end } end end desc 'Get a project builds' do success V3::Entities::Build end params do use :optional_scope use :pagination end get ':id/builds' do builds = user_project.builds.order('id DESC') builds = filter_builds(builds, params[:scope]) present paginate(builds), with: Entities::Build, user_can_download_artifacts: can?(current_user, :read_build, user_project) end desc 'Get builds for a specific commit of a project' do success Entities::Build end params do requires :sha, type: String, desc: 'The SHA id of a commit' use :optional_scope use :pagination end get ':id/repository/commits/:sha/builds' do authorize_read_builds! return not_found! unless user_project.commit(params[:sha]) pipelines = user_project.pipelines.where(sha: params[:sha]) builds = user_project.builds.where(pipeline: pipelines).order('id DESC') builds = filter_builds(builds, params[:scope]) present paginate(builds), with: Entities::Build, user_can_download_artifacts: can?(current_user, :read_build, user_project) end desc 'Get a specific build of a project' do success Entities::Build end params do requires :build_id, type: Integer, desc: 'The ID of a build' end get ':id/builds/:build_id' do authorize_read_builds! build = get_build!(params[:build_id]) present build, with: Entities::Build, user_can_download_artifacts: can?(current_user, :read_build, user_project) end desc 'Download the artifacts file from build' do detail 'This feature was introduced in GitLab 8.5' end params do requires :build_id, type: Integer, desc: 'The ID of a build' end get ':id/builds/:build_id/artifacts' do authorize_read_builds! build = get_build!(params[:build_id]) present_artifacts!(build.artifacts_file) end desc 'Download the artifacts file from build' do detail 'This feature was introduced in GitLab 8.10' end params do requires :ref_name, type: String, desc: 'The ref from repository' requires :job, type: String, desc: 'The name for the build' end get ':id/builds/artifacts/:ref_name/download', requirements: { ref_name: /.+/ } do authorize_read_builds! builds = user_project.latest_successful_builds_for(params[:ref_name]) latest_build = builds.find_by!(name: params[:job]) present_artifacts!(latest_build.artifacts_file) end # TODO: We should use `present_file!` and leave this implementation for backward compatibility (when build trace # is saved in the DB instead of file). But before that, we need to consider how to replace the value of # `runners_token` with some mask (like `xxxxxx`) when sending trace file directly by workhorse. desc 'Get a trace of a specific build of a project' params do requires :build_id, type: Integer, desc: 'The ID of a build' end get ':id/builds/:build_id/trace' do authorize_read_builds! build = get_build!(params[:build_id]) header 'Content-Disposition', "infile; filename=\"#{}.log\"" content_type 'text/plain' env['api.format'] = :binary trace = build.trace body trace end desc 'Cancel a specific build of a project' do success Entities::Build end params do requires :build_id, type: Integer, desc: 'The ID of a build' end post ':id/builds/:build_id/cancel' do authorize_update_builds! build = get_build!(params[:build_id]) build.cancel present build, with: Entities::Build, user_can_download_artifacts: can?(current_user, :read_build, user_project) end desc 'Retry a specific build of a project' do success Entities::Build end params do requires :build_id, type: Integer, desc: 'The ID of a build' end post ':id/builds/:build_id/retry' do authorize_update_builds! build = get_build!(params[:build_id]) return forbidden!('Build is not retryable') unless build.retryable? build = Ci::Build.retry(build, current_user) present build, with: Entities::Build, user_can_download_artifacts: can?(current_user, :read_build, user_project) end desc 'Erase build (remove artifacts and build trace)' do success Entities::Build end params do requires :build_id, type: Integer, desc: 'The ID of a build' end post ':id/builds/:build_id/erase' do authorize_update_builds! build = get_build!(params[:build_id]) return forbidden!('Build is not erasable!') unless build.erasable? build.erase(erased_by: current_user) present build, with: Entities::Build, user_can_download_artifacts: can?(current_user, :download_build_artifacts, user_project) end desc 'Keep the artifacts to prevent them from being deleted' do success Entities::Build end params do requires :build_id, type: Integer, desc: 'The ID of a build' end post ':id/builds/:build_id/artifacts/keep' do authorize_update_builds! build = get_build!(params[:build_id]) return not_found!(build) unless build.artifacts? build.keep_artifacts! status 200 present build, with: Entities::Build, user_can_download_artifacts: can?(current_user, :read_build, user_project) end desc 'Trigger a manual build' do success Entities::Build detail 'This feature was added in GitLab 8.11' end params do requires :build_id, type: Integer, desc: 'The ID of a Build' end post ":id/builds/:build_id/play" do authorize_read_builds! build = get_build!(params[:build_id]) bad_request!("Unplayable Job") unless build.playable? status 200 present build, with: Entities::Build, user_can_download_artifacts: can?(current_user, :read_build, user_project) end end helpers do def get_build(id) user_project.builds.find_by(id: id.to_i) end def get_build!(id) get_build(id) || not_found! end def present_artifacts!(artifacts_file) if !artifacts_file.file_storage? redirect_to(build.artifacts_file.url) elsif artifacts_file.exists? present_file!(artifacts_file.path, artifacts_file.filename) else not_found! end end def filter_builds(builds, scope) return builds if scope.nil? || scope.empty? available_statuses = ::CommitStatus::AVAILABLE_STATUSES unknown = scope - available_statuses render_api_error!('Scope contains invalid value(s)', 400) unless unknown.empty? builds.where(status: available_statuses && scope) end def authorize_read_builds! authorize! :read_build, user_project end def authorize_update_builds! authorize! :update_build, user_project end end end end end