import { markInputRule } from '@tiptap/core'; import { Link } from '@tiptap/extension-link'; import { defaultMarkdownSerializer } from 'prosemirror-markdown/src/to_markdown'; export const markdownLinkSyntaxInputRuleRegExp = /(?:^|\s)\[([\w|\s|-]+)\]\((?.+?)\)$/gm; export const urlSyntaxRegExp = /(?:^|\s)(?(?:https?:\/\/|www\.)[\S]+)(?:\s|\n)$/gim; const extractHrefFromMatch = (match) => { return { href: match.groups.href }; }; export const extractHrefFromMarkdownLink = (match) => { /** * Removes the last capture group from the match to satisfy * tiptap markInputRule expectation of having the content as * the last capture group in the match. * * */ match.pop(); return extractHrefFromMatch(match); }; export const tiptapExtension = Link.extend({ addInputRules() { return [ markInputRule(markdownLinkSyntaxInputRuleRegExp, this.type, extractHrefFromMarkdownLink), markInputRule(urlSyntaxRegExp, this.type, extractHrefFromMatch), ]; }, }).configure({ openOnClick: false, }); export const serializer =;