class PagesWorker include Sidekiq::Worker include Gitlab::CurrentSettings BLOCK_SIZE = 32.kilobytes MAX_SIZE = 1.terabyte sidekiq_options queue: :pages def perform(build_id) @build_id = build_id return unless valid? # Create status notifying the deployment of pages @status = project: project, commit: build.commit, user: build.user, ref: build.ref, stage: 'deploy', name: 'pages:deploy' )! FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmp_path) # Calculate dd parameters: we limit the size of pages max_size = current_application_settings.max_pages_size.megabytes max_size ||= MAX_SIZE blocks = 1 + max_size / BLOCK_SIZE # Create temporary directory in which we will extract the artifacts Dir.mktmpdir(nil, tmp_path) do |temp_path| # We manually extract the archive and limit the archive size with dd results = Open3.pipeline(%W(gunzip -c #{artifacts}), %W(dd bs=#{BLOCK_SIZE} count=#{blocks}), %W(tar -x -C #{temp_path} public/)) return unless results.compact.all?(&:success?) # Check if we did extract public directory temp_public_path = File.join(temp_path, 'public') return unless Dir.exists?(temp_public_path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(pages_path) # Lock file for time of deployment to prevent the two processes from doing the concurrent deployment, File::RDWR|File::CREAT, 0644) do |f| f.flock(File::LOCK_EX) return unless valid? # Do atomic move of pages # Move and removal may not be atomic, but they are significantly faster then extracting and removal # 1. We move deployed public to previous public path (file removal is slow) # 2. We move temporary public to be deployed public # 3. We remove previous public path if File.exists?(public_path) FileUtils.move(public_path, previous_public_path) end FileUtils.move(temp_public_path, public_path) end if File.exists?(previous_public_path) FileUtils.rm_r(previous_public_path, force: true) end @status.success end ensure @status.drop if @status && end private def valid? # check if sha for the ref is still the most recent one # this helps in case when multiple deployments happens build && build.artifacts_file? && sha == latest_sha end def build @build ||= Ci::Build.find_by(id: @build_id) end def project @project ||= build.project end def tmp_path @tmp_path ||= File.join(Settings.pages.path, 'tmp') end def pages_path @pages_path ||= project.pages_path end def public_path @public_path ||= File.join(pages_path, 'public') end def previous_public_path @previous_public_path ||= File.join(pages_path, "public.#{SecureRandom.hex}") end def lock_path @lock_path ||= File.join(pages_path, 'deploy.lock') end def ref build.ref end def artifacts build.artifacts_file.path end def latest_sha project.commit(build.ref).try(:sha).to_s end def sha build.sha end end