namespace :gitlab do namespace :shell do desc "GITLAB | Install or upgrade gitlab-shell" task :install, [:tag, :repo] => :environment do |t, args| warn_user_is_not_gitlab default_version = Gitlab::Shell.version_required args.with_defaults(tag: 'v' + default_version, repo: "") user = Gitlab.config.gitlab.user home_dir = Rails.env.test? ? Rails.root.join('tmp/tests') : Gitlab.config.gitlab.user_home gitlab_url = Gitlab.config.gitlab.url # gitlab-shell requires a / at the end of the url gitlab_url += '/' unless gitlab_url.end_with?('/') repos_path = Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.repos_path target_dir = Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.path # Clone if needed unless system(*%W(git clone -- #{args.repo} #{target_dir})) end # Make sure we're on the right tag Dir.chdir(target_dir) do # First try to checkout without fetching # to avoid stalling tests if the Internet is down. reseted = reset_to_commit(args) unless reseted system(*%W(git fetch origin)) reset_to_commit(args) end config = { user: user, gitlab_url: gitlab_url, http_settings: {self_signed_cert: false}.stringify_keys, repos_path: repos_path, auth_file: File.join(home_dir, ".ssh", "authorized_keys"), redis: { bin: %x{which redis-cli}.chomp, namespace: "resque:gitlab" }.stringify_keys, log_level: "INFO", audit_usernames: false }.stringify_keys redis_url = URI.parse(ENV['REDIS_URL'] || "redis://localhost:6379") if redis_url.scheme == 'unix' config['redis']['socket'] = redis_url.path else config['redis']['host'] = config['redis']['port'] = redis_url.port end # Generate config.yml based on existing gitlab settings"config.yml", "w+") {|f| f.puts config.to_yaml} # Launch installation process system(*%W(bin/install)) # (Re)create hooks system(*%W(bin/create-hooks)) end # Required for debian packaging with PKGR: Setup .ssh/environment with # the current PATH, so that the correct ruby version gets loaded # Requires to set "PermitUserEnvironment yes" in sshd config (should not # be an issue since it is more than likely that there are no "normal" # user accounts on a gitlab server). The alternative is for the admin to # install a ruby (1.9.3+) in the global path., ".ssh", "environment"), "w+") do |f| f.puts "PATH=#{ENV['PATH']}" end end desc "GITLAB | Setup gitlab-shell" task setup: :environment do setup end desc "GITLAB | Build missing projects" task build_missing_projects: :environment do Project.find_each(batch_size: 1000) do |project| path_to_repo = project.repository.path_to_repo if File.exists?(path_to_repo) print '-' else if print '.' else print 'F' end end end end end def setup warn_user_is_not_gitlab unless ENV['force'] == 'yes' puts "This will rebuild an authorized_keys file." puts "You will lose any data stored in authorized_keys file." ask_to_continue puts "" end do |adder| Key.find_each(batch_size: 1000) do |key| adder.add_key(key.shell_id, key.key) print '.' end end puts "" unless $?.success? puts "Failed to add keys...".red exit 1 end rescue Gitlab::TaskAbortedByUserError puts "Quitting...".red exit 1 end def reset_to_commit(args) tag, status = Gitlab::Popen.popen(%W(git describe -- #{args.tag})) unless tag, status = Gitlab::Popen.popen(%W(git describe -- origin/#{args.tag})) end tag = tag.strip system(*%W(git reset --hard #{tag})) end end