((global) => { class Todos { constructor({ el = $('.js-todos-options') }) { this.allDoneClicked = this.allDoneClicked.bind(this); this.doneClicked = this.doneClicked.bind(this); this.el = el; this.perPage = el.data('perPage'); this.clearListeners(); this.initBtnListeners(); this.initFilters(); } clearListeners() { $('.done-todo').off('click'); $('.js-todos-mark-all').off('click'); return $('.todo').off('click'); } initBtnListeners() { $('.done-todo').on('click', this.doneClicked); $('.js-todos-mark-all').on('click', this.allDoneClicked); return $('.todo').on('click', this.goToTodoUrl); } initFilters() { new UsersSelect(); this.initFilterDropdown($('.js-project-search'), 'project_id', ['text']); this.initFilterDropdown($('.js-type-search'), 'type'); this.initFilterDropdown($('.js-action-search'), 'action_id'); $('form.filter-form').on('submit', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); Turbolinks.visit(this.action + '&' + $(this).serialize()); }); } initFilterDropdown($dropdown, fieldName, searchFields) { $dropdown.glDropdown({ fieldName, selectable: true, filterable: searchFields ? true : false, search: { fields: searchFields }, data: $dropdown.data('data'), clicked: function() { return $dropdown.closest('form.filter-form').submit(); } }) } doneClicked(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); const $target = $(e.currentTarget); $target.disable(); return $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: $target.attr('href'), dataType: 'json', data: { '_method': 'delete' }, success: (data) => { this.redirectIfNeeded(data.count); this.clearDone($target.closest('li')); return this.updateBadges(data); } }); } allDoneClicked(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); $target = $(e.currentTarget); $target.disable(); return $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: $target.attr('href'), dataType: 'json', data: { '_method': 'delete' }, success: (data) => { $target.remove(); $('.prepend-top-default').html('
You\'re all done!
'); return this.updateBadges(data); } }); } clearDone($row) { const $ul = $row.closest('ul'); $row.remove(); if (!$ul.find('li').length) { return $ul.parents('.panel').remove(); } } updateBadges(data) { $('.todos-pending .badge, .todos-pending-count').text(data.count); return $('.todos-done .badge').text(data.done_count); } getTotalPages() { return this.el.data('totalPages'); } getCurrentPage() { return this.el.data('currentPage'); } getTodosPerPage() { return this.el.data('perPage'); } redirectIfNeeded(total) { const currPages = this.getTotalPages(); const currPage = this.getCurrentPage(); // Refresh if no remaining Todos if (!total) { window.location.reload(); return; } // Do nothing if no pagination if (!currPages) { return; } const newPages = Math.ceil(total / this.getTodosPerPage()); let url = location.href; if (newPages !== currPages) { // Redirect to previous page if there's one available if (currPages > 1 && currPage === currPages) { const pageParams = { page: currPages - 1 }; url = gl.utils.mergeUrlParams(pageParams, url); } return Turbolinks.visit(url); } } goToTodoUrl(e) { const todoLink = $(this).data('url'); if (!todoLink) { return; } // Allow Meta-Click or Mouse3-click to open in a new tab if (e.metaKey || e.which === 2) { e.preventDefault(); return window.open(todoLink, '_blank'); } else { return Turbolinks.visit(todoLink); } } } global.Todos = Todos; })(window.gl || (window.gl = {}));