# Gitlab::Git::Commit is a wrapper around Gitaly::GitCommit module Gitlab module Git class Commit include Gitlab::EncodingHelper extend Gitlab::Git::WrapsGitalyErrors attr_accessor :raw_commit, :head MAX_COMMIT_MESSAGE_DISPLAY_SIZE = 10.megabytes MIN_SHA_LENGTH = 7 SERIALIZE_KEYS = [ :id, :message, :parent_ids, :authored_date, :author_name, :author_email, :committed_date, :committer_name, :committer_email ].freeze attr_accessor *SERIALIZE_KEYS # rubocop:disable Lint/AmbiguousOperator def ==(other) return false unless other.is_a?(Gitlab::Git::Commit) id && id == other.id end class << self # Get commits collection # # Ex. # Commit.where( # repo: repo, # ref: 'master', # path: 'app/models', # limit: 10, # offset: 5, # ) # def where(options) repo = options.delete(:repo) raise 'Gitlab::Git::Repository is required' unless repo.respond_to?(:log) repo.log(options) end # Get single commit # # Ex. # Commit.find(repo, '29eda46b') # # Commit.find(repo, 'master') # # Gitaly migration: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/issues/321 def find(repo, commit_id = "HEAD") # Already a commit? return commit_id if commit_id.is_a?(Gitlab::Git::Commit) # Some weird thing? return nil unless commit_id.is_a?(String) # This saves us an RPC round trip. return nil if commit_id.include?(':') commit = wrapped_gitaly_errors do repo.gitaly_commit_client.find_commit(commit_id) end decorate(repo, commit) if commit rescue Gitlab::Git::CommandError, Gitlab::Git::Repository::NoRepository, ArgumentError nil end # Get last commit for HEAD # # Ex. # Commit.last(repo) # def last(repo) find(repo) end # Get last commit for specified path and ref # # Ex. # Commit.last_for_path(repo, '29eda46b', 'app/models') # # Commit.last_for_path(repo, 'master', 'Gemfile') # def last_for_path(repo, ref, path = nil) where( repo: repo, ref: ref, path: path, limit: 1 ).first end # Get commits between two revspecs # See also #repository.commits_between # # Ex. # Commit.between(repo, '29eda46b', 'master') # def between(repo, base, head) wrapped_gitaly_errors do repo.gitaly_commit_client.between(base, head) end end # Returns commits collection # # Ex. # Commit.find_all( # repo, # ref: 'master', # max_count: 10, # skip: 5, # order: :date # ) # # +options+ is a Hash of optional arguments to git # :ref is the ref from which to begin (SHA1 or name) # :max_count is the maximum number of commits to fetch # :skip is the number of commits to skip # :order is the commits order and allowed value is :none (default), :date, # :topo, or any combination of them (in an array). Commit ordering types # are documented here: # http://www.rubydoc.info/github/libgit2/rugged/Rugged#SORT_NONE-constant) def find_all(repo, options = {}) wrapped_gitaly_errors do Gitlab::GitalyClient::CommitService.new(repo).find_all_commits(options) end end def decorate(repository, commit, ref = nil) Gitlab::Git::Commit.new(repository, commit, ref) end def shas_with_signatures(repository, shas) Gitlab::GitalyClient::CommitService.new(repository).filter_shas_with_signatures(shas) end # Only to be used when the object ids will not necessarily have a # relation to each other. The last 10 commits for a branch for example, # should go through .where def batch_by_oid(repo, oids) wrapped_gitaly_errors do repo.gitaly_commit_client.list_commits_by_oid(oids) end end def extract_signature(repository, commit_id) repository.gitaly_commit_client.extract_signature(commit_id) end def extract_signature_lazily(repository, commit_id) BatchLoader.for({ repository: repository, commit_id: commit_id }).batch do |items, loader| items_by_repo = items.group_by { |i| i[:repository] } items_by_repo.each do |repo, items| commit_ids = items.map { |i| i[:commit_id] } signatures = batch_signature_extraction(repository, commit_ids) signatures.each do |commit_sha, signature_data| loader.call({ repository: repository, commit_id: commit_sha }, signature_data) end end end end def batch_signature_extraction(repository, commit_ids) repository.gitaly_commit_client.get_commit_signatures(commit_ids) end def get_message(repository, commit_id) BatchLoader.for({ repository: repository, commit_id: commit_id }).batch do |items, loader| items_by_repo = items.group_by { |i| i[:repository] } items_by_repo.each do |repo, items| commit_ids = items.map { |i| i[:commit_id] } messages = get_messages(repository, commit_ids) messages.each do |commit_sha, message| loader.call({ repository: repository, commit_id: commit_sha }, message) end end end end def get_messages(repository, commit_ids) repository.gitaly_commit_client.get_commit_messages(commit_ids) end end def initialize(repository, raw_commit, head = nil) raise "Nil as raw commit passed" unless raw_commit @repository = repository @head = head case raw_commit when Hash init_from_hash(raw_commit) when Gitaly::GitCommit init_from_gitaly(raw_commit) else raise "Invalid raw commit type: #{raw_commit.class}" end end def sha id end def short_id(length = 10) id.to_s[0..length] end def safe_message @safe_message ||= message end def created_at committed_date end # Was this commit committed by a different person than the original author? def different_committer? author_name != committer_name || author_email != committer_email end def parent_id parent_ids.first end # Returns a diff object for the changes from this commit's first parent. # If there is no parent, then the diff is between this commit and an # empty repo. See Repository#diff for keys allowed in the +options+ # hash. def diff_from_parent(options = {}) @repository.gitaly_commit_client.diff_from_parent(self, options) end def deltas @deltas ||= begin deltas = @repository.gitaly_commit_client.commit_deltas(self) deltas.map { |delta| Gitlab::Git::Diff.new(delta) } end end def has_zero_stats? stats.total.zero? rescue true end def no_commit_message "--no commit message" end def to_hash serialize_keys.map.with_object({}) do |key, hash| hash[key] = send(key) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend end end def date committed_date end def diffs(options = {}) Gitlab::Git::DiffCollection.new(diff_from_parent(options), options) end def parents parent_ids.map { |oid| self.class.find(@repository, oid) }.compact end def stats Gitlab::Git::CommitStats.new(@repository, self) end # Get ref names collection # # Ex. # commit.ref_names(repo) # def ref_names(repo) refs(repo).map do |ref| ref.sub(%r{^refs/(heads|remotes|tags)/}, "") end end def message encode! @message end def author_name encode! @author_name end def author_email encode! @author_email end def committer_name encode! @committer_name end def committer_email encode! @committer_email end def merge_commit? parent_ids.size > 1 end def tree_entry(path) return unless path.present? # We're only interested in metadata, so limit actual data to 1 byte # since Gitaly doesn't support "send no data" option. entry = @repository.gitaly_commit_client.tree_entry(id, path, 1) return unless entry entry = entry.to_h entry.delete(:data) entry[:name] = File.basename(path) entry[:type] = entry[:type].downcase entry end def to_gitaly_commit return raw_commit if raw_commit.is_a?(Gitaly::GitCommit) message_split = raw_commit.message.split("\n", 2) Gitaly::GitCommit.new( id: raw_commit.oid, subject: message_split[0] ? message_split[0].chomp.b : "", body: raw_commit.message.b, parent_ids: raw_commit.parent_ids, author: gitaly_commit_author_from_raw(raw_commit.author), committer: gitaly_commit_author_from_raw(raw_commit.committer) ) end private def init_from_hash(hash) raw_commit = hash.symbolize_keys serialize_keys.each do |key| send("#{key}=", raw_commit[key]) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend end end def init_from_gitaly(commit) @raw_commit = commit @id = commit.id # TODO: Once gitaly "takes over" Rugged consider separating the # subject from the message to make it clearer when there's one # available but not the other. @message = message_from_gitaly_body @authored_date = Time.at(commit.author.date.seconds).utc @author_name = commit.author.name.dup @author_email = commit.author.email.dup @committed_date = Time.at(commit.committer.date.seconds).utc @committer_name = commit.committer.name.dup @committer_email = commit.committer.email.dup @parent_ids = Array(commit.parent_ids) end def serialize_keys SERIALIZE_KEYS end def gitaly_commit_author_from_raw(author_or_committer) Gitaly::CommitAuthor.new( name: author_or_committer[:name].b, email: author_or_committer[:email].b, date: Google::Protobuf::Timestamp.new(seconds: author_or_committer[:time].to_i) ) end # Get a collection of Gitlab::Git::Ref objects for this commit. # # Ex. # commit.ref(repo) # def refs(repo) repo.refs_hash[id] end def message_from_gitaly_body return @raw_commit.subject.dup if @raw_commit.body_size.zero? return @raw_commit.body.dup if full_body_fetched_from_gitaly? if @raw_commit.body_size > MAX_COMMIT_MESSAGE_DISPLAY_SIZE "#{@raw_commit.subject}\n\n--commit message is too big".strip else fetch_body_from_gitaly end end def full_body_fetched_from_gitaly? @raw_commit.body.bytesize == @raw_commit.body_size end def fetch_body_from_gitaly self.class.get_message(@repository, id) end end end end