/* eslint-disable no-return-assign, one-var, no-var, no-unused-vars, consistent-return, object-shorthand, prefer-template, class-methods-use-this, no-lonely-if, vars-on-top */ import $ from 'jquery'; import { escape, throttle } from 'underscore'; import { s__, __, sprintf } from '~/locale'; import { getIdenticonBackgroundClass, getIdenticonTitle } from '~/helpers/avatar_helper'; import axios from './lib/utils/axios_utils'; import DropdownUtils from './filtered_search/dropdown_utils'; import { isInGroupsPage, isInProjectPage, getGroupSlug, getProjectSlug, spriteIcon, } from './lib/utils/common_utils'; /** * Search input in top navigation bar. * On click, opens a dropdown * As the user types it filters the results * When the user clicks `x` button it cleans the input and closes the dropdown. */ const KEYCODE = { ESCAPE: 27, BACKSPACE: 8, ENTER: 13, UP: 38, DOWN: 40, }; function setSearchOptions() { var $projectOptionsDataEl = $('.js-search-project-options'); var $groupOptionsDataEl = $('.js-search-group-options'); var $dashboardOptionsDataEl = $('.js-search-dashboard-options'); if ($projectOptionsDataEl.length) { gl.projectOptions = gl.projectOptions || {}; var projectPath = $projectOptionsDataEl.data('projectPath'); gl.projectOptions[projectPath] = { name: $projectOptionsDataEl.data('name'), issuesPath: $projectOptionsDataEl.data('issuesPath'), issuesDisabled: $projectOptionsDataEl.data('issuesDisabled'), mrPath: $projectOptionsDataEl.data('mrPath'), }; } if ($groupOptionsDataEl.length) { gl.groupOptions = gl.groupOptions || {}; var groupPath = $groupOptionsDataEl.data('groupPath'); gl.groupOptions[groupPath] = { name: $groupOptionsDataEl.data('name'), issuesPath: $groupOptionsDataEl.data('issuesPath'), mrPath: $groupOptionsDataEl.data('mrPath'), }; } if ($dashboardOptionsDataEl.length) { gl.dashboardOptions = { name: s__('SearchAutocomplete|All GitLab'), issuesPath: $dashboardOptionsDataEl.data('issuesPath'), mrPath: $dashboardOptionsDataEl.data('mrPath'), }; } } export class SearchAutocomplete { constructor({ wrap, optsEl, autocompletePath, projectId, projectRef } = {}) { setSearchOptions(); this.bindEventContext(); this.wrap = wrap || $('.search'); this.optsEl = optsEl || this.wrap.find('.search-autocomplete-opts'); this.autocompletePath = autocompletePath || this.optsEl.data('autocompletePath'); this.projectId = projectId || (this.optsEl.data('autocompleteProjectId') || ''); this.projectRef = projectRef || (this.optsEl.data('autocompleteProjectRef') || ''); this.dropdown = this.wrap.find('.dropdown'); this.dropdownToggle = this.wrap.find('.js-dropdown-search-toggle'); this.dropdownMenu = this.dropdown.find('.dropdown-menu'); this.dropdownContent = this.dropdown.find('.dropdown-content'); this.scopeInputEl = this.getElement('#scope'); this.searchInput = this.getElement('.search-input'); this.projectInputEl = this.getElement('#search_project_id'); this.groupInputEl = this.getElement('#group_id'); this.searchCodeInputEl = this.getElement('#search_code'); this.repositoryInputEl = this.getElement('#repository_ref'); this.clearInput = this.getElement('.js-clear-input'); this.scrollFadeInitialized = false; this.saveOriginalState(); // Only when user is logged in if (gon.current_user_id) { this.createAutocomplete(); } this.searchInput.addClass('disabled'); this.saveTextLength(); this.bindEvents(); this.dropdownToggle.dropdown(); } // Finds an element inside wrapper element bindEventContext() { this.onSearchInputBlur = this.onSearchInputBlur.bind(this); this.onClearInputClick = this.onClearInputClick.bind(this); this.onSearchInputFocus = this.onSearchInputFocus.bind(this); this.onSearchInputKeyUp = this.onSearchInputKeyUp.bind(this); this.onSearchInputKeyDown = this.onSearchInputKeyDown.bind(this); this.setScrollFade = this.setScrollFade.bind(this); } getElement(selector) { return this.wrap.find(selector); } saveOriginalState() { return (this.originalState = this.serializeState()); } saveTextLength() { return (this.lastTextLength = this.searchInput.val().length); } createAutocomplete() { return this.searchInput.glDropdown({ filterInputBlur: false, filterable: true, filterRemote: true, highlight: true, icon: true, enterCallback: false, filterInput: 'input#search', search: { fields: ['text'], }, id: this.getSearchText, data: this.getData.bind(this), selectable: true, clicked: this.onClick.bind(this), }); } getSearchText(selectedObject, el) { return selectedObject.id ? selectedObject.text : ''; } getData(term, callback) { if (!term) { const contents = this.getCategoryContents(); if (contents) { const glDropdownInstance = this.searchInput.data('glDropdown'); if (glDropdownInstance) { glDropdownInstance.filter.options.callback(contents); } this.enableAutocomplete(); } return; } // Prevent multiple ajax calls if (this.loadingSuggestions) { return; } this.loadingSuggestions = true; return axios .get(this.autocompletePath, { params: { project_id: this.projectId, project_ref: this.projectRef, term: term, }, }) .then(response => { // Hide dropdown menu if no suggestions returns if (!response.data.length) { this.disableAutocomplete(); return; } const data = []; // List results let firstCategory = true; let lastCategory; for (let i = 0, len = response.data.length; i < len; i += 1) { const suggestion = response.data[i]; // Add group header before list each group if (lastCategory !== suggestion.category) { if (!firstCategory) { data.push('separator'); } if (firstCategory) { firstCategory = false; } data.push({ header: suggestion.category, }); lastCategory = suggestion.category; } data.push({ id: `${suggestion.category.toLowerCase()}-${suggestion.id}`, icon: this.getAvatar(suggestion), category: suggestion.category, text: suggestion.label, url: suggestion.url, }); } // Add option to proceed with the search if (data.length) { const icon = spriteIcon('search', 's16 inline-search-icon'); let template; if (this.projectInputEl.val()) { template = s__('SearchAutocomplete|in this project'); } if (this.groupInputEl.val()) { template = s__('SearchAutocomplete|in this group'); } data.unshift('separator'); data.unshift({ icon, text: term, template: s__('SearchAutocomplete|in all GitLab'), url: `${gon.relative_url_root}/search?search=${term}`, }); if (template) { data.unshift({ icon, text: term, template, url: `${ gon.relative_url_root }/search?search=${term}&project_id=${this.projectInputEl.val()}&group_id=${this.groupInputEl.val()}`, }); } } callback(data); this.loadingSuggestions = false; this.highlightFirstRow(); this.setScrollFade(); }) .catch(() => { this.loadingSuggestions = false; }); } getCategoryContents() { const userName = gon.current_username; const { projectOptions, groupOptions, dashboardOptions } = gl; // Get options let options; if (isInGroupsPage() && groupOptions) { options = groupOptions[getGroupSlug()]; } else if (isInProjectPage() && projectOptions) { options = projectOptions[getProjectSlug()]; } else if (dashboardOptions) { options = dashboardOptions; } const { issuesPath, mrPath, name, issuesDisabled } = options; const baseItems = []; if (name) { baseItems.push({ header: `${name}`, }); } const issueItems = [ { text: s__('SearchAutocomplete|Issues assigned to me'), url: `${issuesPath}/?assignee_username=${userName}`, }, { text: s__("SearchAutocomplete|Issues I've created"), url: `${issuesPath}/?author_username=${userName}`, }, ]; const mergeRequestItems = [ { text: s__('SearchAutocomplete|Merge requests assigned to me'), url: `${mrPath}/?assignee_username=${userName}`, }, { text: s__("SearchAutocomplete|Merge requests I've created"), url: `${mrPath}/?author_username=${userName}`, }, ]; let items; if (issuesDisabled) { items = baseItems.concat(mergeRequestItems); } else { items = baseItems.concat(...issueItems, ...mergeRequestItems); } return items; } serializeState() { return { // Search Criteria search_project_id: this.projectInputEl.val(), group_id: this.groupInputEl.val(), search_code: this.searchCodeInputEl.val(), repository_ref: this.repositoryInputEl.val(), scope: this.scopeInputEl.val(), }; } bindEvents() { this.searchInput.on('keydown', this.onSearchInputKeyDown); this.searchInput.on('keyup', this.onSearchInputKeyUp); this.searchInput.on('focus', this.onSearchInputFocus); this.searchInput.on('blur', this.onSearchInputBlur); this.clearInput.on('click', this.onClearInputClick); this.dropdownContent.on('scroll', throttle(this.setScrollFade, 250)); } enableAutocomplete() { this.setScrollFade(); // No need to enable anything if user is not logged in if (!gon.current_user_id) { return; } // If the dropdown is closed, we'll open it if (!this.dropdown.hasClass('show')) { this.loadingSuggestions = false; this.dropdownToggle.dropdown('toggle'); return this.searchInput.removeClass('disabled'); } } // Saves last length of the entered text onSearchInputKeyDown() { return this.saveTextLength(); } onSearchInputKeyUp(e) { switch (e.keyCode) { case KEYCODE.BACKSPACE: // When removing the last character and no badge is present if (this.lastTextLength === 1) { this.disableAutocomplete(); } // When removing any character from existin value if (this.lastTextLength > 1) { this.enableAutocomplete(); } break; case KEYCODE.ESCAPE: this.restoreOriginalState(); break; case KEYCODE.ENTER: this.disableAutocomplete(); break; case KEYCODE.UP: case KEYCODE.DOWN: return; default: // Handle the case when deleting the input value other than backspace // e.g. Pressing ctrl + backspace or ctrl + x if (this.searchInput.val() === '') { this.disableAutocomplete(); } else { // We should display the menu only when input is not empty if (e.keyCode !== KEYCODE.ENTER) { this.enableAutocomplete(); } } } this.wrap.toggleClass('has-value', !!e.target.value); } onSearchInputFocus() { this.isFocused = true; this.wrap.addClass('search-active'); if (this.getValue() === '') { return this.getData(); } } getValue() { return this.searchInput.val(); } onClearInputClick(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.wrap.toggleClass('has-value', !!e.target.value); return this.searchInput.val('').focus(); } onSearchInputBlur(e) { this.isFocused = false; this.wrap.removeClass('search-active'); // If input is blank then restore state if (this.searchInput.val() === '') { return this.restoreOriginalState(); } this.dropdownMenu.removeClass('show'); } restoreOriginalState() { var i, input, inputs, len; inputs = Object.keys(this.originalState); for (i = 0, len = inputs.length; i < len; i += 1) { input = inputs[i]; this.getElement('#' + input).val(this.originalState[input]); } } resetSearchState() { var i, input, inputs, len, results; inputs = Object.keys(this.originalState); results = []; for (i = 0, len = inputs.length; i < len; i += 1) { input = inputs[i]; results.push(this.getElement('#' + input).val('')); } return results; } disableAutocomplete() { if (!this.searchInput.hasClass('disabled') && this.dropdown.hasClass('show')) { this.searchInput.addClass('disabled'); this.dropdown.removeClass('show').trigger('hidden.bs.dropdown'); this.restoreMenu(); } } restoreMenu() { var html; html = ``; return this.dropdownContent.html(html); } onClick(item, $el, e) { if (window.location.pathname.indexOf(item.url) !== -1) { if (!e.metaKey) e.preventDefault(); if (item.category === 'Projects') { this.projectInputEl.val(item.id); } if (item.category === 'Groups') { this.groupInputEl.val(item.id); } $el.removeClass('is-active'); this.disableAutocomplete(); return this.searchInput.val('').focus(); } } highlightFirstRow() { this.searchInput.data('glDropdown').highlightRowAtIndex(null, 0); } getAvatar(item) { if (!Object.hasOwnProperty.call(item, 'avatar_url')) { return false; } const { label, id } = item; const avatarUrl = item.avatar_url; const avatar = avatarUrl ? `` : `
${getIdenticonTitle( escape(label), )}
`; return avatar; } isScrolledUp() { const el = this.dropdownContent[0]; const currentPosition = this.contentClientHeight + el.scrollTop; return currentPosition < this.maxPosition; } initScrollFade() { const el = this.dropdownContent[0]; this.scrollFadeInitialized = true; this.contentClientHeight = el.clientHeight; this.maxPosition = el.scrollHeight; this.dropdownMenu.addClass('dropdown-content-faded-mask'); } setScrollFade() { this.initScrollFade(); this.dropdownMenu.toggleClass('fade-out', !this.isScrolledUp()); } } export default function initSearchAutocomplete(opts) { return new SearchAutocomplete(opts); }