class @GLForm constructor: (@form) -> @textarea = @form.find('textarea.js-gfm-input') # Before we start, we should clean up any previous data for this form @destroy() # Setup the form @setupForm() 'gl-form', @ destroy: -> # Clean form listeners @clearEventListeners() 'gl-form', null setupForm: -> isNewForm =':not(.gfm-form)') @form.removeClass 'js-new-note-form' if isNewForm @form.find('.div-dropzone').remove() @form.addClass('gfm-form') disableButtonIfEmptyField @form.find('.js-note-text'), @form.find('.js-comment-button') # remove notify commit author checkbox for non-commit notes GitLab.GfmAutoComplete.setup() new DropzoneInput(@form) autosize(@textarea) # form and textarea event listeners @addEventListeners() # hide discard button @form.find('.js-note-discard').hide() clearEventListeners: -> 'focus' 'blur' addEventListeners: -> @textarea.on 'focus', -> $(@).closest('.md-area').addClass 'is-focused' @textarea.on 'blur', -> $(@).closest('.md-area').removeClass 'is-focused'