%li.timeline-entry{ id: dom_id(note), class: [dom_class(note), "note-row-#{note.id}", ('system-note' if note.system)], data: { discussion: note.discussion_id } } .timeline-entry-inner .timeline-icon = link_to user_path(note.author) do = image_tag avatar_icon(note.author_email), class: 'avatar s40', alt: '' .timeline-content .note-header - if note_editable?(note) .note-actions = link_to '#', title: 'Edit comment', class: 'js-note-edit' do = icon('pencil-square-o') = link_to namespace_project_note_path(note.project.namespace, note.project, note), title: 'Remove comment', method: :delete, data: { confirm: 'Are you sure you want to remove this comment?' }, remote: true, class: 'js-note-delete danger' do = icon('trash-o') - unless note.system - access = note.project.team.human_max_access(note.author.id) - if access %span.note-role.label = access = link_to_member(note.project, note.author, avatar: false) %span.author-username = '@' + note.author.username %span.note-last-update = link_to "##{dom_id(note)}", name: dom_id(note), title: "Link here" do = time_ago_with_tooltip(note.created_at, placement: 'bottom', html_class: 'note_created_ago') - if note.updated_at != note.created_at %span · = icon('edit', title: 'edited') = time_ago_with_tooltip(note.updated_at, placement: 'bottom', html_class: 'note_edited_ago') - if note.updated_by && note.updated_by != note.author by #{link_to_member(note.project, note.updated_by, avatar: false, author_class: nil)} - if note.superceded?(@notes) - if note.upvote? %span.vote.upvote.label.label-gray.strikethrough = icon('thumbs-up') \+1 - if note.downvote? %span.vote.downvote.label.label-gray.strikethrough = icon('thumbs-down') \-1 - else - if note.upvote? %span.vote.upvote.label.label-success = icon('thumbs-up') \+1 - if note.downvote? %span.vote.downvote.label.label-danger = icon('thumbs-down') \-1 .note-body{class: note_editable?(note) ? 'js-task-list-container' : ''} .note-text = preserve do = markdown(note.note, {no_header_anchors: true}) - unless note.system? -# System notes can't be edited = render 'projects/notes/edit_form', note: note - if note.attachment.url .note-attachment - if note.attachment.image? = link_to note.attachment.url, target: '_blank' do = image_tag note.attachment.url, class: 'note-image-attach' .attachment = link_to note.attachment.url, target: '_blank' do = icon('paperclip') = note.attachment_identifier = link_to delete_attachment_namespace_project_note_path(note.project.namespace, note.project, note), title: 'Delete this attachment', method: :delete, remote: true, data: { confirm: 'Are you sure you want to remove the attachment?' }, class: 'danger js-note-attachment-delete' do = icon('trash-o', class: 'cred') .clear