# frozen_string_literal: true class RefMatcher def initialize(ref_name_or_pattern) @ref_name_or_pattern = ref_name_or_pattern end # Returns all branches/tags (among the given list of refs [`Gitlab::Git::Branch`] or their names [`String`]) # that match the current protected ref. def matching(refs) refs.select { |ref| ref.is_a?(String) ? matches?(ref) : matches?(ref.name) } end # Checks if the protected ref matches the given ref name. def matches?(ref_name) return false if @ref_name_or_pattern.blank? exact_match?(ref_name) || wildcard_match?(ref_name) end # Checks if this protected ref contains a wildcard def wildcard? @ref_name_or_pattern && @ref_name_or_pattern.include?('*') end protected def exact_match?(ref_name) @ref_name_or_pattern == ref_name end def wildcard_match?(ref_name) return false unless wildcard? wildcard_regex === ref_name end def wildcard_regex @wildcard_regex ||= begin name = @ref_name_or_pattern.gsub('*', 'STAR_DONT_ESCAPE') quoted_name = Regexp.quote(name) regex_string = quoted_name.gsub('STAR_DONT_ESCAPE', '.*?') /\A#{regex_string}\z/ end end end