# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Admin::UsersController do let(:user) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:admin) { create(:admin) } before do sign_in(admin) end describe 'GET #index' do it 'retrieves all users' do get :index expect(assigns(:users)).to match_array([user, admin]) end it 'filters by admins' do get :index, params: { filter: 'admins' } expect(assigns(:users)).to eq([admin]) end it 'eager loads authorized projects association' do get :index expect(assigns(:users).first.association(:authorized_projects)).to be_loaded end context 'pagination' do context 'when number of users is over the pagination limit' do before do stub_const('Admin::UsersController::PAGINATION_WITH_COUNT_LIMIT', 5) allow(Gitlab::Database::Count).to receive(:approximate_counts).with([User]).and_return({ User => 6 }) end it 'marks the relation for pagination without counts' do get :index expect(assigns(:users)).to be_a(Kaminari::PaginatableWithoutCount) end end context 'when number of users is below the pagination limit' do it 'marks the relation for pagination with counts' do get :index expect(assigns(:users)).not_to be_a(Kaminari::PaginatableWithoutCount) end end end end describe 'GET :id' do it 'finds a user case-insensitively' do user = create(:user, username: 'CaseSensitive') get :show, params: { id: user.username.downcase } expect(response).to be_redirect expect(response.location).to end_with(user.username) end end describe 'DELETE #destroy', :sidekiq_might_not_need_inline do let(:project) { create(:project, namespace: user.namespace) } let!(:issue) { create(:issue, author: user) } before do project.add_developer(user) end it 'deletes user and ghosts their contributions' do delete :destroy, params: { id: user.username }, format: :json expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(User.exists?(user.id)).to be_falsy expect(issue.reload.author).to be_ghost end it 'deletes the user and their contributions when hard delete is specified' do delete :destroy, params: { id: user.username, hard_delete: true }, format: :json expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(User.exists?(user.id)).to be_falsy expect(Issue.exists?(issue.id)).to be_falsy end context 'prerequisites for account deletion' do context 'solo-owned groups' do let(:group) { create(:group) } context 'if the user is the sole owner of at least one group' do before do create(:group_member, :owner, group: group, user: user) end context 'soft-delete' do it 'fails' do delete :destroy, params: { id: user.username } message = s_('AdminUsers|You must transfer ownership or delete the groups owned by this user before you can delete their account') expect(flash[:alert]).to eq(message) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:see_other) expect(response).to redirect_to admin_user_path(user) expect(User.exists?(user.id)).to be_truthy end end context 'hard-delete' do it 'succeeds' do delete :destroy, params: { id: user.username, hard_delete: true } expect(response).to redirect_to(admin_users_path) expect(flash[:notice]).to eq(_('The user is being deleted.')) expect(User.exists?(user.id)).to be_falsy end end end end end end describe 'DELETE #reject' do subject { put :reject, params: { id: user.username } } context 'when rejecting a pending user' do let(:user) { create(:user, :blocked_pending_approval) } it 'hard deletes the user', :sidekiq_inline do subject expect(User.exists?(user.id)).to be_falsy end it 'displays the rejection message' do subject expect(response).to redirect_to(admin_user_path(user)) expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("You've rejected #{user.name}") end it 'sends the user a rejection email' do expect_next_instance_of(NotificationService) do |notification| allow(notification).to receive(:user_admin_rejection).with(user.name, user.notification_email_or_default) end subject end end context 'when user is not pending' do let(:user) { create(:user, state: 'active') } it 'does not reject and delete the user' do subject expect(User.exists?(user.id)).to be_truthy end it 'displays the error' do subject expect(flash[:alert]).to eq('User does not have a pending request') end it 'does not email the user' do expect(NotificationService).not_to receive(:new) subject end end end describe 'PUT #approve' do let(:user) { create(:user, :blocked_pending_approval) } subject { put :approve, params: { id: user.username } } context 'when successful' do it 'activates the user' do subject user.reload expect(user).to be_active expect(flash[:notice]).to eq('Successfully approved') end it 'emails the user on approval' do expect(DeviseMailer).to receive(:user_admin_approval).with(user).and_call_original expect { subject }.to have_enqueued_mail(DeviseMailer, :user_admin_approval) end end context 'when unsuccessful' do let(:user) { create(:user, :blocked) } it 'displays the error' do subject expect(flash[:alert]).to eq('The user you are trying to approve is not pending approval') end it 'does not activate the user' do subject user.reload expect(user).not_to be_active end it 'does not email the pending user' do expect { subject }.not_to have_enqueued_mail(DeviseMailer, :user_admin_approval) end end end describe 'PUT #activate' do shared_examples 'a request that activates the user' do it 'activates the user' do put :activate, params: { id: user.username } user.reload expect(user.active?).to be_truthy expect(flash[:notice]).to eq('Successfully activated') end end context 'for a deactivated user' do before do user.deactivate end it_behaves_like 'a request that activates the user' end context 'for an active user' do it_behaves_like 'a request that activates the user' end context 'for a blocked user' do before do user.block end it 'does not activate the user' do put :activate, params: { id: user.username } user.reload expect(user.active?).to be_falsey expect(flash[:notice]).to eq('Error occurred. A blocked user must be unblocked to be activated') end end end describe 'PUT #deactivate' do shared_examples 'a request that deactivates the user' do it 'deactivates the user' do put :deactivate, params: { id: user.username } user.reload expect(user.deactivated?).to be_truthy expect(flash[:notice]).to eq('Successfully deactivated') end end context 'for an active user' do let(:activity) { {} } let(:user) { create(:user, **activity) } context 'with no recent activity' do let(:activity) { { last_activity_on: Gitlab::CurrentSettings.deactivate_dormant_users_period.next.days.ago } } it_behaves_like 'a request that deactivates the user' end context 'with recent activity' do let(:activity) { { last_activity_on: Gitlab::CurrentSettings.deactivate_dormant_users_period.pred.days.ago } } it 'does not deactivate the user' do put :deactivate, params: { id: user.username } user.reload expect(user.deactivated?).to be_falsey expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("The user you are trying to deactivate has been active in the past #{Gitlab::CurrentSettings.deactivate_dormant_users_period} days and cannot be deactivated") end end end context 'for a deactivated user' do before do user.deactivate end it_behaves_like 'a request that deactivates the user' end context 'for a blocked user' do before do user.block end it 'does not deactivate the user' do put :deactivate, params: { id: user.username } user.reload expect(user.deactivated?).to be_falsey expect(flash[:notice]).to eq('Error occurred. A blocked user cannot be deactivated') end end context 'for an internal user' do it 'does not deactivate the user' do internal_user = User.alert_bot put :deactivate, params: { id: internal_user.username } expect(internal_user.reload.deactivated?).to be_falsey expect(flash[:notice]).to eq('Internal users cannot be deactivated') end end end describe 'PUT block/:id' do it 'blocks user' do put :block, params: { id: user.username } user.reload expect(user.blocked?).to be_truthy expect(flash[:notice]).to eq _('Successfully blocked') end end describe 'PUT unblock/:id' do context 'ldap blocked users' do let(:user) { create(:omniauth_user, provider: 'ldapmain') } before do user.ldap_block end it 'does not unblock user' do put :unblock, params: { id: user.username } user.reload expect(user.blocked?).to be_truthy expect(flash[:alert]).to eq _('This user cannot be unlocked manually from GitLab') end end context 'manually blocked users' do before do user.block end it 'unblocks user' do put :unblock, params: { id: user.username } user.reload expect(user.blocked?).to be_falsey expect(flash[:notice]).to eq _('Successfully unblocked') end end end describe 'PUT ban/:id', :aggregate_failures do context 'when ban_user_feature_flag is enabled' do it 'bans user' do put :ban, params: { id: user.username } expect(user.reload.banned?).to be_truthy expect(flash[:notice]).to eq _('Successfully banned') end context 'when unsuccessful' do let(:user) { create(:user, :blocked) } it 'does not ban user' do put :ban, params: { id: user.username } user.reload expect(user.banned?).to be_falsey expect(flash[:alert]).to eq _('Error occurred. User was not banned') end end end context 'when ban_user_feature_flag is not enabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(ban_user_feature_flag: false) end it 'does not ban user, renders 404' do put :ban, params: { id: user.username } expect(user.reload.banned?).to be_falsey expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end end describe 'PUT unban/:id', :aggregate_failures do let(:banned_user) { create(:user, :banned) } it 'unbans user' do put :unban, params: { id: banned_user.username } expect(banned_user.reload.banned?).to be_falsey expect(flash[:notice]).to eq _('Successfully unbanned') end end describe 'PUT unlock/:id' do before do request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] = "/" user.lock_access! end it 'unlocks user' do put :unlock, params: { id: user.username } user.reload expect(user.access_locked?).to be_falsey expect(flash[:notice]).to eq _('Successfully unlocked') end end describe 'PUT confirm/:id' do shared_examples_for 'confirms the user' do it 'confirms the user' do put :confirm, params: { id: user.username } user.reload expect(user.confirmed?).to be_truthy end end let(:expired_confirmation_sent_at) { Date.today - User.confirm_within - 7.days } let(:extant_confirmation_sent_at) { Date.today } let(:user) do create(:user, :unconfirmed).tap do |user| user.update!(confirmation_sent_at: confirmation_sent_at) end end before do request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] = "/" end context 'when the confirmation period has expired' do let(:confirmation_sent_at) { expired_confirmation_sent_at } it_behaves_like 'confirms the user' end context 'when the confirmation period has not expired' do let(:confirmation_sent_at) { extant_confirmation_sent_at } it_behaves_like 'confirms the user' end end describe 'PATCH disable_two_factor' do subject { patch :disable_two_factor, params: { id: user.to_param } } context 'for a user that has 2FA enabled' do let(:user) { create(:user, :two_factor) } it 'disables 2FA for the user' do subject expect(user.reload.two_factor_enabled?).to eq(false) end it 'redirects back' do subject expect(response).to redirect_to(admin_user_path(user)) end it 'displays a notice on success' do subject expect(flash[:notice]) .to eq _('Two-factor authentication has been disabled for this user') end end context 'for a user that does not have 2FA enabled' do it 'redirects back' do subject expect(response).to redirect_to(admin_user_path(user)) end it 'displays an alert on failure' do subject expect(flash[:alert]) .to eq _('Two-factor authentication is not enabled for this user') end end end describe 'POST create' do it 'creates the user' do expect { post :create, params: { user: attributes_for(:user) } }.to change { User.count }.by(1) end it 'shows only one error message for an invalid email' do post :create, params: { user: attributes_for(:user, email: 'bogus') } errors = assigns[:user].errors expect(errors).to contain_exactly(errors.full_message(:email, I18n.t('errors.messages.invalid'))) end context 'admin notes' do it 'creates the user with note' do note = '2020-05-12 | Note | DCMA | Link' user_params = attributes_for(:user, note: note) expect { post :create, params: { user: user_params } }.to change { User.count }.by(1) new_user = User.last expect(new_user.note).to eq(note) end end end describe 'POST update' do context 'when the password has changed' do def update_password(user, password = User.random_password, password_confirmation = password, format = :html) params = { id: user.to_param, user: { password: password, password_confirmation: password_confirmation } } post :update, params: params, format: format end context 'when admin changes their own password' do context 'when password is valid' do it 'updates the password' do expect { update_password(admin) } .to change { admin.reload.encrypted_password } end it 'does not set the new password to expire immediately' do expect { update_password(admin) } .not_to change { admin.reload.password_expired? } end it 'does not enqueue the `admin changed your password` email' do expect { update_password(admin) } .not_to have_enqueued_mail(DeviseMailer, :password_change_by_admin) end it 'enqueues the `password changed` email' do expect { update_password(admin) } .to have_enqueued_mail(DeviseMailer, :password_change) end end end context 'when admin changes the password of another user' do context 'when the new password is valid' do it 'redirects to the user' do update_password(user) expect(response).to redirect_to(admin_user_path(user)) end it 'updates the password' do expect { update_password(user) } .to change { user.reload.encrypted_password } end it 'sets the new password to expire immediately' do expect { update_password(user) } .to change { user.reload.password_expired? }.from(false).to(true) end it 'enqueues the `admin changed your password` email' do expect { update_password(user) } .to have_enqueued_mail(DeviseMailer, :password_change_by_admin) end it 'does not enqueue the `password changed` email' do expect { update_password(user) } .not_to have_enqueued_mail(DeviseMailer, :password_change) end end end context 'when the new password is invalid' do let(:password) { 'invalid' } it 'shows the edit page again' do update_password(user, password) expect(response).to render_template(:edit) end it 'returns the error message' do update_password(user, password) expect(assigns[:user].errors).to contain_exactly(a_string_matching(/too short/)) end it 'does not update the password' do expect { update_password(user, password) } .not_to change { user.reload.encrypted_password } end end context 'when the new password does not match the password confirmation' do let(:password) { User.random_password } let(:password_confirmation) { User.random_password } it 'shows the edit page again' do update_password(user, password, password_confirmation) expect(response).to render_template(:edit) end it 'returns the error message' do update_password(user, password, password_confirmation) expect(assigns[:user].errors).to contain_exactly(a_string_matching(/doesn't match/)) end it 'does not update the password' do expect { update_password(user, password, password_confirmation) } .not_to change { user.reload.encrypted_password } end end context 'when the update fails' do let(:password) { User.random_password } before do expect_next_instance_of(Users::UpdateService) do |service| allow(service).to receive(:execute).and_return({ message: 'failed', status: :error }) end end it 'returns a 500 error' do expect { update_password(admin, password, password, :json) } .not_to change { admin.reload.password_expired? } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:error) end end end context 'admin notes' do it 'updates the note for the user' do note = '2020-05-12 | Note | DCMA | Link' params = { id: user.to_param, user: { note: note } } expect { post :update, params: params }.to change { user.reload.note }.to(note) end end context 'when updating credit card validation for user account' do let(:params) do { id: user.to_param, user: user_params } end shared_examples 'no credit card validation param' do let(:user_params) { { name: 'foo' } } it 'does not change credit card validation' do expect { post :update, params: params }.not_to change(Users::CreditCardValidation, :count) end end context 'when user has a credit card validation' do before do user.create_credit_card_validation!(credit_card_validated_at: Time.zone.now) end context 'with unchecked credit card validation' do let(:user_params) do { credit_card_validation_attributes: { credit_card_validated_at: '0' } } end it 'deletes credit_card_validation' do expect { post :update, params: params }.to change { Users::CreditCardValidation.count }.by(-1) end end context 'with checked credit card validation' do let(:user_params) do { credit_card_validation_attributes: { credit_card_validated_at: '1' } } end it 'does not change credit_card_validated_at' do expect { post :update, params: params }.not_to change { user.credit_card_validated_at } end end it_behaves_like 'no credit card validation param' end context 'when user does not have a credit card validation' do context 'with checked credit card validation' do let(:user_params) do { credit_card_validation_attributes: { credit_card_validated_at: '1' } } end it 'creates new credit card validation' do expect { post :update, params: params }.to change { Users::CreditCardValidation.count }.by 1 end end context 'with unchecked credit card validation' do let(:user_params) do { credit_card_validation_attributes: { credit_card_validated_at: '0' } } end it 'does not blow up' do expect { post :update, params: params }.not_to change(Users::CreditCardValidation, :count) end end it_behaves_like 'no credit card validation param' end context 'invalid parameters' do let(:user_params) do { credit_card_validation_attributes: { credit_card_validated_at: Time.current.iso8601 } } end it_behaves_like 'no credit card validation param' end context 'with non permitted params' do let(:user_params) do { credit_card_validation_attributes: { _destroy: true } } end before do user.create_credit_card_validation!(credit_card_validated_at: Time.zone.now) end it_behaves_like 'no credit card validation param' end end end describe "DELETE #remove_email" do it 'deletes the email' do email = create(:email, user: user) delete :remove_email, params: { id: user.username, email_id: email.id } expect(user.reload.emails).not_to include(email) expect(flash[:notice]).to eq('Successfully removed email.') end end describe "POST impersonate" do context "when the user is blocked" do before do user.block! end it "shows a notice" do post :impersonate, params: { id: user.username } expect(flash[:alert]).to eq(_('You cannot impersonate a blocked user')) end it "doesn't sign us in as the user" do post :impersonate, params: { id: user.username } expect(warden.user).to eq(admin) end end context "when the user is not blocked" do it "stores the impersonator in the session" do post :impersonate, params: { id: user.username } expect(session[:impersonator_id]).to eq(admin.id) end it "signs us in as the user" do post :impersonate, params: { id: user.username } expect(warden.user).to eq(user) end it 'logs the beginning of the impersonation event' do expect(Gitlab::AppLogger).to receive(:info).with("User #{admin.username} has started impersonating #{user.username}").and_call_original post :impersonate, params: { id: user.username } end it "redirects to root" do post :impersonate, params: { id: user.username } expect(response).to redirect_to(root_path) end it "shows a notice" do post :impersonate, params: { id: user.username } expect(flash[:alert]).to eq("You are now impersonating #{user.username}") end it 'clears token session keys' do session[:github_access_token] = SecureRandom.hex(8) post :impersonate, params: { id: user.username } expect(session[:github_access_token]).to be_nil end end context "when impersonation is disabled" do before do stub_config_setting(impersonation_enabled: false) end it "shows error page" do post :impersonate, params: { id: user.username } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end context 'when impersonating an admin and attempting to impersonate again' do let(:admin2) { create(:admin) } before do post :impersonate, params: { id: admin2.username } end it 'does not allow double impersonation', :aggregate_failures do post :impersonate, params: { id: user.username } expect(flash[:alert]).to eq(_('You are already impersonating another user')) expect(warden.user).to eq(admin2) end end end end