# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::Audit::Auditor do let(:name) { 'audit_operation' } let(:author) { create(:user, :with_sign_ins) } let(:group) { create(:group) } let(:provider) { 'standard' } let(:context) do { name: name, author: author, scope: group, target: group, authentication_event: true, authentication_provider: provider, message: "Signed in using standard authentication" } end let(:logger) { instance_spy(Gitlab::AuditJsonLogger) } subject(:auditor) { described_class } describe '.audit' do context 'when authentication event' do let(:audit!) { auditor.audit(context) } it 'creates an authentication event' do expect(AuthenticationEvent).to receive(:new).with( { user: author, user_name: author.name, ip_address: author.current_sign_in_ip, result: AuthenticationEvent.results[:success], provider: provider } ).and_call_original audit! authentication_event = AuthenticationEvent.last expect(authentication_event.user).to eq(author) expect(authentication_event.user_name).to eq(author.name) expect(authentication_event.ip_address).to eq(author.current_sign_in_ip) expect(authentication_event.provider).to eq(provider) end it 'logs audit events to database', :aggregate_failures do freeze_time do audit! audit_event = AuditEvent.last expect(audit_event.author_id).to eq(author.id) expect(audit_event.entity_id).to eq(group.id) expect(audit_event.entity_type).to eq(group.class.name) expect(audit_event.created_at).to eq(Time.zone.now) expect(audit_event.details[:target_id]).to eq(group.id) expect(audit_event.details[:target_type]).to eq(group.class.name) end end it 'logs audit events to file' do expect(::Gitlab::AuditJsonLogger).to receive(:build).and_return(logger) audit! expect(logger).to have_received(:info).with( hash_including( 'author_id' => author.id, 'author_name' => author.name, 'entity_id' => group.id, 'entity_type' => group.class.name, 'details' => kind_of(Hash) ) ) end context 'when overriding the create datetime' do let(:context) do { name: name, author: author, scope: group, target: group, created_at: 3.weeks.ago, authentication_event: true, authentication_provider: provider, message: "Signed in using standard authentication" } end it 'logs audit events to database', :aggregate_failures do freeze_time do audit! audit_event = AuditEvent.last expect(audit_event.author_id).to eq(author.id) expect(audit_event.entity_id).to eq(group.id) expect(audit_event.entity_type).to eq(group.class.name) expect(audit_event.created_at).to eq(3.weeks.ago) expect(audit_event.details[:target_id]).to eq(group.id) expect(audit_event.details[:target_type]).to eq(group.class.name) end end it 'logs audit events to file' do freeze_time do expect(::Gitlab::AuditJsonLogger).to receive(:build).and_return(logger) audit! expect(logger).to have_received(:info).with( hash_including( 'author_id' => author.id, 'author_name' => author.name, 'entity_id' => group.id, 'entity_type' => group.class.name, 'details' => kind_of(Hash), 'created_at' => 3.weeks.ago.iso8601(3) ) ) end end end context 'when overriding the additional_details' do additional_details = { action: :custom, from: false, to: true } let(:context) do { name: name, author: author, scope: group, target: group, created_at: Time.zone.now, additional_details: additional_details, authentication_event: true, authentication_provider: provider, message: "Signed in using standard authentication" } end it 'logs audit events to database' do freeze_time do audit! expect(AuditEvent.last.details).to include(additional_details) end end it 'logs audit events to file' do freeze_time do expect(::Gitlab::AuditJsonLogger).to receive(:build).and_return(logger) audit! expect(logger).to have_received(:info).with( hash_including( 'details' => hash_including('action' => 'custom', 'from' => 'false', 'to' => 'true'), 'action' => 'custom', 'from' => 'false', 'to' => 'true' ) ) end end end context 'when overriding the target_details' do target_details = "this is my target details" let(:context) do { name: name, author: author, scope: group, target: group, created_at: Time.zone.now, target_details: target_details, authentication_event: true, authentication_provider: provider, message: "Signed in using standard authentication" } end it 'logs audit events to database' do freeze_time do audit! audit_event = AuditEvent.last expect(audit_event.details).to include({ target_details: target_details }) expect(audit_event.target_details).to eq(target_details) end end it 'logs audit events to file' do freeze_time do expect(::Gitlab::AuditJsonLogger).to receive(:build).and_return(logger) audit! expect(logger).to have_received(:info).with( hash_including( 'details' => hash_including('target_details' => target_details), 'target_details' => target_details ) ) end end end end context 'when authentication event is false' do let(:context) do { name: name, author: author, scope: group, target: group, authentication_event: false, message: "sample message" } end it 'does not create an authentication event' do expect { auditor.audit(context) }.not_to change(AuthenticationEvent, :count) end end context 'when authentication event is invalid' do let(:audit!) { auditor.audit(context) } before do allow(AuthenticationEvent).to receive(:new).and_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) allow(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to receive(:track_exception) end it 'tracks error' do audit! expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to have_received(:track_exception).with( kind_of(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid), { audit_operation: name } ) end it 'does not throw exception' do expect { auditor.audit(context) }.not_to raise_exception end end context 'when audit events are invalid' do let(:audit!) { auditor.audit(context) } before do allow(AuditEvent).to receive(:bulk_insert!).and_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) allow(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to receive(:track_exception) end it 'tracks error' do audit! expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to have_received(:track_exception).with( kind_of(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid), { audit_operation: name } ) end it 'does not throw exception' do expect { auditor.audit(context) }.not_to raise_exception end end end end