# frozen_string_literal: true # LDAP extension for User model # # * Find or create user from omniauth.auth data # * Links LDAP account with existing user # * Auth LDAP user with login and password # module Gitlab module Auth module Ldap class User < Gitlab::Auth::OAuth::User extend ::Gitlab::Utils::Override def save super('LDAP') end # instance methods def find_user find_by_uid_and_provider || find_by_email || build_new_user end override :should_save? def should_save? gl_user.changed? || gl_user.identities.any?(&:changed?) end def block_after_signup? ldap_config.block_auto_created_users end def allowed? Gitlab::Auth::Ldap::Access.allowed?(gl_user) end def valid_sign_in? allowed? && super end def ldap_config Gitlab::Auth::Ldap::Config.new(auth_hash.provider) end def auth_hash=(auth_hash) @auth_hash = Gitlab::Auth::Ldap::AuthHash.new(auth_hash) end end end end end Gitlab::Auth::Ldap::User.prepend_mod_with('Gitlab::Auth::Ldap::User')