# frozen_string_literal: true # Gitlab::Middleware::Multipart - a Rack::Multipart replacement # # Rack::Multipart leaves behind tempfiles in /tmp and uses valuable Ruby # process time to copy files around. This alternative solution uses # gitlab-workhorse to clean up the tempfiles and puts the tempfiles in a # location where copying should not be needed. # # When gitlab-workhorse finds files in a multipart MIME body it sends # a signed message via a request header. This message lists the names of # the multipart entries that gitlab-workhorse filtered out of the # multipart structure and saved to tempfiles. Workhorse adds new entries # in the multipart structure with paths to the tempfiles. # # The job of this Rack middleware is to detect and decode the message # from workhorse. If present, it walks the Rack 'params' hash for the # current request, opens the respective tempfiles, and inserts the open # Ruby File objects in the params hash where Rack::Multipart would have # put them. The goal is that application code deeper down can keep # working the way it did with Rack::Multipart without changes. # # CAVEAT: the code that modifies the params hash is a bit complex. It is # conceivable that certain Rack params structures will not be modified # correctly. We are not aware of such bugs at this time though. # module Gitlab module Middleware class Multipart RACK_ENV_KEY = 'HTTP_GITLAB_WORKHORSE_MULTIPART_FIELDS' JWT_PARAM_SUFFIX = '.gitlab-workhorse-upload' JWT_PARAM_FIXED_KEY = 'upload' class Handler def initialize(env, message) @request = Rack::Request.new(env) @rewritten_fields = message['rewritten_fields'] @open_files = [] end def with_open_files @rewritten_fields.each do |field, tmp_path| parsed_field = Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query(field) raise "unexpected field: #{field.inspect}" unless parsed_field.count == 1 key, value = parsed_field.first if value.nil? # we have a top level param, eg. field = 'foo' and not 'foo[bar]' raise "invalid field: #{field.inspect}" if field != key value = open_file(@request.params, key, tmp_path.presence) @open_files << value else value = decorate_params_value(value, @request.params[key], tmp_path.presence) end update_param(key, value) end yield ensure @open_files.compact .each(&:close) end # This function calls itself recursively def decorate_params_value(path_hash, value_hash, path_override = nil) unless path_hash.is_a?(Hash) && path_hash.count == 1 raise "invalid path: #{path_hash.inspect}" end path_key, path_value = path_hash.first unless value_hash.is_a?(Hash) && value_hash[path_key] raise "invalid value hash: #{value_hash.inspect}" end case path_value when nil value_hash[path_key] = open_file(value_hash.dig(path_key), '', path_override) @open_files << value_hash[path_key] value_hash when Hash decorate_params_value(path_value, value_hash[path_key], path_override) value_hash else raise "unexpected path value: #{path_value.inspect}" end end def open_file(params, key, path_override = nil) ::UploadedFile.from_params(params, key, allowed_paths, path_override) end # update_params ensures that both rails controllers and rack middleware can find # workhorse accelerate files in the request def update_param(key, value) # we make sure we have key in POST otherwise update_params will add it in GET @request.POST[key] ||= value # this will force Rack::Request to properly update env keys @request.update_param(key, value) # ActionDispatch::Request is based on Rack::Request but it caches params # inside other env keys, here we ensure everything is updated correctly ActionDispatch::Request.new(@request.env).update_param(key, value) end private def package_allowed_paths packages_config = ::Gitlab.config.packages return [] unless allow_packages_storage_path?(packages_config) [::Packages::PackageFileUploader.workhorse_upload_path] end def allow_packages_storage_path?(packages_config) return false unless packages_config.enabled return false unless packages_config['storage_path'] return false if packages_config.object_store.enabled && packages_config.object_store.direct_upload true end def allowed_paths [ Dir.tmpdir, ::FileUploader.root, ::Gitlab.config.uploads.storage_path, ::JobArtifactUploader.workhorse_upload_path, ::LfsObjectUploader.workhorse_upload_path, File.join(Rails.root, 'public/uploads/tmp') ] + package_allowed_paths end end # TODO this class is meant to replace Handler when the feature flag # upload_middleware_jwt_params_handler is removed # See https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/233895#roll-out-steps class HandlerForJWTParams < Handler def with_open_files @rewritten_fields.keys.each do |field| parsed_field = Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query(field) raise "unexpected field: #{field.inspect}" unless parsed_field.count == 1 key, value = parsed_field.first if value.nil? # we have a top level param, eg. field = 'foo' and not 'foo[bar]' raise "invalid field: #{field.inspect}" if field != key value = open_file(extract_upload_params_from(@request.params, with_prefix: key)) @open_files << value else value = decorate_params_value(value, @request.params[key]) end update_param(key, value) end yield ensure @open_files.compact .each(&:close) end # This function calls itself recursively def decorate_params_value(hash_path, value_hash) unless hash_path.is_a?(Hash) && hash_path.count == 1 raise "invalid path: #{hash_path.inspect}" end path_key, path_value = hash_path.first unless value_hash.is_a?(Hash) && value_hash[path_key] raise "invalid value hash: #{value_hash.inspect}" end case path_value when nil value_hash[path_key] = open_file(extract_upload_params_from(value_hash[path_key])) @open_files << value_hash[path_key] value_hash when Hash decorate_params_value(path_value, value_hash[path_key]) value_hash else raise "unexpected path value: #{path_value.inspect}" end end def open_file(params) ::UploadedFile.from_params_without_field(params, allowed_paths) end private def extract_upload_params_from(params, with_prefix: '') param_key = "#{with_prefix}#{JWT_PARAM_SUFFIX}" jwt_token = params[param_key] raise "Empty JWT param: #{param_key}" if jwt_token.blank? payload = Gitlab::Workhorse.decode_jwt(jwt_token).first raise "Invalid JWT payload: not a Hash" unless payload.is_a?(Hash) upload_params = payload.fetch(JWT_PARAM_FIXED_KEY, {}) raise "Empty params for: #{param_key}" if upload_params.empty? upload_params end end def initialize(app) @app = app end def call(env) encoded_message = env.delete(RACK_ENV_KEY) return @app.call(env) if encoded_message.blank? message = ::Gitlab::Workhorse.decode_jwt(encoded_message)[0] handler_class.new(env, message).with_open_files do @app.call(env) end rescue UploadedFile::InvalidPathError => e [400, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' }, e.message] end private def handler_class if Feature.enabled?(:upload_middleware_jwt_params_handler) ::Gitlab::Middleware::Multipart::HandlerForJWTParams else ::Gitlab::Middleware::Multipart::Handler end end end end end