require 'spec_helper' describe EmailsHelper do describe 'sanitize_name' do context 'when name contains a valid URL string' do it 'returns name with `.` replaced with `_` to prevent mail clients from auto-linking URLs' do expect(sanitize_name('')).to eq('https://about_gitlab_com') expect(sanitize_name('')).to eq('www_gitlab_com') expect(sanitize_name('//')).to eq('//about_gitlab_com/handbook/security/#best-practices') end it 'returns name as it is when it does not contain a URL' do expect(sanitize_name('Foo Bar')).to eq('Foo Bar') end end end describe 'password_reset_token_valid_time' do def validate_time_string(time_limit, expected_string) Devise.reset_password_within = time_limit expect(password_reset_token_valid_time).to eq(expected_string) end context 'when time limit is less than 2 hours' do it 'displays the time in hours using a singular unit' do validate_time_string(1.hour, '1 hour') end end context 'when time limit is 2 or more hours' do it 'displays the time in hours using a plural unit' do validate_time_string(2.hours, '2 hours') end end context 'when time limit contains fractions of an hour' do it 'rounds down to the nearest hour' do validate_time_string(96.minutes, '1 hour') end end context 'when time limit is 24 or more hours' do it 'displays the time in days using a singular unit' do validate_time_string(24.hours, '1 day') end end context 'when time limit is 2 or more days' do it 'displays the time in days using a plural unit' do validate_time_string(2.days, '2 days') end end context 'when time limit contains fractions of a day' do it 'rounds down to the nearest day' do validate_time_string(57.hours, '2 days') end end end describe '#header_logo' do context 'there is a brand item with a logo' do it 'returns the brand header logo' do appearance = create :appearance, header_logo: fixture_file_upload('spec/fixtures/dk.png') expect(header_logo).to eq( %{Dk} ) end end context 'there is a brand item without a logo' do it 'returns the default header logo' do create :appearance, header_logo: nil expect(header_logo).to eq( %{GitLab} ) end end context 'there is no brand item' do it 'returns the default header logo' do expect(header_logo).to eq( %{GitLab} ) end end end describe '#create_list_id_string' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax where(:full_path, :list_id_path) do "01234" | "01234" "5/0123" | "012.." "45/012" | "012.." "012" | "012" "23/01" | "01.23" "2/01" | "01.2" "234/01" | "01.." "4/2/0" | "0.2.4" "45/2/0" | "0.2.." "5/23/0" | "0.." "0-2/5" | "5.0-2" "0_2/5" | "5.0-2" "0.2/5" | "5.0-2" end with_them do it 'ellipcizes different variants' do project = double("project") allow(project).to receive(:full_path).and_return(full_path) allow(project).to receive(:id).and_return(12345) # Set a max length that gives only 5 chars for the project full path max_length = "12345..#{}".length + 5 list_id = create_list_id_string(project, max_length) expect(list_id).to eq("12345.#{list_id_path}.#{}") expect(list_id).to satisfy { |s| s.length <= max_length } end end end describe 'Create realistic List-Id identifier' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax where(:full_path, :list_id_path) do "gitlab-org/gitlab-ce" | "gitlab-ce.gitlab-org" "project-name/subproject_name/my.project" | "my-project.subproject-name.project-name" end with_them do it 'Produces the right List-Id' do project = double("project") allow(project).to receive(:full_path).and_return(full_path) allow(project).to receive(:id).and_return(12345) list_id = create_list_id_string(project) expect(list_id).to eq("12345.#{list_id_path}.#{}") expect(list_id).to satisfy { |s| s.length <= 255 } end end end end