# encoding: utf-8 require 'rails_helper' describe Blob do describe '.decorate' do it 'returns NilClass when given nil' do expect(described_class.decorate(nil)).to be_nil end end describe '#data' do context 'using a binary blob' do it 'returns the data as-is' do data = "\n\xFF\xB9\xC3" blob = described_class.new(double(binary?: true, data: data)) expect(blob.data).to eq(data) end end context 'using a text blob' do it 'converts the data to UTF-8' do blob = described_class.new(double(binary?: false, data: "\n\xFF\xB9\xC3")) expect(blob.data).to eq("\n���") end end end describe '#svg?' do it 'is falsey when not text' do git_blob = double(text?: false) expect(described_class.decorate(git_blob)).not_to be_svg end it 'is falsey when no language is detected' do git_blob = double(text?: true, language: nil) expect(described_class.decorate(git_blob)).not_to be_svg end it' is falsey when language is not SVG' do git_blob = double(text?: true, language: double(name: 'XML')) expect(described_class.decorate(git_blob)).not_to be_svg end it 'is truthy when language is SVG' do git_blob = double(text?: true, language: double(name: 'SVG')) expect(described_class.decorate(git_blob)).to be_svg end end describe '#video?' do it 'is falsey with image extension' do git_blob = Gitlab::Git::Blob.new(name: 'image.png') expect(described_class.decorate(git_blob)).not_to be_video end UploaderHelper::VIDEO_EXT.each do |ext| it "is truthy when extension is .#{ext}" do git_blob = Gitlab::Git::Blob.new(name: "video.#{ext}") expect(described_class.decorate(git_blob)).to be_video end end end describe '#to_partial_path' do let(:project) { double(lfs_enabled?: true) } def stubbed_blob(overrides = {}) overrides.reverse_merge!( image?: false, language: nil, lfs_pointer?: false, svg?: false, text?: false ) described_class.decorate(double).tap do |blob| allow(blob).to receive_messages(overrides) end end it 'handles LFS pointers with LFS enabled' do blob = stubbed_blob(lfs_pointer?: true, text?: true) expect(blob.to_partial_path(project)).to eq 'download' end it 'handles LFS pointers with LFS disabled' do blob = stubbed_blob(lfs_pointer?: true, text?: true) project = double(lfs_enabled?: false) expect(blob.to_partial_path(project)).to eq 'text' end it 'handles SVGs' do blob = stubbed_blob(text?: true, svg?: true) expect(blob.to_partial_path(project)).to eq 'image' end it 'handles images' do blob = stubbed_blob(image?: true) expect(blob.to_partial_path(project)).to eq 'image' end it 'handles text' do blob = stubbed_blob(text?: true) expect(blob.to_partial_path(project)).to eq 'text' end it 'defaults to download' do blob = stubbed_blob expect(blob.to_partial_path(project)).to eq 'download' end end describe '#size_within_svg_limits?' do let(:blob) { described_class.decorate(double(:blob)) } it 'returns true when the blob size is smaller than the SVG limit' do expect(blob).to receive(:size).and_return(42) expect(blob.size_within_svg_limits?).to eq(true) end it 'returns true when the blob size is equal to the SVG limit' do expect(blob).to receive(:size).and_return(Blob::MAXIMUM_SVG_SIZE) expect(blob.size_within_svg_limits?).to eq(true) end it 'returns false when the blob size is larger than the SVG limit' do expect(blob).to receive(:size).and_return(1.terabyte) expect(blob.size_within_svg_limits?).to eq(false) end end end