module SharedNote include Spinach::DSL include WaitForRequests after do wait_for_requests if javascript_test? end step 'I delete a comment' do page.within('.main-notes-list') do note = find('.note') note.hover find('.more-actions').click find('.more-actions .dropdown-menu li', match: :first) accept_confirm { find(".js-note-delete").click } end end step 'I haven\'t written any comment text' do page.within(".js-main-target-form") do fill_in "note[note]", with: "" end end step 'I leave a comment like "XML attached"' do page.within(".js-main-target-form") do fill_in "note[note]", with: "XML attached" click_button "Comment" end wait_for_requests end step 'I preview a comment text like "Bug fixed :smile:"' do page.within(".js-main-target-form") do fill_in "note[note]", with: "Bug fixed :smile:" find('.js-md-preview-button').click end end step 'I submit the comment' do page.within(".js-main-target-form") do click_button "Comment" end wait_for_requests end step 'I write a comment like ":+1: Nice"' do page.within(".js-main-target-form") do fill_in 'note[note]', with: ':+1: Nice' end end step 'I should not see a comment saying "XML attached"' do expect(page).not_to have_css(".note") end step 'I should not see the cancel comment button' do page.within(".js-main-target-form") do should_not have_link("Cancel") end end step 'I should not see the comment preview' do page.within(".js-main-target-form") do expect(find('.js-md-preview')).not_to be_visible end end step 'The comment preview tab should say there is nothing to do' do page.within(".js-main-target-form") do find('.js-md-preview-button').click expect(find('.js-md-preview')).to have_content('Nothing to preview.') end end step 'I should not see the comment text field' do page.within(".js-main-target-form") do expect(find('.js-note-text')).not_to be_visible end end step 'I should see a comment saying "XML attached"' do page.within(".note") do expect(page).to have_content("XML attached") end end step 'I should see an empty comment text field' do page.within(".js-main-target-form") do expect(page).to have_field("note[note]", with: "") end end step 'I should see the comment write tab' do page.within(".js-main-target-form") do expect(page).to have_css('.js-md-write-button', visible: true) end end step 'The comment preview tab should be display rendered Markdown' do page.within(".js-main-target-form") do find('.js-md-preview-button').click expect(find('.js-md-preview')).to have_css('gl-emoji', visible: true) end end step 'I should see the comment preview' do page.within(".js-main-target-form") do expect(page).to have_css('.js-md-preview', visible: true) end end step 'I should see comment "XML attached"' do page.within(".note") do expect(page).to have_content("XML attached") end end step 'I should see no notes at all' do expect(page).not_to have_css('.note') end # Markdown step 'I leave a comment with a header containing "Comment with a header"' do page.within(".js-main-target-form") do fill_in "note[note]", with: "# Comment with a header" click_button "Comment" end wait_for_requests end step 'The comment with the header should not have an ID' do page.within(".note-body > .note-text") do expect(page).to have_content("Comment with a header") expect(page).not_to have_css("#comment-with-a-header") end end step 'I edit the last comment with a +1' do page.within(".main-notes-list") do note = find('.note') note.hover note.find('.js-note-edit').click end page.find('.current-note-edit-form textarea') page.within(".current-note-edit-form") do fill_in 'note[note]', with: '+1 Awesome!' click_button 'Save comment' end wait_for_requests end step 'I should see +1 in the description' do page.within(".note") do expect(page).to have_content("+1 Awesome!") end wait_for_requests end end