// enable test fixtures require('jasmine-jquery'); jasmine.getFixtures().fixturesPath = 'base/spec/javascripts/fixtures'; jasmine.getJSONFixtures().fixturesPath = 'base/spec/javascripts/fixtures'; // include common libraries require('~/commons/index.js'); window.$ = window.jQuery = require('jquery'); window._ = require('underscore'); // stub expected globals window.gl = window.gl || {}; window.gl.TEST_HOST = 'http://test.host'; window.gon = window.gon || {}; // render all of our tests const testsContext = require.context('.', true, /_spec$/); testsContext.keys().forEach(function (path) { try { testsContext(path); } catch (err) { console.error('[ERROR] Unable to load spec: ', path); describe('Test bundle', function () { it(`includes '${path}'`, function () { expect(err).toBeNull(); }); }); } }); // if we're generating coverage reports, make sure to include all files so // that we can catch files with 0% coverage // see: https://github.com/deepsweet/istanbul-instrumenter-loader/issues/15 if (process.env.BABEL_ENV === 'coverage') { // exempt these files from the coverage report const troubleMakers = [ './blob_edit/blob_bundle.js', './boards/boards_bundle.js', './cycle_analytics/components/stage_plan_component.js', './cycle_analytics/components/stage_staging_component.js', './cycle_analytics/components/stage_test_component.js', './diff_notes/components/jump_to_discussion.js', './diff_notes/components/resolve_count.js', './merge_conflicts/components/inline_conflict_lines.js', './merge_conflicts/components/parallel_conflict_lines.js', './network/branch_graph.js', ]; describe('Uncovered files', function () { const sourceFiles = require.context('~', true, /\.js$/); sourceFiles.keys().forEach(function (path) { // ignore if there is a matching spec file if (testsContext.keys().indexOf(`${path.replace(/\.js$/, '')}_spec`) > -1) { return; } it(`includes '${path}'`, function () { try { sourceFiles(path); } catch (err) { if (troubleMakers.indexOf(path) === -1) { expect(err).toBeNull(); } } }); }); }); }