# frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" RSpec.describe Pajamas::BadgeComponent, type: :component do let(:text) { "Hello" } let(:options) { {} } let(:html_options) { {} } before do render_inline(described_class.new(text, **options, **html_options)) end describe "text param" do it "is shown inside the badge" do expect(page).to have_css ".gl-badge", text: text end end describe "content slot" do it "can be used instead of the text param" do render_inline(described_class.new) do "Slot content" end expect(page).to have_css ".gl-badge", text: "Slot content" end it "takes presendence over the text param" do render_inline(described_class.new(text)) do "Slot wins." end expect(page).to have_css ".gl-badge", text: "Slot wins." end end describe "options" do describe "icon" do let(:options) { { icon: :tanuki } } it "adds the correct icon and margin" do expect(page).to have_css ".gl-icon.gl-badge-icon.gl-mr-2[data-testid='tanuki-icon']" end end describe "icon_classes" do let(:options) { { icon: :tanuki, icon_classes: icon_classes } } context "as string" do let(:icon_classes) { "js-special-badge-icon js-extra-special" } it "combines custom classes and component classes" do expect(page).to have_css \ ".gl-icon.gl-badge-icon.gl-mr-2.js-special-badge-icon.js-extra-special[data-testid='tanuki-icon']" end end context "as array" do let(:icon_classes) { %w[js-special-badge-icon js-extra-special] } it "combines custom classes and component classes" do expect(page).to have_css \ ".gl-icon.gl-badge-icon.gl-mr-2.js-special-badge-icon.js-extra-special[data-testid='tanuki-icon']" end end end describe "icon_only" do let(:options) { { icon: :tanuki, icon_only: true } } it "adds no extra margin to the icon" do expect(page).not_to have_css ".gl-icon.gl-mr-2" end it "adds the text as ARIA label" do expect(page).to have_css ".gl-badge[aria-label='#{text}'][role='img']" end end describe "href" do let(:options) { { href: "/foo" } } it "makes the a badge a link" do expect(page).to have_link text, class: "gl-badge", href: "/foo" end end describe "size" do where(:size) { [:sm, :md, :lg] } with_them do let(:options) { { size: size } } it "adds size class" do expect(page).to have_css ".gl-badge.#{size}" end end context "with unknown size" do let(:options) { { size: :xxl } } it "adds the default size class" do expect(page).to have_css ".gl-badge.md" end end end describe "variant" do where(:variant) { [:muted, :neutral, :info, :success, :warning, :danger] } with_them do let(:options) { { variant: variant } } it "adds variant class" do expect(page).to have_css ".gl-badge.badge-#{variant}" end end context "with unknown variant" do let(:options) { { variant: :foo } } it "adds the default variant class" do expect(page).to have_css ".gl-badge.badge-muted" end end end end describe "HTML options" do let(:html_options) { { id: "badge-33", data: { foo: "bar" } } } it "get added as HTML attributes" do expect(page).to have_css ".gl-badge#badge-33[data-foo='bar']" end it "can be combined with component options in no particular order" do render_inline(described_class.new(text, id: "badge-34", variant: :success, data: { foo: "baz" }, size: :sm)) expect(page).to have_css ".gl-badge.badge-success.sm#badge-34[data-foo='baz']" end context "with custom CSS classes" do let(:html_options) { { id: "badge-35", class: "js-special-badge" } } it "combines custom classes and component classes" do expect(page).to have_css ".gl-badge.js-special-badge#badge-35" end end end end