# frozen_string_literal: true class Commit extend ActiveModel::Naming extend Gitlab::Cache::RequestCache extend Gitlab::Utils::Override include ActiveModel::Conversion include Noteable include Participable include Mentionable include Referable include StaticModel include Presentable include ::Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize include ActsAsPaginatedDiff include CacheMarkdownField participant :author participant :committer participant :notes_with_associations attr_accessor :redacted_description_html attr_accessor :redacted_title_html attr_accessor :redacted_full_title_html attr_reader :container delegate :repository, to: :container delegate :project, to: :repository, allow_nil: true MIN_SHA_LENGTH = Gitlab::Git::Commit::MIN_SHA_LENGTH COMMIT_SHA_PATTERN = /\h{#{MIN_SHA_LENGTH},40}/.freeze EXACT_COMMIT_SHA_PATTERN = /\A#{COMMIT_SHA_PATTERN}\z/.freeze # Used by GFM to match and present link extensions on node texts and hrefs. LINK_EXTENSION_PATTERN = /(patch)/.freeze DEFAULT_MAX_DIFF_LINES_SETTING = 50_000 DEFAULT_MAX_DIFF_FILES_SETTING = 1_000 MAX_DIFF_LINES_SETTING_UPPER_BOUND = 100_000 MAX_DIFF_FILES_SETTING_UPPER_BOUND = 3_000 DIFF_SAFE_LIMIT_FACTOR = 10 cache_markdown_field :title, pipeline: :single_line cache_markdown_field :full_title, pipeline: :single_line, limit: 1.kilobyte cache_markdown_field :description, pipeline: :commit_description, limit: 1.megabyte # Share the cache used by the markdown fields attr_mentionable :title, pipeline: :single_line attr_mentionable :description, pipeline: :commit_description, limit: 1.megabyte class << self def decorate(commits, container) commits.map do |commit| if commit.is_a?(Commit) commit else self.new(commit, container) end end end # Calculate number of lines to render for diffs def diff_line_count(diffs) diffs.reduce(0) { |sum, d| sum + Gitlab::Git::Util.count_lines(d.diff) } end def order_by(collection:, order_by:, sort:) return collection unless %w[email name commits].include?(order_by) return collection unless %w[asc desc].include?(sort) collection.sort do |a, b| operands = [a, b].tap { |o| o.reverse! if sort == 'desc' } attr1 = operands.first.public_send(order_by) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend attr2 = operands.second.public_send(order_by) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend # use case insensitive comparison for string values order_by.in?(%w[email name]) ? attr1.casecmp(attr2) : attr1 <=> attr2 end end # Truncate sha to 8 characters def truncate_sha(sha) sha[0..MIN_SHA_LENGTH] end def diff_safe_lines(project: nil) diff_safe_max_lines(project: project) end def diff_max_files(project: nil) if Feature.enabled?(:increased_diff_limits, project) 3000 elsif Feature.enabled?(:configurable_diff_limits, project) Gitlab::CurrentSettings.diff_max_files else 1000 end end def diff_max_lines(project: nil) if Feature.enabled?(:increased_diff_limits, project) 100000 elsif Feature.enabled?(:configurable_diff_limits, project) Gitlab::CurrentSettings.diff_max_lines else 50000 end end def max_diff_options(project: nil) { max_files: diff_max_files(project: project), max_lines: diff_max_lines(project: project) } end def diff_safe_max_files(project: nil) diff_max_files(project: project) / DIFF_SAFE_LIMIT_FACTOR end def diff_safe_max_lines(project: nil) diff_max_lines(project: project) / DIFF_SAFE_LIMIT_FACTOR end def from_hash(hash, container) raw_commit = Gitlab::Git::Commit.new(container.repository.raw, hash) new(raw_commit, container) end def valid_hash?(key) !!(EXACT_COMMIT_SHA_PATTERN =~ key) end def lazy(container, oid) BatchLoader.for({ container: container, oid: oid }).batch do |items, loader| items_by_container = items.group_by { |i| i[:container] } items_by_container.each do |container, commit_ids| oids = commit_ids.map { |i| i[:oid] } container.repository.commits_by(oids: oids).each do |commit| loader.call({ container: commit.container, oid: commit.id }, commit) if commit end end end end def parent_class ::Project end end attr_accessor :raw def initialize(raw_commit, container) raise "Nil as raw commit passed" unless raw_commit @raw = raw_commit @container = container end delegate \ :pipelines, :last_pipeline, :lazy_latest_pipeline, :latest_pipeline, :latest_pipeline_for_project, :set_latest_pipeline_for_ref, :status, to: :with_pipeline def with_pipeline @with_pipeline ||= Ci::CommitWithPipeline.new(self) end def id raw.id end def project_id project&.id end def ==(other) other.is_a?(self.class) && raw == other.raw end def self.reference_prefix '@' end def self.reference_valid?(reference) !!(reference =~ EXACT_COMMIT_SHA_PATTERN) end # Pattern used to extract commit references from text # # This pattern supports cross-project references. def self.reference_pattern @reference_pattern ||= %r{ (?:#{Project.reference_pattern}#{reference_prefix})? (?#{COMMIT_SHA_PATTERN}) }x end def self.link_reference_pattern @link_reference_pattern ||= super("commit", /(?#{COMMIT_SHA_PATTERN})?(\.(?#{LINK_EXTENSION_PATTERN}))?/) end def to_reference(from = nil, full: false) commit_reference(from, id, full: full) end def reference_link_text(from = nil, full: false) commit_reference(from, short_id, full: full) end def diff_line_count @diff_line_count ||= Commit.diff_line_count(raw_diffs) @diff_line_count end # Returns the commits title. # # Usually, the commit title is the first line of the commit message. # In case this first line is longer than 100 characters, it is cut off # after 80 characters + `...` def title return full_title if full_title.length < 100 # Use three dots instead of the ellipsis Unicode character because # some clients show the raw Unicode value in the merge commit. full_title.truncate(81, separator: ' ', omission: '...') end # Returns the full commits title def full_title @full_title ||= if safe_message.blank? no_commit_message else safe_message.split(/[\r\n]/, 2).first end end def author_full_text return unless author_name && author_email strong_memoize(:author_full_text) do "#{author_name} <#{author_email}>" end end # Returns full commit message if title is truncated (greater than 99 characters) # otherwise returns commit message without first line def description return safe_message if full_title.length >= 100 return no_commit_message if safe_message.blank? safe_message.split("\n", 2)[1].try(:chomp) end def description? description.present? end def timestamp committed_date.xmlschema end def hook_attrs(with_changed_files: false) data = { id: id, message: safe_message, title: title, timestamp: timestamp, url: Gitlab::UrlBuilder.build(self), author: { name: author_name, email: author_email } } if with_changed_files data.merge!(repo_changes) end data end def lazy_author BatchLoader.for(author_email.downcase).batch do |emails, loader| users = User.by_any_email(emails, confirmed: true).includes(:emails) emails.each do |email| user = users.find { |u| u.any_email?(email) } loader.call(email, user) end end end def author strong_memoize(:author) do lazy_author&.itself end end request_cache(:author) { author_email.downcase } def committer(confirmed: true) @committer ||= User.find_by_any_email(committer_email, confirmed: confirmed) end def parents @parents ||= parent_ids.map { |oid| Commit.lazy(container, oid) } end def parent strong_memoize(:parent) do container.commit_by(oid: self.parent_id) if self.parent_id end end def notes container.notes.for_commit_id(self.id) end def user_mentions user_mention_class.where(commit_id: self.id) end def discussion_notes notes.non_diff_notes end def notes_with_associations notes.includes(:author, :award_emoji) end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) @raw.__send__(method, *args, &block) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend end def respond_to_missing?(method, include_private = false) @raw.respond_to?(method, include_private) || super end def short_id @raw.short_id(MIN_SHA_LENGTH) end def diff_refs Gitlab::Diff::DiffRefs.new( base_sha: self.parent_id || Gitlab::Git::BLANK_SHA, head_sha: self.sha ) end def has_signature? signature_type && signature_type != :NONE end def raw_signature_type strong_memoize(:raw_signature_type) do next unless @raw.instance_of?(Gitlab::Git::Commit) if raw_commit_from_rugged? && gpg_commit.signature_text.present? :PGP elsif defined? @raw.raw_commit.signature_type @raw.raw_commit.signature_type end end end def signature_type @signature_type ||= raw_signature_type || :NONE end def signature strong_memoize(:signature) do case signature_type when :PGP gpg_commit.signature when :X509 Gitlab::X509::Commit.new(self).signature else nil end end end def raw_commit_from_rugged? @raw.raw_commit.is_a?(Rugged::Commit) end def gpg_commit @gpg_commit ||= Gitlab::Gpg::Commit.new(self) end def revert_branch_name "revert-#{short_id}" end def cherry_pick_branch_name repository.next_branch("cherry-pick-#{short_id}", mild: true) end def cherry_pick_description(user) message_body = ["(cherry picked from commit #{sha})"] if merged_merge_request?(user) commits_in_merge_request = merged_merge_request(user).commits if commits_in_merge_request.present? message_body << "" commits_in_merge_request.reverse_each do |commit_in_merge| message_body << "#{commit_in_merge.short_id} #{commit_in_merge.title}" end end end message_body.join("\n") end def cherry_pick_message(user) %Q{#{message}\n\n#{cherry_pick_description(user)}} end def revert_description(user) if merged_merge_request?(user) "This reverts merge request #{merged_merge_request(user).to_reference}" else "This reverts commit #{sha}" end end def revert_message(user) %Q{Revert "#{title.strip}"\n\n#{revert_description(user)}} end def reverts_commit?(commit, user) description? && description.include?(commit.revert_description(user)) end def merge_commit? parent_ids.size > 1 end def merged_merge_request(current_user) # Memoize with per-user access check @merged_merge_request_hash ||= Hash.new do |hash, user| hash[user] = merged_merge_request_no_cache(user) end @merged_merge_request_hash[current_user] end def has_been_reverted?(current_user, notes_association = nil) ext = Gitlab::ReferenceExtractor.new(project, current_user) notes_association ||= notes_with_associations notes_association.system.each do |note| note.all_references(current_user, extractor: ext) end ext.commits.any? { |commit_ref| commit_ref.reverts_commit?(self, current_user) } end def change_type_title(user) merged_merge_request?(user) ? 'merge request' : 'commit' end # Get the URI type of the given path # # Used to build URLs to files in the repository in GFM. # # path - String path to check # # Examples: # # uri_type('doc/README.md') # => :blob # uri_type('doc/logo.png') # => :raw # uri_type('doc/api') # => :tree # uri_type('not/found') # => nil # # Returns a symbol def uri_type(path) entry = @raw.tree_entry(path) return unless entry if entry[:type] == :blob blob = ::Blob.decorate(Gitlab::Git::Blob.new(name: entry[:name]), container) blob.image? || blob.video? || blob.audio? ? :raw : :blob else entry[:type] end end def raw_diffs(*args) raw.diffs(*args) end def raw_deltas @deltas ||= raw.deltas end def diffs(diff_options = {}) Gitlab::Diff::FileCollection::Commit.new(self, diff_options: diff_options) end def persisted? true end def to_ability_name model_name.singular end def touch # no-op but needs to be defined since #persisted? is defined end def touch_later # No-op. # This method is called by ActiveRecord. # We don't want to do anything for `Commit` model, so this is empty. end # WIP is deprecated in favor of Draft. Currently both options are supported # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/227426 DRAFT_REGEX = /\A\s*#{Regexp.union(Gitlab::Regex.merge_request_wip, Gitlab::Regex.merge_request_draft)}|(fixup!|squash!)\s/.freeze def work_in_progress? !!(title =~ DRAFT_REGEX) end def merged_merge_request?(user) !!merged_merge_request(user) end def cache_key "commit:#{sha}" end def expire_note_etag_cache super expire_note_etag_cache_for_related_mrs end def readable_by?(user) Ability.allowed?(user, :read_commit, self) end override :user_mention_class def user_mention_class CommitUserMention end override :user_mention_identifier def user_mention_identifier { commit_id: id, note_id: nil } end private def expire_note_etag_cache_for_related_mrs MergeRequest.includes(target_project: :namespace).by_commit_sha(id).find_each do |mr| mr.expire_note_etag_cache end end def commit_reference(from, referable_commit_id, full: false) base = container.to_reference_base(from, full: full) if base.present? "#{base}#{self.class.reference_prefix}#{referable_commit_id}" else referable_commit_id end end def repo_changes changes = { added: [], modified: [], removed: [] } raw_deltas.each do |diff| if diff.deleted_file changes[:removed] << diff.old_path elsif diff.renamed_file || diff.new_file changes[:added] << diff.new_path else changes[:modified] << diff.new_path end end changes end def merged_merge_request_no_cache(user) MergeRequestsFinder.new(user, project_id: project_id).find_by(merge_commit_sha: id) if merge_commit? end end