# frozen_string_literal: true module SearchHelper SEARCH_PERMITTED_PARAMS = [:search, :scope, :project_id, :group_id, :repository_ref, :snippets].freeze def search_entries_info(collection, scope, term) return if collection.to_a.empty? from = collection.offset_value + 1 to = collection.offset_value + collection.to_a.size count = collection.total_count term_element = " #{h(term)} ".html_safe search_entries_info_template(collection) % { from: from, to: to, count: count, scope: search_entries_scope_label(scope, count), term_element: term_element } end def search_entries_scope_label(scope, count) case scope when 'blobs' ns_('SearchResults|code result', 'SearchResults|code results', count) when 'commits' ns_('SearchResults|commit', 'SearchResults|commits', count) when 'issues' ns_('SearchResults|issue', 'SearchResults|issues', count) when 'merge_requests' ns_('SearchResults|merge request', 'SearchResults|merge requests', count) when 'milestones' ns_('SearchResults|milestone', 'SearchResults|milestones', count) when 'notes' ns_('SearchResults|comment', 'SearchResults|comments', count) when 'projects' ns_('SearchResults|project', 'SearchResults|projects', count) when 'snippet_titles' ns_('SearchResults|snippet', 'SearchResults|snippets', count) when 'users' ns_('SearchResults|user', 'SearchResults|users', count) when 'wiki_blobs' ns_('SearchResults|wiki result', 'SearchResults|wiki results', count) else raise "Unrecognized search scope '#{scope}'" end end def search_entries_info_template(collection) if collection.total_pages > 1 s_("SearchResults|Showing %{from} - %{to} of %{count} %{scope} for%{term_element}").html_safe else s_("SearchResults|Showing %{count} %{scope} for%{term_element}").html_safe end end def search_entries_empty_message(scope, term) (s_("SearchResults|We couldn't find any %{scope} matching %{term}") % { scope: search_entries_scope_label(scope, 0), term: "#{h(term)}" }).html_safe end # Overridden in EE def search_blob_title(project, path) path end def search_service @search_service ||= ::SearchService.new(current_user, params) end private def search_result_sanitize(str) Sanitize.clean(str) end def search_filter_link(scope, label, data: {}, search: {}) search_params = params .merge(search) .merge({ scope: scope }) .permit(SEARCH_PERMITTED_PARAMS) if @scope == scope li_class = 'active' count = @search_results.formatted_count(scope) else badge_class = 'js-search-count hidden' badge_data = { url: search_count_path(search_params) } end content_tag :li, class: li_class, data: data do link_to search_path(search_params) do concat label concat ' ' concat content_tag(:span, count, class: ['badge badge-pill', badge_class], data: badge_data) end end end def search_filter_input_options(type, placeholder = _('Search or filter results...')) opts = { id: "filtered-search-#{type}", placeholder: placeholder, data: { 'username-params' => UserSerializer.new.represent(@users) }, autocomplete: 'off' } opts[:data]['runner-tags-endpoint'] = tag_list_admin_runners_path if @project.present? opts[:data]['project-id'] = @project.id opts[:data]['labels-endpoint'] = project_labels_path(@project) opts[:data]['milestones-endpoint'] = project_milestones_path(@project) opts[:data]['releases-endpoint'] = project_releases_path(@project) elsif @group.present? opts[:data]['group-id'] = @group.id opts[:data]['labels-endpoint'] = group_labels_path(@group) opts[:data]['milestones-endpoint'] = group_milestones_path(@group) else opts[:data]['labels-endpoint'] = dashboard_labels_path opts[:data]['milestones-endpoint'] = dashboard_milestones_path end opts end def search_history_storage_prefix if @project.present? @project.full_path elsif @group.present? @group.full_path else 'dashboard' end end # Sanitize a HTML field for search display. Most tags are stripped out and the # maximum length is set to 200 characters. def search_md_sanitize(object, field) html = markdown_field(object, field) html = Truncato.truncate( html, count_tags: false, count_tail: false, max_length: 200 ) # Truncato's filtered_tags and filtered_attributes are not quite the same sanitize(html, tags: %w(a p ol ul li pre code)) end def show_user_search_tab? return false if Feature.disabled?(:users_search, default_enabled: true) if @project project_search_tabs?(:members) else can?(current_user, :read_users_list) end end end SearchHelper.prepend_if_ee('EE::SearchHelper')