module Gitlab module Database # Model that can be used for querying permissions of a SQL user. class Grant < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = if Database.postgresql? 'information_schema.role_table_grants' else 'information_schema.schema_privileges' end # Returns true if the current user can create and execute triggers on the # given table. def self.create_and_execute_trigger?(table) priv = if Database.postgresql? where(privilege_type: 'TRIGGER', table_name: table) .where('grantee = user') else queries = [ .from('information_schema.user_privileges') .where("PRIVILEGE_TYPE = 'SUPER'") .where("GRANTEE = CONCAT('\\'', REPLACE(CURRENT_USER(), '@', '\\'@\\''), '\\'')"), .from('information_schema.schema_privileges') .where("PRIVILEGE_TYPE = 'TRIGGER'") .where('TABLE_SCHEMA = ?', Gitlab::Database.database_name) .where("GRANTEE = CONCAT('\\'', REPLACE(CURRENT_USER(), '@', '\\'@\\''), '\\'')") ] union = Grant.from("(#{union}) privs") end priv.any? end end end end