module Projects class CreateService < BaseService def initialize(user, params) @current_user, @params = user, params.dup end def execute @project = # Reset visibility levet if is not allowed to set it unless Gitlab::VisibilityLevel.allowed_for?(current_user, params[:visibility_level]) @project.visibility_level = default_features.visibility_level end # Parametrize path for project # # Ex. # 'GitLab HQ'.parameterize => "gitlab-hq" # @project.path = unless @project.path.present? # get namespace id namespace_id = params[:namespace_id] if namespace_id # Find matching namespace and check if it allowed # for current user if namespace_id passed. unless allowed_namespace?(current_user, namespace_id) @project.namespace_id = nil deny_namespace return @project end else # Set current user namespace if namespace_id is nil @project.namespace_id = current_user.namespace_id end @project.creator = current_user if log_info("#{} created a new project \"#{@project.name_with_namespace}\"") system_hook_service.execute_hooks_for(@project, :create) unless @project.users_projects.create( project_access: UsersProject::MASTER, user: current_user ) end @project.update_column(:last_activity_at, @project.created_at) if @project.import? @project.import_start else GitlabShellWorker.perform_async( :add_repository, @project.path_with_namespace ) end if @project.wiki_enabled? begin # force the creation of a wiki,, @project.owner).wiki rescue ProjectWiki::CouldNotCreateWikiError => ex # Prevent project observer crash # if failed to create wiki nil end end end @project rescue => ex @project.errors.add(:base, "Can't save project. Please try again later") @project end protected def deny_namespace @project.errors.add(:namespace, "is not valid") end def allowed_namespace?(user, namespace_id) namespace = Namespace.find_by(id: namespace_id) current_user.can?(:create_projects, namespace) end end end