--- stage: Enablement group: Infrastructure info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/ux/technical-writing/#assignments --- # Feature Categorization > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-com/gl-infra/-/epics/269) in GitLab 13.2. Each Sidekiq worker, controller action, or API endpoint must declare a `feature_category` attribute. This attribute maps each of these to a [feature category](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/categories/). This is done for error budgeting, alert routing, and team attribution. The list of feature categories can be found in the file `config/feature_categories.yml`. This file is generated from the [`stages.yml`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com/blob/master/data/stages.yml) data file used in the GitLab Handbook and other GitLab resources. ## Updating `config/feature_categories.yml` Occasionally new features will be added to GitLab stages, groups, and product categories. When this occurs, you can automatically update `config/feature_categories.yml` by running `scripts/update-feature-categories`. This script will fetch and parse [`stages.yml`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com/blob/master/data/stages.yml) and generate a new version of the file, which needs to be committed to the repository. The [Scalability team](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/infrastructure/team/scalability/) currently maintains the `feature_categories.yml` file. They will automatically be notified on Slack when the file becomes outdated. ## Sidekiq workers The declaration uses the `feature_category` class method, as shown below. ```ruby class SomeScheduledTaskWorker include ApplicationWorker # Declares that this worker is part of the # `continuous_integration` feature category feature_category :continuous_integration # ... end ``` The feature categories specified using `feature_category` should be defined in [`config/feature_categories.yml`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/config/feature_categories.yml). If not, the specs will fail. ### Excluding Sidekiq workers from feature categorization A few Sidekiq workers, that are used across all features, cannot be mapped to a single category. These should be declared as such using the `feature_category :not_owned` declaration, as shown below: ```ruby class SomeCrossCuttingConcernWorker include ApplicationWorker # Declares that this worker does not map to a feature category feature_category :not_owned # rubocop:disable Gitlab/AvoidFeatureCategoryNotOwned # ... end ``` When possible, workers marked as "not owned" use their caller's category (worker or HTTP endpoint) in metrics and logs. For instance, `ReactiveCachingWorker` can have multiple feature categories in metrics and logs. ## Rails controllers Specifying feature categories on controller actions can be done using the `feature_category` class method. A feature category can be specified on an entire controller using: ```ruby class Boards::ListsController < ApplicationController feature_category :kanban_boards end ``` The feature category can be limited to a list of actions using the second argument: ```ruby class DashboardController < ApplicationController feature_category :team_planning, [:issues, :issues_calendar] feature_category :code_review, [:merge_requests] end ``` These forms cannot be mixed: if a controller has more than one category, every single action must be listed. ### Excluding controller actions from feature categorization In the rare case an action cannot be tied to a feature category this can be done using the `not_owned` feature category. ```ruby class Admin::LogsController < ApplicationController feature_category :not_owned end ``` ### Ensuring feature categories are valid The `spec/controllers/every_controller_spec.rb` will iterate over all defined routes, and check the controller to see if a category is assigned to all actions. The spec also validates if the used feature categories are known. And if the actions used in configuration still exist as routes. ## API endpoints The [GraphQL API](../../api/graphql/index.md) is currently categorized as `not_owned`. For now, no extra specification is needed. For more information, see [`gitlab-com/gl-infra/scalability#583`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-infra/scalability/-/issues/583/). Grape API endpoints can use the `feature_category` class method, like [Rails controllers](#rails-controllers) do: ```ruby module API class Issues < ::API::Base feature_category :team_planning end end ``` The second argument can be used to specify feature categories for specific routes: ```ruby module API class Users < ::API::Base feature_category :users, ['/users/:id/custom_attributes', '/users/:id/custom_attributes/:key'] end end ``` Or the feature category can be specified in the action itself: ```ruby module API class Users < ::API::Base get ':id', feature_category: :users do end end end ``` As with Rails controllers, an API class must specify the category for every single action unless the same category is used for every action within that class.