# frozen_string_literal: true module Banzai module Filter class TruncateSourceFilter < HTML::Pipeline::TextFilter CHARACTER_COUNT_LIMIT = 1.megabyte USER_MSG_LIMIT = 10_000 def call # don't truncate if it's a :blob and no limit is set return text if context[:text_source] == :blob && !context.key?(:limit) limit = context[:limit] || CHARACTER_COUNT_LIMIT # no sense in allowing `truncate_bytes` to duplicate a large # string unless it's too big return text if text.bytesize <= limit # Use three dots instead of the ellipsis Unicode character because # some clients show the raw Unicode value in the merge commit. trunc = text.truncate_bytes(limit, omission: '...') # allows us to indicate to the user that what they see is a truncated copy if limit > USER_MSG_LIMIT trunc.prepend("_The text is longer than #{limit} characters and has been visually truncated._\n\n") end trunc end end end end