# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe VerifyPagesDomainService do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax include EmailHelpers let(:error_status) { { status: :error, message: "Couldn't verify #{domain.domain}" } } subject(:service) { described_class.new(domain) } describe '#execute' do where(:domain_sym, :code_sym) do :domain | :verification_code :domain | :keyed_verification_code :verification_domain | :verification_code :verification_domain | :keyed_verification_code end with_them do let(:domain_name) { domain.send(domain_sym) } let(:verification_code) { domain.send(code_sym) } shared_examples 'verifies and enables the domain' do it 'verifies and enables the domain' do expect(service.execute).to eq(status: :success) expect(domain).to be_verified expect(domain).to be_enabled expect(domain.remove_at).to be_nil end end shared_examples 'successful enablement and verification' do context 'when txt record contains verification code' do before do stub_resolver(domain_name => ['something else', verification_code]) end include_examples 'verifies and enables the domain' end context 'when txt record contains verification code with other text' do before do stub_resolver(domain_name => "something #{verification_code} else") end include_examples 'verifies and enables the domain' end end shared_examples 'unverifies and disables domain' do it 'unverifies domain' do expect(service.execute).to eq(error_status) expect(domain).not_to be_verified end it 'disables domain and shedules it for removal in 1 week' do service.execute expect(domain).not_to be_enabled expect(domain.remove_at).to be_like_time(7.days.from_now) end end context 'when domain is disabled(or new)' do let(:domain) { create(:pages_domain, :disabled) } include_examples 'successful enablement and verification' context 'when txt record does not contain verification code' do before do stub_resolver(domain_name => 'something else') end include_examples 'unverifies and disables domain' end context 'when txt record does not contain verification code' do before do stub_resolver(domain_name => 'something else') end include_examples 'unverifies and disables domain' end context 'when no txt records are present' do before do stub_resolver end include_examples 'unverifies and disables domain' end end context 'when domain is verified' do let(:domain) { create(:pages_domain) } include_examples 'successful enablement and verification' shared_examples 'unverifing domain' do it 'unverifies but does not disable domain' do expect(service.execute).to eq(error_status) expect(domain).not_to be_verified expect(domain).to be_enabled end it 'does not schedule domain for removal' do service.execute expect(domain.remove_at).to be_nil end end context 'when txt record does not contain verification code' do before do stub_resolver(domain_name => 'something else') end include_examples 'unverifing domain' end context 'when no txt records are present' do before do stub_resolver end include_examples 'unverifing domain' end end context 'when domain is expired' do let(:domain) { create(:pages_domain, :expired) } context 'when the right code is present' do before do stub_resolver(domain_name => domain.keyed_verification_code) end include_examples 'verifies and enables the domain' end context 'when the right code is not present' do before do stub_resolver end let(:error_status) { { status: :error, message: "Couldn't verify #{domain.domain}. It is now disabled." } } include_examples 'unverifies and disables domain' end end context 'when domain is disabled and scheduled for removal' do let(:domain) { create(:pages_domain, :disabled, :scheduled_for_removal) } context 'when the right code is present' do before do stub_resolver(domain.domain => domain.keyed_verification_code) end it 'verifies and enables domain' do expect(service.execute).to eq(status: :success) expect(domain).to be_verified expect(domain).to be_enabled end it 'prevent domain from being removed' do expect { service.execute }.to change { domain.remove_at }.to(nil) end end context 'when the right code is not present' do before do stub_resolver end it 'keeps domain scheduled for removal but does not change removal time' do expect { service.execute }.not_to change { domain.remove_at } expect(domain.remove_at).to be_present end end end context 'invalid domain' do let(:domain) { build(:pages_domain, :expired, :with_missing_chain) } before do domain.save!(validate: false) end it 'can be disabled' do error_status[:message] += '. It is now disabled.' stub_resolver expect(service.execute).to eq(error_status) expect(domain).not_to be_verified expect(domain).not_to be_enabled end end end context 'timeout behaviour' do let(:domain) { create(:pages_domain) } it 'sets a timeout on the DNS query' do expect(stub_resolver).to receive(:timeouts=).with(described_class::RESOLVER_TIMEOUT_SECONDS) service.execute end end context 'email notifications' do let(:notification_service) { instance_double('NotificationService') } where(:factory, :verification_succeeds, :expected_notification) do nil | true | nil nil | false | :verification_failed :reverify | true | nil :reverify | false | :verification_failed :unverified | true | :verification_succeeded :unverified | false | nil :expired | true | nil :expired | false | :disabled :disabled | true | :enabled :disabled | false | nil end with_them do let(:domain) { create(:pages_domain, *[factory].compact) } before do allow(service).to receive(:notification_service) { notification_service } if verification_succeeds stub_resolver(domain.domain => domain.verification_code) else stub_resolver end end it 'sends a notification if appropriate' do if expected_notification expect(notification_service).to receive(:"pages_domain_#{expected_notification}").with(domain) end service.execute end end context 'pages verification disabled' do let(:domain) { create(:pages_domain, :disabled) } before do stub_application_setting(pages_domain_verification_enabled: false) allow(service).to receive(:notification_service) { notification_service } end it 'skips email notifications' do expect(notification_service).not_to receive(:pages_domain_enabled) service.execute end end end context 'no verification code' do let(:domain) { create(:pages_domain) } it 'returns an error' do domain.verification_code = '' disallow_resolver! expect(service.execute).to eq(status: :error, message: "No verification code set for #{domain.domain}") end end context 'pages domain verification is disabled' do let(:domain) { create(:pages_domain, :disabled) } before do stub_application_setting(pages_domain_verification_enabled: false) end it 'extends domain validity by unconditionally reverifying' do disallow_resolver! service.execute expect(domain).to be_verified expect(domain).to be_enabled end it 'does not shorten any grace period' do grace = Time.current + 1.year domain.update!(enabled_until: grace) disallow_resolver! service.execute expect(domain.enabled_until).to be_like_time(grace) end end end def disallow_resolver! expect(Resolv::DNS).not_to receive(:open) end def stub_resolver(stubbed_lookups = {}) resolver = instance_double('Resolv::DNS') allow(resolver).to receive(:timeouts=) expect(Resolv::DNS).to receive(:open).and_yield(resolver) allow(resolver).to receive(:getresources) { [] } stubbed_lookups.each do |domain, records| records = Array(records).map { |txt| Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::TXT.new(txt) } # Append '.' to domain_name, indicating absolute FQDN allow(resolver).to receive(:getresources).with(domain + '.', Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::TXT) { records } end resolver end end