module CommitsHelper # Returns a link to the commit author. If the author has a matching user and # is a member of the current @project it will link to the team member page. # Otherwise it will link to the author email as specified in the commit. # # options: # avatar: true will prepend the avatar image # size: size of the avatar image in px def commit_author_link(commit, options = {}) commit_person_link(commit, options.merge(source: :author)) end # Just like #author_link but for the committer. def commit_committer_link(commit, options = {}) commit_person_link(commit, options.merge(source: :committer)) end def commit_to_html(commit, ref, project) render 'projects/commits/commit', commit: commit, ref: ref, project: project end # Breadcrumb links for a Project and, if applicable, a tree path def commits_breadcrumbs return unless @project && @ref # Add the root project link and the arrow icon crumbs = content_tag(:li, class: 'breadcrumb-item') do link_to( @project.path, project_commits_path(@project, @ref) ) end if @path parts = @path.split('/') parts.each_with_index do |part, i| crumbs << content_tag(:li, class: 'breadcrumb-item') do # The text is just the individual part, but the link needs all the parts before it link_to( part, project_commits_path( @project, tree_join(@ref, parts[0..i].join('/')) ) ) end end end crumbs.html_safe end # Return Project default branch, if it present in array # Else - first branch in array (mb last actual branch) def commit_default_branch(project, branches) branches.include?(project.default_branch) ? branches.delete(project.default_branch) : branches.pop end # Returns a link formatted as a commit branch link def commit_branch_link(url, text) link_to(url, class: 'badge badge-gray ref-name branch-link') do sprite_icon('branch', size: 12, css_class: 'fork-svg') + "#{text}" end end # Returns the sorted alphabetically links to branches, separated by a comma def commit_branches_links(project, branches) do |branch| commit_branch_link(project_ref_path(project, branch), branch) end.join(' ').html_safe end # Returns a link formatted as a commit tag link def commit_tag_link(url, text) link_to(url, class: 'badge badge-gray ref-name') do sprite_icon('tag', size: 12, css_class: 'append-right-5 vertical-align-middle') + "#{text}" end end # Returns the sorted links to tags, separated by a comma def commit_tags_links(project, tags) sorted = VersionSorter.rsort(tags) do |tag| commit_tag_link(project_ref_path(project, tag), tag) end.join(' ').html_safe end def link_to_browse_code(project, commit) return unless current_controller?(:commits) if @path.blank? url = project_tree_path(project, commit) tooltip = _("Browse Files") elsif @repo.blob_at(, @path) url = project_blob_path(project, tree_join(, @path)) tooltip = _("Browse File") elsif @path.present? url = project_tree_path(project, tree_join(, @path)) tooltip = _("Browse Directory") end link_to url, class: "btn btn-default has-tooltip", title: tooltip, data: { container: "body" } do sprite_icon('folder-open') end end def revert_commit_link(commit, continue_to_path, btn_class: nil, has_tooltip: true) commit_action_link('revert', commit, continue_to_path, btn_class: btn_class, has_tooltip: has_tooltip) end def cherry_pick_commit_link(commit, continue_to_path, btn_class: nil, has_tooltip: true) commit_action_link('cherry-pick', commit, continue_to_path, btn_class: btn_class, has_tooltip: has_tooltip) end def commit_signature_badge_classes(additional_classes) %w(btn gpg-status-box) + Array(additional_classes) end protected # Private: Returns a link to a person. If the person has a matching user and # is a member of the current @project it will link to the team member page. # Otherwise it will link to the person email as specified in the commit. # # options: # source: one of :author or :committer # avatar: true will prepend the avatar image # size: size of the avatar image in px def commit_person_link(commit, options = {}) user = commit.public_send(options[:source]) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend source_name = clean(commit.public_send(:"#{options[:source]}_name")) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend source_email = clean(commit.public_send(:"#{options[:source]}_email")) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend person_name = user.try(:name) || source_name text = if options[:avatar] content_tag(:span, person_name, class: "commit-#{options[:source]}-name") else person_name end link_options = { class: "commit-#{options[:source]}-link", } unless options[:has_tooltip] == false link_options[:class] << ' has-tooltip' link_options[:title] = source_email end if user.nil? mail_to(source_email, text, link_options) else link_to(text, user_path(user), link_options) end end def commit_action_link(action, commit, continue_to_path, btn_class: nil, has_tooltip: true) return unless current_user tooltip = "#{action.capitalize} this #{commit.change_type_title(current_user)} in a new merge request" if has_tooltip btn_class = "btn btn-#{btn_class}" unless btn_class.nil? if can_collaborate_with_project?(@project) link_to action.capitalize, "#modal-#{action}-commit", 'data-toggle' => 'modal', 'data-container' => 'body', title: (tooltip if has_tooltip), class: "#{btn_class} #{'has-tooltip' if has_tooltip}" elsif can?(current_user, :fork_project, @project) continue_params = { to: continue_to_path, notice: "#{edit_in_new_fork_notice} Try to #{action} this commit again.", notice_now: edit_in_new_fork_notice_now } fork_path = project_forks_path(@project, namespace_key:, continue: continue_params) link_to action.capitalize, fork_path, class: btn_class, method: :post, 'data-toggle' => 'tooltip', 'data-container' => 'body', title: (tooltip if has_tooltip) end end def view_file_button(commit_sha, diff_new_path, project, replaced: false) title = replaced ? _('View replaced file @ ') : _('View file @ ') link_to( project_blob_path(project, tree_join(commit_sha, diff_new_path)), class: 'btn view-file js-view-file' ) do raw(title) + content_tag(:span, Commit.truncate_sha(commit_sha), class: 'commit-sha') end end def view_on_environment_button(commit_sha, diff_new_path, environment) return unless environment && commit_sha external_url = environment.external_url_for(diff_new_path, commit_sha) return unless external_url link_to(external_url, class: 'btn btn-file-option has-tooltip', target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer', title: "View on #{environment.formatted_external_url}", data: { container: 'body' }) do icon('external-link') end end def truncate_sha(sha) Commit.truncate_sha(sha) end def clean(string) Sanitize.clean(string, remove_contents: true) end def limited_commits(commits) if commits.size > MergeRequestDiff::COMMITS_SAFE_SIZE [ commits.first(MergeRequestDiff::COMMITS_SAFE_SIZE), commits.size - MergeRequestDiff::COMMITS_SAFE_SIZE ] else [commits, 0] end end def commit_path(project, commit, merge_request: nil) if merge_request&.persisted? diffs_project_merge_request_path(project, merge_request, commit_id: else project_commit_path(project, commit) end end end