--- stage: Verify group: Runner info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/ux/technical-writing/#assignments --- # SaaS runners on Windows (beta) **(FREE SAAS)** SaaS runners on Windows are in [beta](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/gitlab-the-product/#beta) and shouldn't be used for production workloads. During this beta period, the [shared runner pipeline quota](../../../user/admin_area/settings/continuous_integration.md#shared-runners-pipeline-minutes-quota) applies for groups and projects in the same manner as Linux runners. This may change when the beta period ends, as discussed in this [related issue](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/30834). Windows runners on GitLab.com autoscale by launching virtual machines on the Google Cloud Platform. This solution uses an [autoscaling driver](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/ci-cd/custom-executor-drivers/autoscaler/tree/master/docs/readme.md) developed by GitLab for the [custom executor](https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/executors/custom.html). Windows runners execute your CI/CD jobs on `n1-standard-2` instances with 2 vCPUs and 7.5 GB RAM. You can find a full list of available Windows packages in the [package documentation](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/ci-cd/shared-runners/images/gcp/windows-containers/blob/main/cookbooks/preinstalled-software/README.md). We want to keep iterating to get Windows runners in a stable state and [generally available](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/gitlab-the-product/#generally-available-ga). You can follow our work towards this goal in the [related epic](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/2162). ## Configuration The full contents of our `config.toml` are: NOTE: Settings that aren't public are shown as `X`. ```toml concurrent = X check_interval = 3 [[runners]] name = "windows-runner" url = "https://gitlab.com/" token = "TOKEN" executor = "custom" builds_dir = "C:\\GitLab-Runner\\builds" cache_dir = "C:\\GitLab-Runner\\cache" shell = "powershell" [runners.custom] config_exec = "C:\\GitLab-Runner\\autoscaler\\autoscaler.exe" config_args = ["--config", "C:\\GitLab-Runner\\autoscaler\\config.toml", "custom", "config"] prepare_exec = "C:\\GitLab-Runner\\autoscaler\\autoscaler.exe" prepare_args = ["--config", "C:\\GitLab-Runner\\autoscaler\\config.toml", "custom", "prepare"] run_exec = "C:\\GitLab-Runner\\autoscaler\\autoscaler.exe" run_args = ["--config", "C:\\GitLab-Runner\\autoscaler\\config.toml", "custom", "run"] cleanup_exec = "C:\\GitLab-Runner\\autoscaler\\autoscaler.exe" cleanup_args = ["--config", "C:\\GitLab-Runner\\autoscaler\\config.toml", "custom", "cleanup"] ``` The full contents of our `autoscaler/config.toml` are: ```toml Provider = "gcp" Executor = "winrm" OS = "windows" LogLevel = "info" LogFormat = "text" LogFile = "C:\\GitLab-Runner\\autoscaler\\autoscaler.log" VMTag = "windows" [GCP] ServiceAccountFile = "PATH" Project = "some-project-df9323" Zone = "us-east1-c" MachineType = "n1-standard-2" Image = "IMAGE" DiskSize = 50 DiskType = "pd-standard" Subnetwork = "default" Network = "default" Tags = ["TAGS"] Username = "gitlab_runner" [WinRM] MaximumTimeout = 3600 ExecutionMaxRetries = 0 [ProviderCache] Enabled = true Directory = "C:\\GitLab-Runner\\autoscaler\\machines" ``` ## Example `.gitlab-ci.yml` file Below is a sample `.gitlab-ci.yml` file that shows how to start using the runners for Windows: ```yaml .shared_windows_runners: tags: - shared-windows - windows - windows-1809 stages: - build - test before_script: - Set-Variable -Name "time" -Value (date -Format "%H:%m") - echo ${time} - echo "started by ${GITLAB_USER_NAME}" build: extends: - .shared_windows_runners stage: build script: - echo "running scripts in the build job" test: extends: - .shared_windows_runners stage: test script: - echo "running scripts in the test job" ``` ## Limitations and known issues - All the limitations mentioned in our [beta definition](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/#beta). - The average provisioning time for a new Windows VM is 5 minutes. This means that you may notice slower build start times on the Windows runner fleet during the beta. In a future release we intend to update the autoscaler to enable the pre-provisioning of virtual machines. This is intended to significantly reduce the time it takes to provision a VM on the Windows fleet. You can follow along in the [related issue](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/ci-cd/custom-executor-drivers/autoscaler/-/issues/32). - The Windows runner fleet may be unavailable occasionally for maintenance or updates. - The Windows runner virtual machine instances do not use the GitLab Docker executor. This means that you can't specify [`image`](../../../ci/yaml/index.md#image) or [`services`](../../../ci/yaml/index.md#services) in your pipeline configuration. - For the beta release, we have included a set of software packages in the base VM image. If your CI job requires additional software that's not included in this list, then you must add installation commands to [`before_script`](../../../ci/yaml/index.md#before_script) or [`script`](../../../ci/yaml/index.md#script) to install the required software. Note that each job runs on a new VM instance, so the installation of additional software packages needs to be repeated for each job in your pipeline. - The job may stay in a pending state for longer than the Linux runners. - There is the possibility that we introduce breaking changes which will require updates to pipelines that are using the Windows runner fleet.