# frozen_string_literal: true class CommitStatus < ApplicationRecord include Ci::HasStatus include Importable include AfterCommitQueue include Presentable include EnumWithNil include BulkInsertableAssociations self.table_name = 'ci_builds' belongs_to :user belongs_to :project belongs_to :pipeline, class_name: 'Ci::Pipeline', foreign_key: :commit_id belongs_to :auto_canceled_by, class_name: 'Ci::Pipeline' has_many :needs, class_name: 'Ci::BuildNeed', foreign_key: :build_id, inverse_of: :build enum scheduling_type: { stage: 0, dag: 1 }, _prefix: true delegate :commit, to: :pipeline delegate :sha, :short_sha, :before_sha, to: :pipeline validates :pipeline, presence: true, unless: :importing? validates :name, presence: true, unless: :importing? alias_attribute :author, :user alias_attribute :pipeline_id, :commit_id scope :failed_but_allowed, -> do where(allow_failure: true, status: [:failed, :canceled]) end scope :order_id_desc, -> { order('ci_builds.id DESC') } scope :exclude_ignored, -> do # We want to ignore failed but allowed to fail jobs. # # TODO, we also skip ignored optional manual actions. where("allow_failure = ? OR status IN (?)", false, all_state_names - [:failed, :canceled, :manual]) end scope :latest, -> { where(retried: [false, nil]) } scope :retried, -> { where(retried: true) } scope :ordered, -> { order(:name) } scope :ordered_by_stage, -> { order(stage_idx: :asc) } scope :latest_ordered, -> { latest.ordered.includes(project: :namespace) } scope :retried_ordered, -> { retried.ordered.includes(project: :namespace) } scope :ordered_by_pipeline, -> { order(pipeline_id: :asc) } scope :before_stage, -> (index) { where('stage_idx < ?', index) } scope :for_stage, -> (index) { where(stage_idx: index) } scope :after_stage, -> (index) { where('stage_idx > ?', index) } scope :for_ids, -> (ids) { where(id: ids) } scope :for_ref, -> (ref) { where(ref: ref) } scope :by_name, -> (name) { where(name: name) } scope :in_pipelines, ->(pipelines) { where(pipeline: pipelines) } scope :for_project_paths, -> (paths) do where(project: Project.where_full_path_in(Array(paths))) end scope :with_preloads, -> do preload(:project, :user) end scope :with_project_preload, -> do preload(project: :namespace) end scope :match_id_and_lock_version, -> (items) do # it expects that items are an array of attributes to match # each hash needs to have `id` and `lock_version` or_conditions = items.inject(none) do |relation, item| match = CommitStatus.default_scoped.where(item.slice(:id, :lock_version)) relation.or(match) end merge(or_conditions) end # We use `Enums::Ci::CommitStatus.failure_reasons` here so that EE can more easily # extend this `Hash` with new values. enum_with_nil failure_reason: Enums::Ci::CommitStatus.failure_reasons ## # We still create some CommitStatuses outside of CreatePipelineService. # # These are pages deployments and external statuses. # before_create unless: :importing? do # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ServiceClass Ci::EnsureStageService.new(project, user).execute(self) do |stage| self.run_after_commit { StageUpdateWorker.perform_async(stage.id) } end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ServiceClass end before_save if: :status_changed?, unless: :importing? do # we mark `processed` as always changed: # another process might change its value and our object # will not be refreshed to pick the change self.processed_will_change! if latest? self.processed = false # force refresh of all dependent ones elsif retried? self.processed = true # retried are considered to be already processed end end state_machine :status do event :process do transition [:skipped, :manual] => :created end event :enqueue do # A CommitStatus will never have prerequisites, but this event # is shared by Ci::Build, which cannot progress unless prerequisites # are satisfied. transition [:created, :skipped, :manual, :scheduled] => :pending, if: :all_met_to_become_pending? end event :run do transition pending: :running end event :skip do transition [:created, :waiting_for_resource, :preparing, :pending] => :skipped end event :drop do transition [:created, :waiting_for_resource, :preparing, :pending, :running, :scheduled] => :failed end event :success do transition [:created, :waiting_for_resource, :preparing, :pending, :running] => :success end event :cancel do transition [:created, :waiting_for_resource, :preparing, :pending, :running, :manual, :scheduled] => :canceled end before_transition [:created, :waiting_for_resource, :preparing, :skipped, :manual, :scheduled] => :pending do |commit_status| commit_status.queued_at = Time.current end before_transition [:created, :preparing, :pending] => :running do |commit_status| commit_status.started_at = Time.current end before_transition any => [:success, :failed, :canceled] do |commit_status| commit_status.finished_at = Time.current end before_transition any => :failed do |commit_status, transition| failure_reason = transition.args.first commit_status.failure_reason = CommitStatus.failure_reasons[failure_reason] end before_transition [:skipped, :manual] => :created do |commit_status, transition| transition.args.first.try do |user| commit_status.user = user end end after_transition do |commit_status, transition| next if transition.loopback? next if commit_status.processed? next unless commit_status.project commit_status.run_after_commit do PipelineProcessWorker.perform_async(pipeline_id) ExpireJobCacheWorker.perform_async(id) end end after_transition any => :failed do |commit_status| next unless commit_status.project # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ServiceClass commit_status.run_after_commit do MergeRequests::AddTodoWhenBuildFailsService .new(project, nil).execute(self) end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ServiceClass end end def self.names select(:name) end def self.update_as_processed! # Marks items as processed # we do not increase `lock_version`, as we are the one # holding given lock_version (Optimisitc Locking) update_all(processed: true) end def self.locking_enabled? false end def locking_enabled? will_save_change_to_status? end def group_name simplified_commit_status_group_name_feature_flag = Gitlab::SafeRequestStore.fetch("project:#{project_id}:simplified_commit_status_group_name") do Feature.enabled?(:simplified_commit_status_group_name, project, default_enabled: false) end if simplified_commit_status_group_name_feature_flag # Only remove one or more [...] "X/Y" "X Y" from the end of build names. # More about the regular expression logic: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/jobs/#group-jobs-in-a-pipeline name.to_s.sub(%r{([\b\s:]+((\[.*\])|(\d+[\s:\/\\]+\d+)))+\s*\z}, '').strip else # Prior implementation, remove [...] "X/Y" "X Y" from the beginning and middle of build names # 'rspec:linux: 1/10' => 'rspec:linux' common_name = name.to_s.gsub(%r{\b\d+[\s:\/\\]+\d+\s*}, '') # 'rspec:linux: [aws, max memory]' => 'rspec:linux', 'rspec:linux: [aws]' => 'rspec:linux' common_name.gsub!(%r{: \[.*\]\s*\z}, '') common_name.strip! common_name end end def failed_but_allowed? allow_failure? && (failed? || canceled?) end def duration calculate_duration end def latest? !retried? end def playable? false end def retryable? false end def cancelable? false end def archived? false end def stuck? false end def has_trace? false end def all_met_to_become_pending? true end def auto_canceled? canceled? && auto_canceled_by_id? end def detailed_status(current_user) Gitlab::Ci::Status::Factory .new(self, current_user) .fabricate! end def sortable_name name.to_s.split(/(\d+)/).map do |v| v =~ /\d+/ ? v.to_i : v end end def recoverable? failed? && !unrecoverable_failure? end private def unrecoverable_failure? script_failure? || missing_dependency_failure? || archived_failure? || scheduler_failure? || data_integrity_failure? end end CommitStatus.prepend_if_ee('::EE::CommitStatus')