import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import testAction from 'spec/helpers/vuex_action_helper'; import { showTreeEntry, getFiles } from '~/ide/stores/actions/tree'; import * as types from '~/ide/stores/mutation_types'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import store from '~/ide/stores'; import service from '~/ide/services'; import router from '~/ide/ide_router'; import { file, resetStore, createEntriesFromPaths } from '../../helpers'; describe('Multi-file store tree actions', () => { let projectTree; let mock; const basicCallParameters = { endpoint: 'rootEndpoint', projectId: 'abcproject', branch: 'master', branchId: 'master', }; beforeEach(() => { spyOn(router, 'push'); mock = new MockAdapter(axios); store.state.currentProjectId = 'abcproject'; store.state.currentBranchId = 'master'; store.state.projects.abcproject = { web_url: '', branches: { master: { workingReference: '1', }, }, }; }); afterEach(() => { mock.restore(); resetStore(store); }); describe('getFiles', () => { describe('success', () => { beforeEach(() => { spyOn(service, 'getFiles').and.callThrough(); mock .onGet(/(.*)/) .replyOnce(200, [ 'file.txt', 'folder/fileinfolder.js', 'folder/subfolder/fileinsubfolder.js', ]); }); it('calls service getFiles', done => { store .dispatch('getFiles', basicCallParameters) .then(() => { expect(service.getFiles).toHaveBeenCalledWith('', 'master'); done(); }) .catch(; }); it('adds data into tree', done => { store .dispatch('getFiles', basicCallParameters) .then(() => { projectTree = store.state.trees['abcproject/master']; expect(projectTree.tree.length).toBe(2); expect(projectTree.tree[0].type).toBe('tree'); expect(projectTree.tree[0].tree[1].name).toBe('fileinfolder.js'); expect(projectTree.tree[1].type).toBe('blob'); expect(projectTree.tree[0].tree[0].tree[0].type).toBe('blob'); expect(projectTree.tree[0].tree[0].tree[0].name).toBe('fileinsubfolder.js'); done(); }) .catch(; }); }); describe('error', () => { it('dispatches branch not found actions when response is 404', done => { const dispatch = jasmine.createSpy('dispatchSpy'); store.state.projects = { 'abc/def': { web_url: `${gl.TEST_HOST}/files`, }, }; mock.onGet(/(.*)/).replyOnce(404); getFiles( { commit() {}, dispatch, state: store.state, }, { projectId: 'abc/def', branchId: 'master-testing', }, ) .then( .catch(() => { expect(dispatch.calls.argsFor(0)).toEqual([ 'showBranchNotFoundError', 'master-testing', ]); done(); }); }); it('dispatches error action', done => { const dispatch = jasmine.createSpy('dispatchSpy'); store.state.projects = { 'abc/def': { web_url: `${gl.TEST_HOST}/files`, }, }; mock.onGet(/(.*)/).replyOnce(500); getFiles( { commit() {}, dispatch, state: store.state, }, { projectId: 'abc/def', branchId: 'master-testing', }, ) .then( .catch(() => { expect(dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('setErrorMessage', { text: 'An error occured whilst loading all the files.', action: jasmine.any(Function), actionText: 'Please try again', actionPayload: { projectId: 'abc/def', branchId: 'master-testing' }, }); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('toggleTreeOpen', () => { let tree; beforeEach(() => { tree = file('testing', '1', 'tree'); store.state.entries[tree.path] = tree; }); it('toggles the tree open', done => { store .dispatch('toggleTreeOpen', tree.path) .then(() => { expect(tree.opened).toBeTruthy(); done(); }) .catch(; }); }); describe('showTreeEntry', () => { beforeEach(() => { const paths = [ 'grandparent', 'ancestor', 'grandparent/parent', 'grandparent/aunt', 'grandparent/parent/child.txt', 'grandparent/aunt/cousing.txt', ]; Object.assign(store.state.entries, createEntriesFromPaths(paths)); }); it('opens the parents', done => { testAction( showTreeEntry, 'grandparent/parent/child.txt', store.state, [ { type: types.SET_TREE_OPEN, payload: 'grandparent/parent' }, { type: types.SET_TREE_OPEN, payload: 'grandparent' }, ], [{ type: 'showTreeEntry' }], done, ); }); }); });