import { timeWindows } from './constants'; /** * method that converts a predetermined time window to minutes * defaults to 8 hours as the default option * @param {String} timeWindow - The time window to convert to minutes * @returns {number} The time window in minutes */ const getTimeDifferenceSeconds = timeWindow => { switch (timeWindow) { case timeWindows.thirtyMinutes: return 60 * 30; case timeWindows.threeHours: return 60 * 60 * 3; case timeWindows.oneDay: return 60 * 60 * 24 * 1; case timeWindows.threeDays: return 60 * 60 * 24 * 3; case timeWindows.oneWeek: return 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 1; default: return 60 * 60 * 8; } }; export const getTimeDiff = selectedTimeWindow => { const end = / 1000; // convert milliseconds to seconds const start = end - getTimeDifferenceSeconds(selectedTimeWindow); return { start, end }; }; /** * This method is used to validate if the graph data format for a chart component * that needs a time series as a response from a prometheus query (query_range) is * of a valid format or not. * @param {Object} graphData the graph data response from a prometheus request * @returns {boolean} whether the graphData format is correct */ export const graphDataValidatorForValues = (isValues, graphData) => { const responseValueKeyName = isValues ? 'value' : 'values'; return ( Array.isArray(graphData.queries) && graphData.queries.filter(query => { if (Array.isArray(query.result)) { return ( query.result.filter(res => Array.isArray(res[responseValueKeyName])).length === query.result.length ); } return false; }).length === graphData.queries.length ); }; export default {};