import Vuex from 'vuex'; import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import AxiosMockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import { setTestTimeout } from 'helpers/timeout'; import { GlNewDropdownItem as GlDropdownItem } from '@gitlab/ui'; import invalidUrl from '~/lib/utils/invalid_url'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import AlertWidget from '~/monitoring/components/alert_widget.vue'; import DashboardPanel from '~/monitoring/components/dashboard_panel.vue'; import { mockAlert, mockLogsHref, mockLogsPath, mockNamespace, mockNamespacedData, mockTimeRange, barMockData, } from '../mock_data'; import { dashboardProps, graphData, graphDataEmpty } from '../fixture_data'; import { anomalyGraphData, singleStatGraphData, heatmapGraphData } from '../graph_data'; import { panelTypes } from '~/monitoring/constants'; import MonitorEmptyChart from '~/monitoring/components/charts/empty_chart.vue'; import MonitorTimeSeriesChart from '~/monitoring/components/charts/time_series.vue'; import MonitorAnomalyChart from '~/monitoring/components/charts/anomaly.vue'; import MonitorSingleStatChart from '~/monitoring/components/charts/single_stat.vue'; import MonitorHeatmapChart from '~/monitoring/components/charts/heatmap.vue'; import MonitorColumnChart from '~/monitoring/components/charts/column.vue'; import MonitorBarChart from '~/monitoring/components/charts/bar.vue'; import MonitorStackedColumnChart from '~/monitoring/components/charts/stacked_column.vue'; import { createStore, monitoringDashboard } from '~/monitoring/stores'; import { createStore as createEmbedGroupStore } from '~/monitoring/stores/embed_group'; global.URL.createObjectURL = jest.fn(); const mocks = { $toast: { show: jest.fn(), }, }; describe('Dashboard Panel', () => { let axiosMock; let store; let state; let wrapper; const exampleText = 'example_text'; const findCopyLink = () => wrapper.find({ ref: 'copyChartLink' }); const findTimeChart = () => wrapper.find({ ref: 'timeSeriesChart' }); const findTitle = () => wrapper.find({ ref: 'graphTitle' }); const findCtxMenu = () => wrapper.find({ ref: 'contextualMenu' }); const findMenuItems = () => wrapper.findAll(GlDropdownItem); const findMenuItemByText = text => findMenuItems().filter(i => i.text() === text); const findAlertsWidget = () => wrapper.find(AlertWidget); const createWrapper = (props, { mountFn = shallowMount, ...options } = {}) => { wrapper = mountFn(DashboardPanel, { propsData: { graphData, settingsPath: dashboardProps.settingsPath, ...props, }, store, mocks, ...options, }); }; const mockGetterReturnValue = (getter, value) => { jest.spyOn(monitoringDashboard.getters, getter).mockReturnValue(value); store = new Vuex.Store({ modules: { monitoringDashboard, }, }); }; const setMetricsSavedToDb = val => monitoringDashboard.getters.metricsSavedToDb.mockReturnValue(val); beforeEach(() => { setTestTimeout(1000); store = createStore(); state = store.state.monitoringDashboard; axiosMock = new AxiosMockAdapter(axios); }); afterEach(() => { axiosMock.reset(); }); describe('Renders slots', () => { it('renders "topLeft" slot', () => { createWrapper( {}, { slots: { topLeft: `
`, }, }, ); expect(wrapper.find('.top-left-content').exists()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.find('.top-left-content').text()).toBe('OK'); }); }); describe('When no graphData is available', () => { beforeEach(() => { createWrapper({ graphData: graphDataEmpty, }); }); afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); it('renders the chart title', () => { expect(findTitle().text()).toBe(graphDataEmpty.title); }); it('renders no download csv link', () => { expect(wrapper.find({ ref: 'downloadCsvLink' }).exists()).toBe(false); }); it('does not contain graph widgets', () => { expect(findCtxMenu().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('The Empty Chart component is rendered and is a Vue instance', () => { expect(wrapper.find(MonitorEmptyChart).exists()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.find(MonitorEmptyChart).isVueInstance()).toBe(true); }); }); describe('When graphData is null', () => { beforeEach(() => { createWrapper({ graphData: null, }); }); afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); it('renders no chart title', () => { expect(findTitle().text()).toBe(''); }); it('renders no download csv link', () => { expect(wrapper.find({ ref: 'downloadCsvLink' }).exists()).toBe(false); }); it('does not contain graph widgets', () => { expect(findCtxMenu().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('The Empty Chart component is rendered and is a Vue instance', () => { expect(wrapper.find(MonitorEmptyChart).exists()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.find(MonitorEmptyChart).isVueInstance()).toBe(true); }); }); describe('When graphData is available', () => { beforeEach(() => { createWrapper(); }); afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); it('renders the chart title', () => { expect(findTitle().text()).toBe(graphData.title); }); it('contains graph widgets', () => { expect(findCtxMenu().exists()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.find({ ref: 'downloadCsvLink' }).exists()).toBe(true); }); it('sets no clipboard copy link on dropdown by default', () => { expect(findCopyLink().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('should emit `timerange` event when a zooming in/out in a chart occcurs', () => { const timeRange = { start: '2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z', end: '2020-01-01T01:00:00.000Z', }; jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, '$emit'); findTimeChart().vm.$emit('datazoom', timeRange); return wrapper.vm.$nextTick(() => { expect(wrapper.vm.$emit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('timerangezoom', timeRange); }); }); it('includes a default group id', () => { expect(wrapper.vm.groupId).toBe('dashboard-panel'); }); describe('Supports different panel types', () => { const dataWithType = type => { return { ...graphData, type, }; }; it('empty chart is rendered for empty results', () => { createWrapper({ graphData: graphDataEmpty }); expect(wrapper.find(MonitorEmptyChart).exists()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.find(MonitorEmptyChart).isVueInstance()).toBe(true); }); it('area chart is rendered by default', () => { createWrapper(); expect(wrapper.find(MonitorTimeSeriesChart).exists()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.find(MonitorTimeSeriesChart).isVueInstance()).toBe(true); }); describe.each` data | component | hasCtxMenu ${dataWithType(panelTypes.AREA_CHART)} | ${MonitorTimeSeriesChart} | ${true} ${dataWithType(panelTypes.LINE_CHART)} | ${MonitorTimeSeriesChart} | ${true} ${singleStatGraphData()} | ${MonitorSingleStatChart} | ${true} ${anomalyGraphData()} | ${MonitorAnomalyChart} | ${false} ${dataWithType(panelTypes.COLUMN)} | ${MonitorColumnChart} | ${false} ${dataWithType(panelTypes.STACKED_COLUMN)} | ${MonitorStackedColumnChart} | ${false} ${heatmapGraphData()} | ${MonitorHeatmapChart} | ${false} ${barMockData} | ${MonitorBarChart} | ${false} `('when $data.type data is provided', ({ data, component, hasCtxMenu }) => { const attrs = { attr1: 'attr1Value', attr2: 'attr2Value' }; beforeEach(() => { createWrapper({ graphData: data }, { attrs }); }); it(`renders the chart component and binds attributes`, () => { expect(wrapper.find(component).exists()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.find(component).isVueInstance()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.find(component).attributes()).toMatchObject(attrs); }); it(`contextual menu is ${hasCtxMenu ? '' : 'not '}shown`, () => { expect(findCtxMenu().exists()).toBe(hasCtxMenu); }); }); }); describe('computed', () => { describe('fixedCurrentTimeRange', () => { it('returns fixed time for valid time range', () => { state.timeRange = mockTimeRange; return wrapper.vm.$nextTick(() => { expect(findTimeChart().props('timeRange')).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ start: expect.any(String), end: expect.any(String), }), ); }); }); it.each` input | output ${''} | ${{}} ${undefined} | ${{}} ${null} | ${{}} ${'2020-12-03'} | ${{}} `('returns $output for invalid input like $input', ({ input, output }) => { state.timeRange = input; return wrapper.vm.$nextTick(() => { expect(findTimeChart().props('timeRange')).toEqual(output); }); }); }); }); }); describe('Edit custom metric dropdown item', () => { const findEditCustomMetricLink = () => wrapper.find({ ref: 'editMetricLink' }); const mockEditPath = '/root/kubernetes-gke-project/prometheus/metrics/23/edit'; beforeEach(() => { createWrapper(); return wrapper.vm.$nextTick(); }); it('is not present if the panel is not a custom metric', () => { expect(findEditCustomMetricLink().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('is present when the panel contains an edit_path property', () => { wrapper.setProps({ graphData: { ...graphData, metrics: [ { ...graphData.metrics[0], edit_path: mockEditPath, }, ], }, }); return wrapper.vm.$nextTick(() => { expect(findEditCustomMetricLink().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findEditCustomMetricLink().text()).toBe('Edit metric'); expect(findEditCustomMetricLink().attributes('href')).toBe(mockEditPath); }); }); it('shows an "Edit metrics" link pointing to settingsPath for a panel with multiple metrics', () => { wrapper.setProps({ graphData: { ...graphData, metrics: [ { ...graphData.metrics[0], edit_path: '/root/kubernetes-gke-project/prometheus/metrics/23/edit', }, { ...graphData.metrics[0], edit_path: '/root/kubernetes-gke-project/prometheus/metrics/23/edit', }, ], }, }); return wrapper.vm.$nextTick(() => { expect(findEditCustomMetricLink().text()).toBe('Edit metrics'); expect(findEditCustomMetricLink().attributes('href')).toBe(dashboardProps.settingsPath); }); }); }); describe('View Logs dropdown item', () => { const findViewLogsLink = () => wrapper.find({ ref: 'viewLogsLink' }); beforeEach(() => { createWrapper(); return wrapper.vm.$nextTick(); }); it('is not present by default', () => wrapper.vm.$nextTick(() => { expect(findViewLogsLink().exists()).toBe(false); })); it('is not present if a time range is not set', () => { state.logsPath = mockLogsPath; state.timeRange = null; return wrapper.vm.$nextTick(() => { expect(findViewLogsLink().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); it('is not present if the logs path is default', () => { state.logsPath = invalidUrl; state.timeRange = mockTimeRange; return wrapper.vm.$nextTick(() => { expect(findViewLogsLink().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); it('is not present if the logs path is not set', () => { state.logsPath = null; state.timeRange = mockTimeRange; return wrapper.vm.$nextTick(() => { expect(findViewLogsLink().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); it('is present when logs path and time a range is present', () => { state.logsPath = mockLogsPath; state.timeRange = mockTimeRange; return wrapper.vm.$nextTick(() => { expect(findViewLogsLink().attributes('href')).toMatch(mockLogsHref); }); }); it('it is overridden when a datazoom event is received', () => { state.logsPath = mockLogsPath; state.timeRange = mockTimeRange; const zoomedTimeRange = { start: '2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z', end: '2020-01-01T01:00:00.000Z', }; findTimeChart().vm.$emit('datazoom', zoomedTimeRange); return wrapper.vm.$nextTick(() => { const start = encodeURIComponent(zoomedTimeRange.start); const end = encodeURIComponent(zoomedTimeRange.end); expect(findViewLogsLink().attributes('href')).toMatch( `${mockLogsPath}?start=${start}&end=${end}`, ); }); }); }); describe('when clipboard data is available', () => { const clipboardText = 'A value to copy.'; beforeEach(() => { createWrapper({ clipboardText, }); }); it('sets clipboard text on the dropdown', () => { expect(findCopyLink().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findCopyLink().element.dataset.clipboardText).toBe(clipboardText); }); it('adds a copy button to the dropdown', () => { expect(findCopyLink().text()).toContain('Copy link to chart'); }); it('opens a toast on click', () => { findCopyLink().vm.$emit('click'); expect(wrapper.vm.$; }); }); describe('when clipboard data is not available', () => { it('there is no "copy to clipboard" link for a null value', () => { createWrapper({ clipboardText: null }); expect(findCopyLink().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('there is no "copy to clipboard" link for an empty value', () => { createWrapper({ clipboardText: '' }); expect(findCopyLink().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('when downloading metrics data as CSV', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = shallowMount(DashboardPanel, { propsData: { clipboardText: exampleText, settingsPath: dashboardProps.settingsPath, graphData: { y_label: 'metric', ...graphData, }, }, store, }); return wrapper.vm.$nextTick(); }); afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); describe('csvText', () => { it('converts metrics data from json to csv', () => { const header = `timestamp,"${graphData.y_label} > ${graphData.metrics[0].label}"`; const data = graphData.metrics[0].result[0].values; const firstRow = `${data[0][0]},${data[0][1]}`; const secondRow = `${data[1][0]},${data[1][1]}`; expect(wrapper.vm.csvText).toMatch(`${header}\r\n${firstRow}\r\n${secondRow}\r\n`); }); }); describe('downloadCsv', () => { it('produces a link with a Blob', () => { expect(global.URL.createObjectURL).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(expect.any(Blob)); expect(global.URL.createObjectURL).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ size: wrapper.vm.csvText.length, type: 'text/plain', }), ); }); }); }); describe('when using dynamic modules', () => { const { mockDeploymentData, mockProjectPath } = mockNamespacedData; beforeEach(() => { store = createEmbedGroupStore(); store.registerModule(mockNamespace, monitoringDashboard); store.state.embedGroup.modules.push(mockNamespace); wrapper = shallowMount(DashboardPanel, { propsData: { graphData, settingsPath: dashboardProps.settingsPath, namespace: mockNamespace, }, store, mocks, }); }); it('handles namespaced time range and logs path state', () => { store.state[mockNamespace].timeRange = mockTimeRange; store.state[mockNamespace].logsPath = mockLogsPath; return wrapper.vm.$nextTick().then(() => { expect(wrapper.find({ ref: 'viewLogsLink' }).attributes().href).toBe(mockLogsHref); }); }); it('handles namespaced deployment data state', () => { store.state[mockNamespace].deploymentData = mockDeploymentData; return wrapper.vm.$nextTick().then(() => { expect(findTimeChart().props().deploymentData).toEqual(mockDeploymentData); }); }); it('handles namespaced project path state', () => { store.state[mockNamespace].projectPath = mockProjectPath; return wrapper.vm.$nextTick().then(() => { expect(findTimeChart().props().projectPath).toBe(mockProjectPath); }); }); it('it renders a time series chart with no errors', () => { expect(wrapper.find(MonitorTimeSeriesChart).isVueInstance()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.find(MonitorTimeSeriesChart).exists()).toBe(true); }); }); describe('panel timezone', () => { it('displays a time chart in local timezone', () => { createWrapper(); expect(findTimeChart().props('timezone')).toBe('LOCAL'); }); it('displays a heatmap in local timezone', () => { createWrapper({ graphData: heatmapGraphData() }); expect(wrapper.find(MonitorHeatmapChart).props('timezone')).toBe('LOCAL'); }); describe('when timezone is set to UTC', () => { beforeEach(() => { store = createStore({ dashboardTimezone: 'UTC' }); }); it('displays a time chart with UTC', () => { createWrapper(); expect(findTimeChart().props('timezone')).toBe('UTC'); }); it('displays a heatmap with UTC', () => { createWrapper({ graphData: heatmapGraphData() }); expect(wrapper.find(MonitorHeatmapChart).props('timezone')).toBe('UTC'); }); }); }); describe('Expand to full screen', () => { const findExpandBtn = () => wrapper.find({ ref: 'expandBtn' }); describe('when there is no @expand listener', () => { it('does not show `View full screen` option', () => { createWrapper(); expect(findExpandBtn().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('when there is an @expand listener', () => { beforeEach(() => { createWrapper({}, { listeners: { expand: () => {} } }); }); it('shows the `expand` option', () => { expect(findExpandBtn().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('emits the `expand` event', () => { const preventDefault = jest.fn(); findExpandBtn().vm.$emit('click', { preventDefault }); expect(wrapper.emitted('expand')).toHaveLength(1); expect(preventDefault).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe('panel alerts', () => { beforeEach(() => { mockGetterReturnValue('metricsSavedToDb', []); createWrapper(); }); describe.each` desc | metricsSavedToDb | props | isShown ${'with permission and no metrics in db'} | ${[]} | ${{}} | ${false} ${'with permission and related metrics in db'} | ${[graphData.metrics[0].metricId]} | ${{}} | ${true} ${'without permission and related metrics in db'} | ${[graphData.metrics[0].metricId]} | ${{ prometheusAlertsAvailable: false }} | ${false} ${'with permission and unrelated metrics in db'} | ${['another_metric_id']} | ${{}} | ${false} `('$desc', ({ metricsSavedToDb, isShown, props }) => { const showsDesc = isShown ? 'shows' : 'does not show'; beforeEach(() => { setMetricsSavedToDb(metricsSavedToDb); createWrapper({ alertsEndpoint: '/endpoint', prometheusAlertsAvailable: true, ...props, }); return wrapper.vm.$nextTick(); }); it(`${showsDesc} alert widget`, () => { expect(findAlertsWidget().exists()).toBe(isShown); }); it(`${showsDesc} alert configuration`, () => { expect(findMenuItemByText('Alerts').exists()).toBe(isShown); }); }); }); describe('When graphData contains links', () => { const findManageLinksItem = () => wrapper.find({ ref: 'manageLinksItem' }); const mockLinks = [ { url: '', title: 'Example 1', }, { url: '', title: 'Example 2', }, ]; const createWrapperWithLinks = (links = mockLinks) => { createWrapper({ graphData: { ...graphData, links, }, }); }; it('custom links are shown', () => { createWrapperWithLinks(); mockLinks.forEach(({ url, title }) => { const link = findMenuItemByText(title).at(0); expect(link.exists()).toBe(true); expect(link.attributes('href')).toBe(url); }); }); it("custom links don't show unsecure content", () => { createWrapperWithLinks([ { title: '', url: '', }, ]); expect(findMenuItems().at(1).element.innerHTML).toBe( '<script>alert("XSS")</script>', ); }); it("custom links don't show unsecure href attributes", () => { const title = 'Owned!'; createWrapperWithLinks([ { title, // eslint-disable-next-line no-script-url url: 'javascript:alert("Evil")', }, ]); const link = findMenuItemByText(title).at(0); expect(link.attributes('href')).toBe('#'); }); it('when an editable dashboard is selected, shows `Manage chart links` link to the blob path', () => { const editUrl = '/edit'; mockGetterReturnValue('selectedDashboard', { can_edit: true, project_blob_path: editUrl, }); createWrapperWithLinks(); expect(findManageLinksItem().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findManageLinksItem().attributes('href')).toBe(editUrl); }); it('when no dashboard is selected, does not show `Manage chart links`', () => { mockGetterReturnValue('selectedDashboard', null); createWrapperWithLinks(); expect(findManageLinksItem().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('when non-editable dashboard is selected, does not show `Manage chart links`', () => { const editUrl = '/edit'; mockGetterReturnValue('selectedDashboard', { can_edit: false, project_blob_path: editUrl, }); createWrapperWithLinks(); expect(findManageLinksItem().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('Runbook url', () => { const findRunbookLinks = () => wrapper.findAll('[data-testid="runbookLink"]'); const { metricId } = graphData.metrics[0]; const { alert_path: alertPath } = mockAlert; const mockRunbookAlert = { ...mockAlert, metricId, }; beforeEach(() => { mockGetterReturnValue('metricsSavedToDb', []); }); it('does not show a runbook link when alerts are not present', () => { createWrapper(); expect(findRunbookLinks().length).toBe(0); }); describe('when alerts are present', () => { beforeEach(() => { setMetricsSavedToDb([metricId]); createWrapper({ alertsEndpoint: '/endpoint', prometheusAlertsAvailable: true, }); }); it('does not show a runbook link when a runbook is not set', async () => { findAlertsWidget().vm.$emit('setAlerts', alertPath, { ...mockRunbookAlert, runbookUrl: '', }); await wrapper.vm.$nextTick(); expect(findRunbookLinks().length).toBe(0); }); it('shows a runbook link when a runbook is set', async () => { findAlertsWidget().vm.$emit('setAlerts', alertPath, mockRunbookAlert); await wrapper.vm.$nextTick(); expect(findRunbookLinks().length).toBe(1); expect( findRunbookLinks() .at(0) .attributes('href'), ).toBe(invalidUrl); }); }); }); });