class @Todos constructor: (opts = {}) -> { @el = $('.js-todos-options') } = opts @perPage ='perPage') @clearListeners() @initBtnListeners() clearListeners: -> $('.done-todo').off('click') $('.js-todos-mark-all').off('click') $('.todo').off('click') initBtnListeners: -> $('.done-todo').on('click', @doneClicked) $('.js-todos-mark-all').on('click', @allDoneClicked) $('.todo').on('click', @goToTodoUrl) doneClicked: (e) => e.preventDefault() e.stopImmediatePropagation() $this = $(e.currentTarget) $this.disable() $.ajax type: 'POST' url: $this.attr('href') dataType: 'json' data: '_method': 'delete' success: (data) => @redirectIfNeeded data.count @clearDone $this.closest('li') @updateBadges data allDoneClicked: (e) => e.preventDefault() e.stopImmediatePropagation() $this = $(e.currentTarget) $this.disable() $.ajax type: 'POST' url: $this.attr('href') dataType: 'json' data: '_method': 'delete' success: (data) => $this.remove() $('.js-todos-list').remove() @updateBadges data clearDone: ($row) -> $ul = $row.closest('ul') $row.remove() if not $ul.find('li').length $ul.parents('.panel').remove() updateBadges: (data) -> $('.todos-pending .badge, .todos-pending-count').text data.count $('.todos-done .badge').text data.done_count getTotalPages: ->'totalPages') getCurrentPage: ->'currentPage') getTodosPerPage: ->'perPage') redirectIfNeeded: (total) -> currPages = @getTotalPages() currPage = @getCurrentPage() # Refresh if no remaining Todos if not total location.reload() return # Do nothing if no pagination return if not currPages newPages = Math.ceil(total / @getTodosPerPage()) url = location.href # Includes query strings # If new total of pages is different than we have now if newPages isnt currPages # Redirect to previous page if there's one available if currPages > 1 and currPage is currPages pageParams = page: currPages - 1 url = gl.utils.mergeUrlParams(pageParams, url) location.replace url goToTodoUrl: (e)-> todoLink = $(this).data('url') if e.metaKey e.preventDefault(),'_blank') else Turbolinks.visit(todoLink)