import { mountExtended } from 'helpers/vue_test_utils_helper'; import { useFakeDate } from 'helpers/fake_date'; import { stubTransition } from 'helpers/stub_transition'; import { formatDate } from '~/lib/utils/datetime_utility'; import { __, s__ } from '~/locale'; import ClipboardButton from '~/vue_shared/components/clipboard_button.vue'; import Deployment from '~/environments/components/deployment.vue'; import Commit from '~/environments/components/commit.vue'; import DeploymentStatusBadge from '~/environments/components/deployment_status_badge.vue'; import { resolvedEnvironment } from './graphql/mock_data'; describe('~/environments/components/deployment.vue', () => { useFakeDate(2022, 0, 8, 16); let deployment; let wrapper; beforeEach(() => { deployment = resolvedEnvironment.lastDeployment; }); const createWrapper = ({ propsData = {} } = {}) => mountExtended(Deployment, { propsData: { deployment, ...propsData, }, stubs: { transition: stubTransition() }, }); afterEach(() => { wrapper?.destroy(); }); describe('status', () => { it('should pass the deployable status to the badge', () => { wrapper = createWrapper(); expect(wrapper.findComponent(DeploymentStatusBadge).props('status')).toBe(deployment.status); }); }); describe('latest', () => { it('should show a badge if the deployment is latest', () => { wrapper = createWrapper({ propsData: { latest: true } }); const badge = wrapper.findByText(s__('Deployment|Latest Deployed')); expect(badge.exists()).toBe(true); }); it('should not show a badge if the deployment is not latest', () => { wrapper = createWrapper(); const badge = wrapper.findByText(s__('Deployment|Latest Deployed')); expect(badge.exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('iid', () => { const findIid = () => wrapper.findByTitle(s__('Deployment|Deployment ID')); const findDeploymentIcon = () => wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'deployment-iid-icon' }); describe('is present', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = createWrapper(); }); it('should show the iid', () => { const iid = findIid(); expect(iid.exists()).toBe(true); }); it('should show an icon for the iid', () => { const deploymentIcon = findDeploymentIcon(); expect(deploymentIcon.props('name')).toBe('deployments'); }); }); describe('is not present', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = createWrapper({ propsData: { deployment: { ...deployment, iid: '' } } }); }); it('should not show the iid', () => { const iid = findIid(); expect(iid.exists()).toBe(false); }); it('should not show an icon for the iid', () => { const deploymentIcon = findDeploymentIcon(); expect(deploymentIcon.exists()).toBe(false); }); }); }); describe('shortSha', () => { describe('is present', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = createWrapper(); }); it('shows the short SHA for the commit of the deployment', () => { const sha = wrapper.findByRole('link', { name: __('Commit SHA') }); expect(sha.exists()).toBe(true); expect(sha.text()).toBe(deployment.commit.shortId); expect(sha.attributes('href')).toBe(deployment.commit.commitPath); }); it('shows the commit icon', () => { const icon = wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'deployment-commit-icon' }); expect(icon.props('name')).toBe('commit'); }); it('shows a copy button for the sha', () => { const button = wrapper.findComponent(ClipboardButton); expect(button.props()).toMatchObject({ text: deployment.commit.shortId, title: __('Copy commit SHA'), }); }); }); describe('is not present', () => { it('does not show the short SHA for the commit of the deployment', () => { wrapper = createWrapper({ propsData: { deployment: { ...deployment, commit: null, }, }, }); const sha = wrapper.findByTestId('deployment-commit-sha'); expect(sha.exists()).toBe(false); }); }); }); describe('created at time', () => { describe('is present', () => { it('shows the timestamp the deployment was deployed at', () => { wrapper = createWrapper(); const date = wrapper.findByTitle(formatDate(deployment.createdAt)); expect(date.text()).toBe('1 day ago'); }); }); describe('is not present', () => { it('does not show the timestamp', () => { wrapper = createWrapper({ propsData: { deployment: { ...deployment, createdAt: null } } }); const date = wrapper.findByTitle(formatDate(deployment.createdAt)); expect(date.exists()).toBe(false); }); }); }); describe('commit message', () => { describe('with commit', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = createWrapper(); }); it('shows the commit component', () => { const commit = wrapper.findComponent(Commit); expect(commit.props('commit')).toBe(deployment.commit); }); }); describe('without a commit', () => { it('displays nothing', () => { const noCommit = { ...deployment, commit: null, }; wrapper = createWrapper({ propsData: { deployment: noCommit } }); const commit = wrapper.findComponent(Commit); expect(commit.exists()).toBe(false); }); }); }); describe('details', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = createWrapper(); }); it('shows information about the deployment', () => { const username = wrapper.findByRole('link', { name: `@${deployment.user.username}` }); expect(username.attributes('href')).toBe(deployment.user.path); const job = wrapper.findByRole('link', { name: }); expect(job.attributes('href')).toBe(deployment.deployable.buildPath); const apiBadge = wrapper.findByText(__('API')); expect(apiBadge.exists()).toBe(false); const branchLabel = wrapper.findByText(__('Branch')); expect(branchLabel.exists()).toBe(true); const tagLabel = wrapper.findByText(__('Tag')); expect(tagLabel.exists()).toBe(false); const ref = wrapper.findByRole('link', { name: }); expect(ref.attributes('href')).toBe(deployment.ref.refPath); }); }); describe('with tagged deployment', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = createWrapper({ propsData: { deployment: { ...deployment, tag: true } } }); }); it('shows tag instead of branch', () => { const refLabel = wrapper.findByText(__('Tag')); expect(refLabel.exists()).toBe(true); }); }); describe('with API deployment', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = createWrapper({ propsData: { deployment: { ...deployment, deployable: null } } }); }); it('shows API instead of a job name', () => { const apiBadge = wrapper.findByText(__('API')); expect(apiBadge.exists()).toBe(true); }); }); describe('without a job path', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = createWrapper({ propsData: { deployment: { ...deployment, deployable: { name: } }, }, }); }); it('shows a span instead of a link', () => { const job = wrapper.findByTitle(; expect(job.attributes('href')).toBeUndefined(); }); }); });