- source_link = link_to(member_source.human_name, member_source.web_url, target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer', class: :highlight) - confirmation_link = confirmation_url(@user, confirmation_token: @user.confirmation_token) %tr %td.text-content %p = _('An Enterprise User GitLab account has been created for you by your organization:') %p = _('Username: %{username}') % { username: @user.username } %br = _('Email: %{email}') % { email: @user.email } %br = _('GitLab group: %{source_link}').html_safe % { source_link: source_link } %tr %td.text-content %p = _('By authenticating with an account tied to an Enterprise e-mail address, it is understood that this account is an Enterprise User. ') = _('To ensure no loss of personal content, an Individual User should create a separate account under their own personal email address, not tied to the Enterprise email domain or name-space.') - unless @user.confirmed? %p = _('To get started, click the link below to confirm your account.') %p = link_to 'Confirm your account', confirmation_link