module Ci class Runner < ActiveRecord::Base extend Gitlab::Ci::Model include Gitlab::SQL::Pattern include RedisCacheable include ChronicDurationAttribute RUNNER_QUEUE_EXPIRY_TIME = 60.minutes ONLINE_CONTACT_TIMEOUT = 1.hour UPDATE_DB_RUNNER_INFO_EVERY = 40.minutes AVAILABLE_SCOPES = %w[specific shared active paused online].freeze FORM_EDITABLE = %i[description tag_list active run_untagged locked access_level maximum_timeout_human_readable].freeze has_many :builds has_many :runner_projects, dependent: :destroy # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :projects, through: :runner_projects has_many :runner_groups has_many :groups, through: :runner_groups has_one :last_build, ->() { order('id DESC') }, class_name: 'Ci::Build' before_validation :set_default_values scope :specific, ->() { where(is_shared: false) } scope :shared, ->() { where(is_shared: true) } scope :active, ->() { where(active: true) } scope :paused, ->() { where(active: false) } scope :online, ->() { where('contacted_at > ?', contact_time_deadline) } scope :ordered, ->() { order(id: :desc) } scope :owned_or_shared, ->(project_id) do joins( %{ -- project runners LEFT JOIN ci_runner_projects ON ci_runner_projects.runner_id = -- group runners LEFT JOIN ci_runner_groups ON ci_runner_groups.runner_id = LEFT JOIN namespaces ON = ci_runner_groups.group_id LEFT JOIN projects group_projects ON group_projects.namespace_id = } ).where( %{ -- project runners ci_runner_projects.project_id = :project_id OR -- group runners = :project_id OR -- shared runners ci_runners.is_shared = true }, project_id: project_id ) end scope :assignable_for, ->(project) do # FIXME: That `to_sql` is needed to workaround a weird Rails bug. # Without that, placeholders would miss one and couldn't match. where(locked: false) .where.not("id IN (#{})").specific end validate :tag_constraints validates :access_level, presence: true acts_as_taggable after_destroy :cleanup_runner_queue enum access_level: { not_protected: 0, ref_protected: 1 } cached_attr_reader :version, :revision, :platform, :architecture, :contacted_at, :ip_address chronic_duration_attr :maximum_timeout_human_readable, :maximum_timeout validates :maximum_timeout, allow_nil: true, numericality: { greater_than_or_equal_to: 600, message: 'needs to be at least 10 minutes' } # Searches for runners matching the given query. # # This method uses ILIKE on PostgreSQL and LIKE on MySQL. # # This method performs a *partial* match on tokens, thus a query for "a" # will match any runner where the token contains the letter "a". As a result # you should *not* use this method for non-admin purposes as otherwise users # might be able to query a list of all runners. # # query - The search query as a String # # Returns an ActiveRecord::Relation. def fuzzy_search(query, [:token, :description]) end def self.contact_time_deadline ONLINE_CONTACT_TIMEOUT.ago end def set_default_values self.token = SecureRandom.hex(15) if self.token.blank? end def assign_to(project, current_user = nil) self.is_shared = false if shared? project.runner_projects.create(runner_id: end def display_name return short_sha if description.blank? description end def shared? is_shared end def online? contacted_at && contacted_at > self.class.contact_time_deadline end def status if contacted_at.nil? :not_connected elsif active? online? ? :online : :offline else :paused end end def belongs_to_one_project? runner_projects.count == 1 end def specific? !shared? end def can_pick?(build) return false if self.ref_protected? && !build.protected? assignable_for?(build.project_id) && accepting_tags?(build) end def only_for?(project) projects == [project] end def short_sha token[0...8] if token end def has_tags? tag_list.any? end def predefined_variables .append(key: 'CI_RUNNER_ID', value: id.to_s) .append(key: 'CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION', value: description) .append(key: 'CI_RUNNER_TAGS', value: tag_list.to_s) end def tick_runner_queue SecureRandom.hex.tap do |new_update| ::Gitlab::Workhorse.set_key_and_notify(runner_queue_key, new_update, expire: RUNNER_QUEUE_EXPIRY_TIME, overwrite: true) end end def ensure_runner_queue_value new_value = SecureRandom.hex ::Gitlab::Workhorse.set_key_and_notify(runner_queue_key, new_value, expire: RUNNER_QUEUE_EXPIRY_TIME, overwrite: false) end def runner_queue_value_latest?(value) ensure_runner_queue_value == value if value.present? end def update_cached_info(values) values = values&.slice(:version, :revision, :platform, :architecture, :ip_address) || {} values[:contacted_at] = cache_attributes(values) if persist_cached_data? self.assign_attributes(values) if self.changed? end end private def cleanup_runner_queue Gitlab::Redis::Queues.with do |redis| redis.del(runner_queue_key) end end def runner_queue_key "runner:build_queue:#{self.token}" end def persist_cached_data? # Use a random threshold to prevent beating DB updates. # It generates a distribution between [40m, 80m]. contacted_at_max_age = UPDATE_DB_RUNNER_INFO_EVERY + Random.rand(UPDATE_DB_RUNNER_INFO_EVERY) real_contacted_at = read_attribute(:contacted_at) real_contacted_at.nil? || ( - real_contacted_at) >= contacted_at_max_age end def tag_constraints unless has_tags? || run_untagged? errors.add(:tags_list, 'can not be empty when runner is not allowed to pick untagged jobs') end end def assignable_for?(project_id) is_shared? || projects.exists?(id: project_id) end def accepting_tags?(build) (run_untagged? || build.has_tags?) && (build.tag_list - tag_list).empty? end end end