import { GlAlert } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { mount, shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import Autosize from 'autosize'; import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import Vue, { nextTick } from 'vue'; import Vuex from 'vuex'; import { extendedWrapper } from 'helpers/vue_test_utils_helper'; import batchComments from '~/batch_comments/stores/modules/batch_comments'; import { refreshUserMergeRequestCounts } from '~/commons/nav/user_merge_requests'; import { createAlert } from '~/flash'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import CommentForm from '~/notes/components/comment_form.vue'; import CommentTypeDropdown from '~/notes/components/comment_type_dropdown.vue'; import * as constants from '~/notes/constants'; import eventHub from '~/notes/event_hub'; import { COMMENT_FORM } from '~/notes/i18n'; import notesModule from '~/notes/stores/modules'; import { loggedOutnoteableData, notesDataMock, userDataMock, noteableDataMock } from '../mock_data'; jest.mock('autosize'); jest.mock('~/commons/nav/user_merge_requests'); jest.mock('~/flash'); Vue.use(Vuex); describe('issue_comment_form component', () => { let store; let wrapper; let axiosMock; const findCloseReopenButton = () => wrapper.findByTestId('close-reopen-button'); const findTextArea = () => wrapper.findByTestId('comment-field'); const findAddToReviewButton = () => wrapper.findByTestId('add-to-review-button'); const findAddCommentNowButton = () => wrapper.findByTestId('add-comment-now-button'); const findConfidentialNoteCheckbox = () => wrapper.findByTestId('internal-note-checkbox'); const findCommentTypeDropdown = () => wrapper.findComponent(CommentTypeDropdown); const findCommentButton = () => findCommentTypeDropdown().find('button'); const findErrorAlerts = () => wrapper.findAllComponents(GlAlert).wrappers; async function clickCommentButton({ waitForComponent = true, waitForNetwork = true } = {}) { findCommentButton().trigger('click'); if (waitForComponent || waitForNetwork) { // Wait for the click to bubble out and trigger the handler await nextTick(); if (waitForNetwork) { // Wait for the network request promise to resolve await nextTick(); } } } function createStore({ actions = {} } = {}) { const baseModule = notesModule(); return new Vuex.Store({ ...baseModule, actions: { ...baseModule.actions, ...actions, }, }); } const createNotableDataMock = (data = {}) => { return { ...noteableDataMock,, }; }; const notableDataMockCanUpdateIssuable = createNotableDataMock({ current_user: { can_update: true, can_create_note: true, can_create_confidential_note: true }, }); const notableDataMockCannotUpdateIssuable = createNotableDataMock({ current_user: { can_update: false, can_create_note: false, can_create_confidential_note: false, }, }); const notableDataMockCannotCreateConfidentialNote = createNotableDataMock({ current_user: { can_update: false, can_create_note: true, can_create_confidential_note: false }, }); const mountComponent = ({ initialData = {}, noteableType = 'Issue', noteableData = noteableDataMock, notesData = notesDataMock, userData = userDataMock, features = {}, mountFunction = shallowMount, } = {}) => { store.dispatch('setNoteableData', noteableData); store.dispatch('setNotesData', notesData); store.dispatch('setUserData', userData); wrapper = extendedWrapper( mountFunction(CommentForm, { propsData: { noteableType, }, data() { return { ...initialData, }; }, store, provide: { glFeatures: features, }, }), ); }; beforeEach(() => { axiosMock = new MockAdapter(axios); store = createStore(); }); afterEach(() => { axiosMock.restore(); wrapper.destroy(); }); describe('user is logged in', () => { describe('handleSave', () => { it('should request to save note when note is entered', () => { mountComponent({ mountFunction: mount, initialData: { note: 'hello world' } }); jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'saveNote').mockResolvedValue(); jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'resizeTextarea'); jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'stopPolling'); findCloseReopenButton().trigger('click'); expect(wrapper.vm.isSubmitting).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.vm.note).toBe(''); expect(wrapper.vm.saveNote).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(wrapper.vm.stopPolling).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(wrapper.vm.resizeTextarea).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('does not report errors in the UI when the save succeeds', async () => { mountComponent({ mountFunction: mount, initialData: { note: '/label ~sdfghj' } }); jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'saveNote').mockResolvedValue(); await clickCommentButton(); // findErrorAlerts().exists returns false if *any* wrapper is empty, // not necessarily that there aren't any at all. // We want to check here that there are none found, so we use the // raw wrapper array length instead. expect(findErrorAlerts().length).toBe(0); }); it.each` httpStatus | errors ${400} | ${[COMMENT_FORM.GENERIC_UNSUBMITTABLE_NETWORK]} ${422} | ${['error 1']} ${422} | ${['error 1', 'error 2']} ${422} | ${['error 1', 'error 2', 'error 3']} `( 'displays the correct errors ($errors) for a $httpStatus network response', async ({ errors, httpStatus }) => { store = createStore({ actions: { saveNote: jest.fn().mockRejectedValue({ response: { status: httpStatus, data: { errors: { commands_only: errors } } }, }), }, }); mountComponent({ mountFunction: mount, initialData: { note: '/label ~sdfghj' } }); await clickCommentButton(); const errorAlerts = findErrorAlerts(); expect(errorAlerts.length).toBe(errors.length); errors.forEach((msg, index) => { const alert = errorAlerts[index]; expect(alert.text()).toBe(msg); }); }, ); it('should remove the correct error from the list when it is dismissed', async () => { const commandErrors = ['1', '2', '3']; store = createStore({ actions: { saveNote: jest.fn().mockRejectedValue({ response: { status: 422, data: { errors: { commands_only: [...commandErrors] } } }, }), }, }); mountComponent({ mountFunction: mount, initialData: { note: '/label ~sdfghj' } }); await clickCommentButton(); let errorAlerts = findErrorAlerts(); expect(errorAlerts.length).toBe(commandErrors.length); // dismiss the second error extendedWrapper(errorAlerts[1]).findByTestId('close-icon').trigger('click'); // Wait for the dismissal to bubble out of the Alert component and be handled in this component await nextTick(); // Refresh the list of alerts errorAlerts = findErrorAlerts(); expect(errorAlerts.length).toBe(commandErrors.length - 1); // We want to know that the *correct* error was dismissed, not just that any one is gone expect(errorAlerts[0].text()).toBe(commandErrors[0]); expect(errorAlerts[1].text()).toBe(commandErrors[2]); }); it('should toggle issue state when no note', () => { mountComponent({ mountFunction: mount }); jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'toggleIssueState'); findCloseReopenButton().trigger('click'); expect(wrapper.vm.toggleIssueState).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should disable action button while submitting', async () => { mountComponent({ mountFunction: mount, initialData: { note: 'hello world' } }); const saveNotePromise = Promise.resolve(); jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'saveNote').mockReturnValue(saveNotePromise); jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'stopPolling'); const actionButton = findCloseReopenButton(); await actionButton.trigger('click'); expect(actionButton.props('disabled')).toBe(true); await saveNotePromise; await nextTick(); expect(actionButton.props('disabled')).toBe(false); }); }); describe('textarea', () => { describe('general', () => { it.each` noteType | noteIsInternal | placeholder ${'comment'} | ${false} | ${'Write a comment or drag your files here…'} ${'internal note'} | ${true} | ${'Write an internal note or drag your files here…'} `( 'should render textarea with placeholder for $noteType', ({ noteIsInternal, placeholder }) => { mountComponent({ mountFunction: mount, initialData: { noteIsInternal }, }); expect(findTextArea().attributes('placeholder')).toBe(placeholder); }, ); it('should make textarea disabled while requesting', async () => { mountComponent({ mountFunction: mount }); jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'stopPolling'); jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'saveNote').mockResolvedValue(); // setData usage is discouraged. See for details // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax await wrapper.setData({ note: 'hello world' }); await findCommentButton().trigger('click'); expect(findTextArea().attributes('disabled')).toBe('disabled'); }); it('should support quick actions', () => { mountComponent({ mountFunction: mount }); expect(findTextArea().attributes('data-supports-quick-actions')).toBe('true'); }); it('should link to markdown docs', () => { mountComponent({ mountFunction: mount }); const { markdownDocsPath } = notesDataMock; expect(wrapper.find(`a[href="${markdownDocsPath}"]`).text()).toBe('Markdown'); }); it('should link to quick actions docs', () => { mountComponent({ mountFunction: mount }); const { quickActionsDocsPath } = notesDataMock; expect(wrapper.find(`a[href="${quickActionsDocsPath}"]`).text()).toBe('quick actions'); }); it('should resize textarea after note discarded', async () => { mountComponent({ mountFunction: mount, initialData: { note: 'foo' } }); jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'discard'); wrapper.vm.discard(); await nextTick(); expect(Autosize.update).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('edit mode', () => { beforeEach(() => { mountComponent({ mountFunction: mount }); }); it('should enter edit mode when arrow up is pressed', () => { jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'editCurrentUserLastNote'); findTextArea().trigger('keydown.up'); expect(wrapper.vm.editCurrentUserLastNote).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('inits autosave', () => { expect(wrapper.vm.autosave).toBeDefined(); expect(wrapper.vm.autosave.key).toBe(`autosave/Note/Issue/${}`); }); }); describe('event enter', () => { beforeEach(() => { mountComponent({ mountFunction: mount }); }); describe('when no draft exists', () => { it('should save note when cmd+enter is pressed', () => { jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'handleSave'); findTextArea().trigger('keydown.enter', { metaKey: true }); expect(wrapper.vm.handleSave).toHaveBeenCalledWith(); }); it('should save note when ctrl+enter is pressed', () => { jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'handleSave'); findTextArea().trigger('keydown.enter', { ctrlKey: true }); expect(wrapper.vm.handleSave).toHaveBeenCalledWith(); }); }); describe('when a draft exists', () => { beforeEach(() => { store.registerModule('batchComments', batchComments()); store.state.batchComments.drafts = [{ note: 'A' }]; }); it('should save note draft when cmd+enter is pressed', () => { jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'handleSaveDraft'); findTextArea().trigger('keydown.enter', { metaKey: true }); expect(wrapper.vm.handleSaveDraft).toHaveBeenCalledWith(); }); it('should save note draft when ctrl+enter is pressed', () => { jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'handleSaveDraft'); findTextArea().trigger('keydown.enter', { ctrlKey: true }); expect(wrapper.vm.handleSaveDraft).toHaveBeenCalledWith(); }); }); }); }); describe('actions', () => { it('should be possible to close the issue', () => { mountComponent(); expect(findCloseReopenButton().text()).toBe('Close issue'); }); it.each` noteIsInternal | buttonText ${false} | ${'Comment'} ${true} | ${'Add internal note'} `('renders comment button with text "$buttonText"', ({ noteIsInternal, buttonText }) => { mountComponent({ mountFunction: mount, noteableData: createNotableDataMock({ confidential: noteIsInternal }), initialData: { noteIsInternal }, }); expect(findCommentButton().text()).toBe(buttonText); }); it('should render comment button as disabled', () => { mountComponent(); expect(findCommentTypeDropdown().props('disabled')).toBe(true); }); it('should enable comment button if it has note', async () => { mountComponent(); // setData usage is discouraged. See for details // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax await wrapper.setData({ note: 'Foo' }); expect(findCommentTypeDropdown().props('disabled')).toBe(false); }); it('should update buttons texts when it has note', () => { mountComponent({ initialData: { note: 'Foo' } }); expect(findCloseReopenButton().text()).toBe('Comment & close issue'); }); it('updates button text with noteable type', () => { mountComponent({ noteableType: constants.MERGE_REQUEST_NOTEABLE_TYPE }); expect(findCloseReopenButton().text()).toBe('Close merge request'); }); describe('when clicking close/reopen button', () => { it('should show a loading spinner', async () => { mountComponent({ noteableType: constants.MERGE_REQUEST_NOTEABLE_TYPE, mountFunction: mount, }); await findCloseReopenButton().trigger('click'); expect(findCloseReopenButton().props('loading')).toBe(true); }); }); describe('when toggling state', () => { describe('when issue', () => { it('emits event to toggle state', () => { mountComponent({ mountFunction: mount }); jest.spyOn(eventHub, '$emit'); findCloseReopenButton().trigger('click'); expect(eventHub.$emit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('toggle.issuable.state'); }); }); describe.each` type | noteableType ${'merge request'} | ${'MergeRequest'} ${'epic'} | ${'Epic'} `('when $type', ({ type, noteableType }) => { describe('when open', () => { it(`makes an API call to open it`, () => { mountComponent({ noteableType, noteableData: { ...noteableDataMock, state: constants.OPENED }, mountFunction: mount, }); jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'closeIssuable').mockResolvedValue(); findCloseReopenButton().trigger('click'); expect(wrapper.vm.closeIssuable).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it(`shows an error when the API call fails`, async () => { mountComponent({ noteableType, noteableData: { ...noteableDataMock, state: constants.OPENED }, mountFunction: mount, }); jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'closeIssuable').mockRejectedValue(); await findCloseReopenButton().trigger('click'); await nextTick(); await nextTick(); expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ message: `Something went wrong while closing the ${type}. Please try again later.`, }); }); }); describe('when closed', () => { it('makes an API call to close it', () => { mountComponent({ noteableType, noteableData: { ...noteableDataMock, state: constants.CLOSED }, mountFunction: mount, }); jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'reopenIssuable').mockResolvedValue(); findCloseReopenButton().trigger('click'); expect(wrapper.vm.reopenIssuable).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); it(`shows an error when the API call fails`, async () => { mountComponent({ noteableType, noteableData: { ...noteableDataMock, state: constants.CLOSED }, mountFunction: mount, }); jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'reopenIssuable').mockRejectedValue(); await findCloseReopenButton().trigger('click'); await nextTick(); await nextTick(); expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ message: `Something went wrong while reopening the ${type}. Please try again later.`, }); }); }); it('when merge request, should update MR count', async () => { mountComponent({ noteableType: constants.MERGE_REQUEST_NOTEABLE_TYPE, mountFunction: mount, }); jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'closeIssuable').mockResolvedValue(); await findCloseReopenButton().trigger('click'); await nextTick(); expect(refreshUserMergeRequestCounts).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe('confidential notes checkbox', () => { it('should render checkbox as unchecked by default', () => { mountComponent({ mountFunction: mount, initialData: { note: 'confidential note' }, noteableData: { ...notableDataMockCanUpdateIssuable }, }); const checkbox = findConfidentialNoteCheckbox(); expect(checkbox.exists()).toBe(true); expect(checkbox.element.checked).toBe(false); }); it('should not render checkbox if user is not at least a reporter', () => { mountComponent({ mountFunction: mount, initialData: { note: 'confidential note' }, noteableData: { ...notableDataMockCannotCreateConfidentialNote }, }); const checkbox = findConfidentialNoteCheckbox(); expect(checkbox.exists()).toBe(false); }); it.each` noteableType | rendered | message ${'Issue'} | ${true} | ${'render'} ${'Epic'} | ${true} | ${'render'} ${'MergeRequest'} | ${false} | ${'not render'} `( 'should $message checkbox when noteableType is $noteableType', ({ noteableType, rendered }) => { mountComponent({ mountFunction: mount, noteableType, initialData: { note: 'internal note' }, noteableData: { ...notableDataMockCanUpdateIssuable, noteableType }, }); expect(findConfidentialNoteCheckbox().exists()).toBe(rendered); }, ); describe.each` shouldCheckboxBeChecked ${true} ${false} `('when checkbox value is `$shouldCheckboxBeChecked`', ({ shouldCheckboxBeChecked }) => { it(`sets \`internal\` to \`${shouldCheckboxBeChecked}\``, async () => { mountComponent({ mountFunction: mount, initialData: { note: 'internal note' }, noteableData: { ...notableDataMockCanUpdateIssuable }, }); jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'saveNote').mockResolvedValue({}); const checkbox = findConfidentialNoteCheckbox(); // check checkbox checkbox.element.checked = shouldCheckboxBeChecked; checkbox.trigger('change'); await nextTick(); // submit comment findCommentButton().trigger('click'); const [providedData] = wrapper.vm.saveNote.mock.calls[0]; expect(; }); }); describe('when user cannot update issuable', () => { it('should not render checkbox', () => { mountComponent({ mountFunction: mount, noteableData: { ...notableDataMockCannotUpdateIssuable }, }); expect(findConfidentialNoteCheckbox().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); }); }); describe('user is not logged in', () => { beforeEach(() => { mountComponent({ userData: null, noteableData: loggedOutnoteableData, mountFunction: mount }); }); it('should render signed out widget', () => { expect(wrapper.text()).toBe('Please register or sign in to reply'); }); it('should not render submission form', () => { expect(findTextArea().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('with batchComments in store', () => { beforeEach(() => { store.registerModule('batchComments', batchComments()); }); describe('add to review and comment now buttons', () => { it('when no drafts exist, should not render', () => { mountComponent(); expect(findCommentTypeDropdown().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findAddToReviewButton().exists()).toBe(false); expect(findAddCommentNowButton().exists()).toBe(false); }); describe('when drafts exist', () => { beforeEach(() => { store.state.batchComments.drafts = [{ note: 'A' }]; }); it('should render', () => { mountComponent(); expect(findCommentTypeDropdown().exists()).toBe(false); expect(findAddToReviewButton().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findAddCommentNowButton().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('clicking `add to review`, should call draft endpoint, set `isDraft` true', () => { mountComponent({ mountFunction: mount, initialData: { note: 'a draft note' } }); jest.spyOn(store, 'dispatch').mockResolvedValue(); findAddToReviewButton().trigger('click'); expect(store.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'saveNote', expect.objectContaining({ endpoint: notesDataMock.draftsPath, isDraft: true, }), ); }); it('clicking `add comment now`, should call note endpoint, set `isDraft` false', () => { mountComponent({ mountFunction: mount, initialData: { note: 'a comment' } }); jest.spyOn(store, 'dispatch').mockResolvedValue(); findAddCommentNowButton().trigger('click'); expect(store.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'saveNote', expect.objectContaining({ endpoint: noteableDataMock.create_note_path, isDraft: false, }), ); }); }); }); }); });