require 'spec_helper' module Gitlab module Ci describe YamlProcessor, :lib do subject { } describe 'our current .gitlab-ci.yml' do let(:config) {"#{Rails.root}/.gitlab-ci.yml") } it 'is valid' do error_message = described_class.validation_message(config) expect(error_message).to be_nil end end describe '#build_attributes' do subject { } describe 'coverage entry' do describe 'code coverage regexp' do let(:config) do YAML.dump(rspec: { script: 'rspec', coverage: '/Code coverage: \d+\.\d+/' }) end it 'includes coverage regexp in build attributes' do expect(subject) .to include(coverage_regex: 'Code coverage: \d+\.\d+') end end end describe 'retry entry' do context 'when retry count is specified' do let(:config) do YAML.dump(rspec: { script: 'rspec', retry: 1 }) end it 'includes retry count in build options attribute' do expect(subject[:options]).to include(retry: 1) end end context 'when retry count is not specified' do let(:config) do YAML.dump(rspec: { script: 'rspec' }) end it 'does not persist retry count in the database' do expect(subject[:options]).not_to have_key(:retry) end end end describe 'allow failure entry' do context 'when job is a manual action' do context 'when allow_failure is defined' do let(:config) do YAML.dump(rspec: { script: 'rspec', when: 'manual', allow_failure: false }) end it 'is not allowed to fail' do expect(subject[:allow_failure]).to be false end end context 'when allow_failure is not defined' do let(:config) do YAML.dump(rspec: { script: 'rspec', when: 'manual' }) end it 'is allowed to fail' do expect(subject[:allow_failure]).to be true end end end context 'when job is not a manual action' do context 'when allow_failure is defined' do let(:config) do YAML.dump(rspec: { script: 'rspec', allow_failure: false }) end it 'is not allowed to fail' do expect(subject[:allow_failure]).to be false end end context 'when allow_failure is not defined' do let(:config) do YAML.dump(rspec: { script: 'rspec' }) end it 'is not allowed to fail' do expect(subject[:allow_failure]).to be false end end end end end describe '#stage_seeds' do context 'when no refs policy is specified' do let(:config) do YAML.dump(production: { stage: 'deploy', script: 'cap prod' }, rspec: { stage: 'test', script: 'rspec' }, spinach: { stage: 'test', script: 'spinach' }) end let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline) } it 'correctly fabricates a stage seeds object' do seeds = subject.stage_seeds(pipeline) expect(seeds.size).to eq 2 expect(seeds.first.stage[:name]).to eq 'test' expect(seeds.second.stage[:name]).to eq 'deploy' expect(seeds.first.builds.dig(0, :name)).to eq 'rspec' expect(seeds.first.builds.dig(1, :name)).to eq 'spinach' expect(seeds.second.builds.dig(0, :name)).to eq 'production' end end context 'when refs policy is specified' do let(:config) do YAML.dump(production: { stage: 'deploy', script: 'cap prod', only: ['master'] }, spinach: { stage: 'test', script: 'spinach', only: ['tags'] }) end let(:pipeline) do create(:ci_empty_pipeline, ref: 'feature', tag: true) end it 'returns stage seeds only assigned to master to master' do seeds = subject.stage_seeds(pipeline) expect(seeds.size).to eq 1 expect(seeds.first.stage[:name]).to eq 'test' expect(seeds.first.builds.dig(0, :name)).to eq 'spinach' end end context 'when source policy is specified' do let(:config) do YAML.dump(production: { stage: 'deploy', script: 'cap prod', only: ['triggers'] }, spinach: { stage: 'test', script: 'spinach', only: ['schedules'] }) end let(:pipeline) do create(:ci_empty_pipeline, source: :schedule) end it 'returns stage seeds only assigned to schedules' do seeds = subject.stage_seeds(pipeline) expect(seeds.size).to eq 1 expect(seeds.first.stage[:name]).to eq 'test' expect(seeds.first.builds.dig(0, :name)).to eq 'spinach' end end context 'when kubernetes policy is specified' do let(:config) do YAML.dump( spinach: { stage: 'test', script: 'spinach' }, production: { stage: 'deploy', script: 'cap', only: { kubernetes: 'active' } } ) end context 'when kubernetes is active' do shared_examples 'same behavior between KubernetesService and Platform::Kubernetes' do it 'returns seeds for kubernetes dependent job' do seeds = subject.stage_seeds(pipeline) expect(seeds.size).to eq 2 expect(seeds.first.builds.dig(0, :name)).to eq 'spinach' expect(seeds.second.builds.dig(0, :name)).to eq 'production' end end context 'when user configured kubernetes from Integration > Kubernetes' do let(:project) { create(:kubernetes_project) } let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, project: project) } it_behaves_like 'same behavior between KubernetesService and Platform::Kubernetes' end context 'when user configured kubernetes from CI/CD > Clusters' do let!(:cluster) { create(:cluster, :project, :provided_by_gcp) } let(:project) { cluster.project } let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, project: project) } it_behaves_like 'same behavior between KubernetesService and Platform::Kubernetes' end end context 'when kubernetes is not active' do it 'does not return seeds for kubernetes dependent job' do seeds = subject.stage_seeds(pipeline) expect(seeds.size).to eq 1 expect(seeds.first.builds.dig(0, :name)).to eq 'spinach' end end end end describe "#pipeline_stage_builds" do let(:type) { 'test' } it "returns builds if no branch specified" do config = YAML.dump({ before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { script: "rspec" } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds(type, pipeline(ref: "master")).size).to eq(1) expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds(type, pipeline(ref: "master")).first).to eq({ stage: "test", stage_idx: 1, name: "rspec", commands: "pwd\nrspec", coverage_regex: nil, tag_list: [], options: { before_script: ["pwd"], script: ["rspec"] }, allow_failure: false, when: "on_success", environment: nil, yaml_variables: [] }) end describe 'only' do it "does not return builds if only has another branch" do config = YAML.dump({ before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { script: "rspec", only: ["deploy"] } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds(type, pipeline(ref: "master")).size).to eq(0) end it "does not return builds if only has regexp with another branch" do config = YAML.dump({ before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { script: "rspec", only: ["/^deploy$/"] } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds(type, pipeline(ref: "master")).size).to eq(0) end it "returns builds if only has specified this branch" do config = YAML.dump({ before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { script: "rspec", only: ["master"] } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds(type, pipeline(ref: "master")).size).to eq(1) end it "returns builds if only has a list of branches including specified" do config = YAML.dump({ before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { script: "rspec", type: type, only: %w(master deploy) } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds(type, pipeline(ref: "deploy")).size).to eq(1) end it "returns builds if only has a branches keyword specified" do config = YAML.dump({ before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { script: "rspec", type: type, only: ["branches"] } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds(type, pipeline(ref: "deploy")).size).to eq(1) end it "does not return builds if only has a tags keyword" do config = YAML.dump({ before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { script: "rspec", type: type, only: ["tags"] } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds(type, pipeline(ref: "deploy")).size).to eq(0) end it "returns builds if only has special keywords specified and source matches" do possibilities = [{ keyword: 'pushes', source: 'push' }, { keyword: 'web', source: 'web' }, { keyword: 'triggers', source: 'trigger' }, { keyword: 'schedules', source: 'schedule' }, { keyword: 'api', source: 'api' }, { keyword: 'external', source: 'external' }] possibilities.each do |possibility| config = YAML.dump({ before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { script: "rspec", type: type, only: [possibility[:keyword]] } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds(type, pipeline(ref: 'deploy', tag: false, source: possibility[:source])).size).to eq(1) end end it "does not return builds if only has special keywords specified and source doesn't match" do possibilities = [{ keyword: 'pushes', source: 'web' }, { keyword: 'web', source: 'push' }, { keyword: 'triggers', source: 'schedule' }, { keyword: 'schedules', source: 'external' }, { keyword: 'api', source: 'trigger' }, { keyword: 'external', source: 'api' }] possibilities.each do |possibility| config = YAML.dump({ before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { script: "rspec", type: type, only: [possibility[:keyword]] } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds(type, pipeline(ref: 'deploy', tag: false, source: possibility[:source])).size).to eq(0) end end it "returns builds if only has current repository path" do seed_pipeline = pipeline(ref: 'deploy') config = YAML.dump({ before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { script: "rspec", type: type, only: ["branches@#{seed_pipeline.project_full_path}"] } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds(type, seed_pipeline).size).to eq(1) end it "does not return builds if only has different repository path" do config = YAML.dump({ before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { script: "rspec", type: type, only: ["branches@fork"] } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds(type, pipeline(ref: "deploy")).size).to eq(0) end it "returns build only for specified type" do config = YAML.dump({ before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { script: "rspec", type: "test", only: %w(master deploy) }, staging: { script: "deploy", type: "deploy", only: %w(master deploy) }, production: { script: "deploy", type: "deploy", only: ["master@path", "deploy"] } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds("deploy", pipeline(ref: "deploy")).size).to eq(2) expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds("test", pipeline(ref: "deploy")).size).to eq(1) expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds("deploy", pipeline(ref: "master")).size).to eq(1) end context 'for invalid value' do let(:config) { { rspec: { script: "rspec", type: "test", only: only } } } let(:processor) { } context 'when it is integer' do let(:only) { 1 } it do expect { processor }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, 'jobs:rspec:only has to be either an array of conditions or a hash') end end context 'when it is an array of integers' do let(:only) { [1, 1] } it do expect { processor }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, 'jobs:rspec:only config should be an array of strings or regexps') end end context 'when it is invalid regex' do let(:only) { ["/*invalid/"] } it do expect { processor }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, 'jobs:rspec:only config should be an array of strings or regexps') end end end end describe 'except' do it "returns builds if except has another branch" do config = YAML.dump({ before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { script: "rspec", except: ["deploy"] } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds(type, pipeline(ref: "master")).size).to eq(1) end it "returns builds if except has regexp with another branch" do config = YAML.dump({ before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { script: "rspec", except: ["/^deploy$/"] } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds(type, pipeline(ref: "master")).size).to eq(1) end it "does not return builds if except has specified this branch" do config = YAML.dump({ before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { script: "rspec", except: ["master"] } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds(type, pipeline(ref: "master")).size).to eq(0) end it "does not return builds if except has a list of branches including specified" do config = YAML.dump({ before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { script: "rspec", type: type, except: %w(master deploy) } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds(type, pipeline(ref: "deploy")).size).to eq(0) end it "does not return builds if except has a branches keyword specified" do config = YAML.dump({ before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { script: "rspec", type: type, except: ["branches"] } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds(type, pipeline(ref: "deploy")).size).to eq(0) end it "returns builds if except has a tags keyword" do config = YAML.dump({ before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { script: "rspec", type: type, except: ["tags"] } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds(type, pipeline(ref: "deploy")).size).to eq(1) end it "does not return builds if except has special keywords specified and source matches" do possibilities = [{ keyword: 'pushes', source: 'push' }, { keyword: 'web', source: 'web' }, { keyword: 'triggers', source: 'trigger' }, { keyword: 'schedules', source: 'schedule' }, { keyword: 'api', source: 'api' }, { keyword: 'external', source: 'external' }] possibilities.each do |possibility| config = YAML.dump({ before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { script: "rspec", type: type, except: [possibility[:keyword]] } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds(type, pipeline(ref: 'deploy', tag: false, source: possibility[:source])).size).to eq(0) end end it "returns builds if except has special keywords specified and source doesn't match" do possibilities = [{ keyword: 'pushes', source: 'web' }, { keyword: 'web', source: 'push' }, { keyword: 'triggers', source: 'schedule' }, { keyword: 'schedules', source: 'external' }, { keyword: 'api', source: 'trigger' }, { keyword: 'external', source: 'api' }] possibilities.each do |possibility| config = YAML.dump({ before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { script: "rspec", type: type, except: [possibility[:keyword]] } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds(type, pipeline(ref: 'deploy', tag: false, source: possibility[:source])).size).to eq(1) end end it "does not return builds if except has current repository path" do seed_pipeline = pipeline(ref: 'deploy') config = YAML.dump({ before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { script: "rspec", type: type, except: ["branches@#{seed_pipeline.project_full_path}"] } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds(type, seed_pipeline).size).to eq(0) end it "returns builds if except has different repository path" do config = YAML.dump({ before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { script: "rspec", type: type, except: ["branches@fork"] } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds(type, pipeline(ref: "deploy")).size).to eq(1) end it "returns build except specified type" do master_pipeline = pipeline(ref: 'master') test_pipeline = pipeline(ref: 'test') deploy_pipeline = pipeline(ref: 'deploy') config = YAML.dump({ before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { script: "rspec", type: "test", except: ["master", "deploy", "test@#{test_pipeline.project_full_path}"] }, staging: { script: "deploy", type: "deploy", except: ["master"] }, production: { script: "deploy", type: "deploy", except: ["master@#{master_pipeline.project_full_path}"] } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds("deploy", deploy_pipeline).size).to eq(2) expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds("test", test_pipeline).size).to eq(0) expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds("deploy", master_pipeline).size).to eq(0) end context 'for invalid value' do let(:config) { { rspec: { script: "rspec", except: except } } } let(:processor) { } context 'when it is integer' do let(:except) { 1 } it do expect { processor }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, 'jobs:rspec:except has to be either an array of conditions or a hash') end end context 'when it is an array of integers' do let(:except) { [1, 1] } it do expect { processor }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, 'jobs:rspec:except config should be an array of strings or regexps') end end context 'when it is invalid regex' do let(:except) { ["/*invalid/"] } it do expect { processor }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, 'jobs:rspec:except config should be an array of strings or regexps') end end end end end describe "Scripts handling" do let(:config_data) { YAML.dump(config) } let(:config_processor) { } subject { config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds("test", pipeline(ref: "master")).first } describe "before_script" do context "in global context" do let(:config) do { before_script: ["global script"], test: { script: ["script"] } } end it "return commands with scripts concencaced" do expect(subject[:commands]).to eq("global script\nscript") end end context "overwritten in local context" do let(:config) do { before_script: ["global script"], test: { before_script: ["local script"], script: ["script"] } } end it "return commands with scripts concencaced" do expect(subject[:commands]).to eq("local script\nscript") end end end describe "script" do let(:config) do { test: { script: ["script"] } } end it "return commands with scripts concencaced" do expect(subject[:commands]).to eq("script") end end describe "after_script" do context "in global context" do let(:config) do { after_script: ["after_script"], test: { script: ["script"] } } end it "return after_script in options" do expect(subject[:options][:after_script]).to eq(["after_script"]) end end context "overwritten in local context" do let(:config) do { after_script: ["local after_script"], test: { after_script: ["local after_script"], script: ["script"] } } end it "return after_script in options" do expect(subject[:options][:after_script]).to eq(["local after_script"]) end end end end describe "Image and service handling" do context "when extended docker configuration is used" do it "returns image and service when defined" do config = YAML.dump({ image: { name: "ruby:2.1", entrypoint: ["/usr/local/bin/init", "run"] }, services: ["mysql", { name: "docker:dind", alias: "docker", entrypoint: ["/usr/local/bin/init", "run"], command: ["/usr/local/bin/init", "run"] }], before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { script: "rspec" } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds("test", pipeline(ref: "master")).size).to eq(1) expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds("test", pipeline(ref: "master")).first).to eq({ stage: "test", stage_idx: 1, name: "rspec", commands: "pwd\nrspec", coverage_regex: nil, tag_list: [], options: { before_script: ["pwd"], script: ["rspec"], image: { name: "ruby:2.1", entrypoint: ["/usr/local/bin/init", "run"] }, services: [{ name: "mysql" }, { name: "docker:dind", alias: "docker", entrypoint: ["/usr/local/bin/init", "run"], command: ["/usr/local/bin/init", "run"] }] }, allow_failure: false, when: "on_success", environment: nil, yaml_variables: [] }) end it "returns image and service when overridden for job" do config = YAML.dump({ image: "ruby:2.1", services: ["mysql"], before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { image: { name: "ruby:2.5", entrypoint: ["/usr/local/bin/init", "run"] }, services: [{ name: "postgresql", alias: "db-pg", entrypoint: ["/usr/local/bin/init", "run"], command: ["/usr/local/bin/init", "run"] }, "docker:dind"], script: "rspec" } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds("test", pipeline(ref: "master")).size).to eq(1) expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds("test", pipeline(ref: "master")).first).to eq({ stage: "test", stage_idx: 1, name: "rspec", commands: "pwd\nrspec", coverage_regex: nil, tag_list: [], options: { before_script: ["pwd"], script: ["rspec"], image: { name: "ruby:2.5", entrypoint: ["/usr/local/bin/init", "run"] }, services: [{ name: "postgresql", alias: "db-pg", entrypoint: ["/usr/local/bin/init", "run"], command: ["/usr/local/bin/init", "run"] }, { name: "docker:dind" }] }, allow_failure: false, when: "on_success", environment: nil, yaml_variables: [] }) end end context "when etended docker configuration is not used" do it "returns image and service when defined" do config = YAML.dump({ image: "ruby:2.1", services: ["mysql", "docker:dind"], before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { script: "rspec" } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds("test", pipeline(ref: "master")).size).to eq(1) expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds("test", pipeline(ref: "master")).first).to eq({ stage: "test", stage_idx: 1, name: "rspec", commands: "pwd\nrspec", coverage_regex: nil, tag_list: [], options: { before_script: ["pwd"], script: ["rspec"], image: { name: "ruby:2.1" }, services: [{ name: "mysql" }, { name: "docker:dind" }] }, allow_failure: false, when: "on_success", environment: nil, yaml_variables: [] }) end it "returns image and service when overridden for job" do config = YAML.dump({ image: "ruby:2.1", services: ["mysql"], before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { image: "ruby:2.5", services: ["postgresql", "docker:dind"], script: "rspec" } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds("test", pipeline(ref: "master")).size).to eq(1) expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds("test", pipeline(ref: "master")).first).to eq({ stage: "test", stage_idx: 1, name: "rspec", commands: "pwd\nrspec", coverage_regex: nil, tag_list: [], options: { before_script: ["pwd"], script: ["rspec"], image: { name: "ruby:2.5" }, services: [{ name: "postgresql" }, { name: "docker:dind" }] }, allow_failure: false, when: "on_success", environment: nil, yaml_variables: [] }) end end end describe 'Variables' do let(:config_processor) { } subject { config_processor.builds.first[:yaml_variables] } context 'when global variables are defined' do let(:variables) do { 'VAR1' => 'value1', 'VAR2' => 'value2' } end let(:config) do { variables: variables, before_script: ['pwd'], rspec: { script: 'rspec' } } end it 'returns global variables' do expect(subject).to contain_exactly( { key: 'VAR1', value: 'value1', public: true }, { key: 'VAR2', value: 'value2', public: true } ) end end context 'when job and global variables are defined' do let(:global_variables) do { 'VAR1' => 'global1', 'VAR3' => 'global3' } end let(:job_variables) do { 'VAR1' => 'value1', 'VAR2' => 'value2' } end let(:config) do { before_script: ['pwd'], variables: global_variables, rspec: { script: 'rspec', variables: job_variables } } end it 'returns all unique variables' do expect(subject).to contain_exactly( { key: 'VAR3', value: 'global3', public: true }, { key: 'VAR1', value: 'value1', public: true }, { key: 'VAR2', value: 'value2', public: true } ) end end context 'when job variables are defined' do let(:config) do { before_script: ['pwd'], rspec: { script: 'rspec', variables: variables } } end context 'when syntax is correct' do let(:variables) do { 'VAR1' => 'value1', 'VAR2' => 'value2' } end it 'returns job variables' do expect(subject).to contain_exactly( { key: 'VAR1', value: 'value1', public: true }, { key: 'VAR2', value: 'value2', public: true } ) end end context 'when syntax is incorrect' do context 'when variables defined but invalid' do let(:variables) do %w(VAR1 value1 VAR2 value2) end it 'raises error' do expect { subject } .to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, /jobs:rspec:variables config should be a hash of key value pairs/) end end context 'when variables key defined but value not specified' do let(:variables) do nil end it 'returns empty array' do ## # When variables config is empty, we assume this is a valid # configuration, see issue #18775 # expect(subject).to be_an_instance_of(Array) expect(subject).to be_empty end end end end context 'when job variables are not defined' do let(:config) do { before_script: ['pwd'], rspec: { script: 'rspec' } } end it 'returns empty array' do expect(subject).to be_an_instance_of(Array) expect(subject).to be_empty end end end describe "When" do %w(on_success on_failure always).each do |when_state| it "returns #{when_state} when defined" do config = YAML.dump({ rspec: { script: "rspec", when: when_state } }) config_processor = builds = config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds("test", pipeline(ref: "master")) expect(builds.size).to eq(1) expect(builds.first[:when]).to eq(when_state) end end end describe 'cache' do context 'when cache definition has unknown keys' do it 'raises relevant validation error' do config = YAML.dump( { cache: { untracked: true, invalid: 'key' }, rspec: { script: 'rspec' } }) expect { }.to raise_error( Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, 'cache config contains unknown keys: invalid' ) end end it "returns cache when defined globally" do config = YAML.dump({ cache: { paths: ["logs/", "binaries/"], untracked: true, key: 'key' }, rspec: { script: "rspec" } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds("test", pipeline(ref: "master")).size).to eq(1) expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds("test", pipeline(ref: "master")).first[:options][:cache]).to eq( paths: ["logs/", "binaries/"], untracked: true, key: 'key', policy: 'pull-push' ) end it "returns cache when defined in a job" do config = YAML.dump({ rspec: { cache: { paths: ["logs/", "binaries/"], untracked: true, key: 'key' }, script: "rspec" } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds("test", pipeline(ref: "master")).size).to eq(1) expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds("test", pipeline(ref: "master")).first[:options][:cache]).to eq( paths: ["logs/", "binaries/"], untracked: true, key: 'key', policy: 'pull-push' ) end it "overwrite cache when defined for a job and globally" do config = YAML.dump({ cache: { paths: ["logs/", "binaries/"], untracked: true, key: 'global' }, rspec: { script: "rspec", cache: { paths: ["test/"], untracked: false, key: 'local' } } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds("test", pipeline(ref: "master")).size).to eq(1) expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds("test", pipeline(ref: "master")).first[:options][:cache]).to eq( paths: ["test/"], untracked: false, key: 'local', policy: 'pull-push' ) end end describe "Artifacts" do it "returns artifacts when defined" do config = YAML.dump({ image: "ruby:2.1", services: ["mysql"], before_script: ["pwd"], rspec: { artifacts: { paths: ["logs/", "binaries/"], untracked: true, name: "custom_name", expire_in: "7d" }, script: "rspec" } }) config_processor = expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds("test", pipeline(ref: "master")).size).to eq(1) expect(config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds("test", pipeline(ref: "master")).first).to eq({ stage: "test", stage_idx: 1, name: "rspec", commands: "pwd\nrspec", coverage_regex: nil, tag_list: [], options: { before_script: ["pwd"], script: ["rspec"], image: { name: "ruby:2.1" }, services: [{ name: "mysql" }], artifacts: { name: "custom_name", paths: ["logs/", "binaries/"], untracked: true, expire_in: "7d" } }, when: "on_success", allow_failure: false, environment: nil, yaml_variables: [] }) end %w[on_success on_failure always].each do |when_state| it "returns artifacts for when #{when_state} defined" do config = YAML.dump({ rspec: { script: "rspec", artifacts: { paths: ["logs/", "binaries/"], when: when_state } } }) config_processor = builds = config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds("test", pipeline(ref: "master")) expect(builds.size).to eq(1) expect(builds.first[:options][:artifacts][:when]).to eq(when_state) end end end describe '#environment' do let(:config) do { deploy_to_production: { stage: 'deploy', script: 'test', environment: environment } } end let(:processor) { } let(:builds) { processor.pipeline_stage_builds('deploy', pipeline(ref: 'master')) } context 'when a production environment is specified' do let(:environment) { 'production' } it 'does return production' do expect(builds.size).to eq(1) expect(builds.first[:environment]).to eq(environment) expect(builds.first[:options]).to include(environment: { name: environment, action: "start" }) end end context 'when hash is specified' do let(:environment) do { name: 'production', url: '' } end it 'does return production and URL' do expect(builds.size).to eq(1) expect(builds.first[:environment]).to eq(environment[:name]) expect(builds.first[:options]).to include(environment: environment) end context 'the url has a port as variable' do let(:environment) do { name: 'production', url: '$PORT' } end it 'allows a variable for the port' do expect(builds.size).to eq(1) expect(builds.first[:environment]).to eq(environment[:name]) expect(builds.first[:options]).to include(environment: environment) end end end context 'when no environment is specified' do let(:environment) { nil } it 'does return nil environment' do expect(builds.size).to eq(1) expect(builds.first[:environment]).to be_nil end end context 'is not a string' do let(:environment) { 1 } it 'raises error' do expect { builds }.to raise_error( 'jobs:deploy_to_production:environment config should be a hash or a string') end end context 'is not a valid string' do let(:environment) { 'production:staging' } it 'raises error' do expect { builds }.to raise_error("jobs:deploy_to_production:environment name #{Gitlab::Regex.environment_name_regex_message}") end end context 'when on_stop is specified' do let(:review) { { stage: 'deploy', script: 'test', environment: { name: 'review', on_stop: 'close_review' } } } let(:config) { { review: review, close_review: close_review }.compact } context 'with matching job' do let(:close_review) { { stage: 'deploy', script: 'test', environment: { name: 'review', action: 'stop' } } } it 'does return a list of builds' do expect(builds.size).to eq(2) expect(builds.first[:environment]).to eq('review') end end context 'without matching job' do let(:close_review) { nil } it 'raises error' do expect { builds }.to raise_error('review job: on_stop job close_review is not defined') end end context 'with close job without environment' do let(:close_review) { { stage: 'deploy', script: 'test' } } it 'raises error' do expect { builds }.to raise_error('review job: on_stop job close_review does not have environment defined') end end context 'with close job for different environment' do let(:close_review) { { stage: 'deploy', script: 'test', environment: 'production' } } it 'raises error' do expect { builds }.to raise_error('review job: on_stop job close_review have different environment name') end end context 'with close job without stop action' do let(:close_review) { { stage: 'deploy', script: 'test', environment: { name: 'review' } } } it 'raises error' do expect { builds }.to raise_error('review job: on_stop job close_review needs to have action stop defined') end end end end describe "Dependencies" do let(:config) do { build1: { stage: 'build', script: 'test' }, build2: { stage: 'build', script: 'test' }, test1: { stage: 'test', script: 'test', dependencies: dependencies }, test2: { stage: 'test', script: 'test' }, deploy: { stage: 'test', script: 'test' } } end subject { } context 'no dependencies' do let(:dependencies) { } it { expect { subject }.not_to raise_error } end context 'dependencies to builds' do let(:dependencies) { %w(build1 build2) } it { expect { subject }.not_to raise_error } end context 'dependencies to builds defined as symbols' do let(:dependencies) { [:build1, :build2] } it { expect { subject }.not_to raise_error } end context 'undefined dependency' do let(:dependencies) { ['undefined'] } it { expect { subject }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, 'test1 job: undefined dependency: undefined') } end context 'dependencies to deploy' do let(:dependencies) { ['deploy'] } it { expect { subject }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor::ValidationError, 'test1 job: dependency deploy is not defined in prior stages') } end end describe "Hidden jobs" do let(:config_processor) { } subject { config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds("test", pipeline(ref: "master")) } shared_examples 'hidden_job_handling' do it "doesn't create jobs that start with dot" do expect(subject.size).to eq(1) expect(subject.first).to eq({ stage: "test", stage_idx: 1, name: "normal_job", commands: "test", coverage_regex: nil, tag_list: [], options: { script: ["test"] }, when: "on_success", allow_failure: false, environment: nil, yaml_variables: [] }) end end context 'when hidden job have a script definition' do let(:config) do YAML.dump({ '.hidden_job' => { image: 'ruby:2.1', script: 'test' }, 'normal_job' => { script: 'test' } }) end it_behaves_like 'hidden_job_handling' end context "when hidden job doesn't have a script definition" do let(:config) do YAML.dump({ '.hidden_job' => { image: 'ruby:2.1' }, 'normal_job' => { script: 'test' } }) end it_behaves_like 'hidden_job_handling' end end describe "YAML Alias/Anchor" do let(:config_processor) { } subject { config_processor.pipeline_stage_builds("build", pipeline(ref: "master")) } shared_examples 'job_templates_handling' do it "is correctly supported for jobs" do expect(subject.size).to eq(2) expect(subject.first).to eq({ stage: "build", stage_idx: 0, name: "job1", commands: "execute-script-for-job", coverage_regex: nil, tag_list: [], options: { script: ["execute-script-for-job"] }, when: "on_success", allow_failure: false, environment: nil, yaml_variables: [] }) expect(subject.second).to eq({ stage: "build", stage_idx: 0, name: "job2", commands: "execute-script-for-job", coverage_regex: nil, tag_list: [], options: { script: ["execute-script-for-job"] }, when: "on_success", allow_failure: false, environment: nil, yaml_variables: [] }) end end context 'when template is a job' do let(:config) do <