# SQL Query Guidelines This document describes various guidelines to follow when writing SQL queries, either using ActiveRecord/Arel or raw SQL queries. ## Using LIKE Statements The most common way to search for data is using the `LIKE` statement. For example, to get all issues with a title starting with "WIP:" you'd write the following query: ```sql SELECT * FROM issues WHERE title LIKE 'WIP:%'; ``` On PostgreSQL the `LIKE` statement is case-sensitive. On MySQL this depends on the case-sensitivity of the collation, which is usually case-insensitive. To perform a case-insensitive `LIKE` on PostgreSQL you have to use `ILIKE` instead. This statement in turn isn't supported on MySQL. To work around this problem you should write `LIKE` queries using Arel instead of raw SQL fragments as Arel automatically uses `ILIKE` on PostgreSQL and `LIKE` on MySQL. This means that instead of this: ```ruby Issue.where('title LIKE ?', 'WIP:%') ``` You'd write this instead: ```ruby Issue.where(Issue.arel_table[:title].matches('WIP:%')) ``` Here `matches` generates the correct `LIKE` / `ILIKE` statement depending on the database being used. If you need to chain multiple `OR` conditions you can also do this using Arel: ```ruby table = Issue.arel_table Issue.where(table[:title].matches('WIP:%').or(table[:foo].matches('WIP:%'))) ``` For PostgreSQL this produces: ```sql SELECT * FROM issues WHERE (title ILIKE 'WIP:%' OR foo ILIKE 'WIP:%') ``` In turn for MySQL this produces: ```sql SELECT * FROM issues WHERE (title LIKE 'WIP:%' OR foo LIKE 'WIP:%') ``` ## LIKE & Indexes Neither PostgreSQL nor MySQL use any indexes when using `LIKE` / `ILIKE` with a wildcard at the start. For example, this will not use any indexes: ```sql SELECT * FROM issues WHERE title ILIKE '%WIP:%'; ``` Because the value for `ILIKE` starts with a wildcard the database is not able to use an index as it doesn't know where to start scanning the indexes. MySQL provides no known solution to this problem. Luckily PostgreSQL _does_ provide a solution: trigram GIN indexes. These indexes can be created as follows: ```sql CREATE INDEX [CONCURRENTLY] index_name_here ON table_name USING GIN(column_name gin_trgm_ops); ``` The key here is the `GIN(column_name gin_trgm_ops)` part. This creates a [GIN index][gin-index] with the operator class set to `gin_trgm_ops`. These indexes _can_ be used by `ILIKE` / `LIKE` and can lead to greatly improved performance. One downside of these indexes is that they can easily get quite large (depending on the amount of data indexed). To keep naming of these indexes consistent please use the following naming pattern: index_TABLE_on_COLUMN_trigram For example, a GIN/trigram index for `issues.title` would be called `index_issues_on_title_trigram`. Due to these indexes taking quite some time to be built they should be built concurrently. This can be done by using `CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY` instead of just `CREATE INDEX`. Concurrent indexes can _not_ be created inside a transaction. Transactions for migrations can be disabled using the following pattern: ```ruby class MigrationName < ActiveRecord::Migration[4.2] disable_ddl_transaction! end ``` For example: ```ruby class AddUsersLowerUsernameEmailIndexes < ActiveRecord::Migration[4.2] disable_ddl_transaction! def up return unless Gitlab::Database.postgresql? execute 'CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_on_users_lower_username ON users (LOWER(username));' execute 'CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_on_users_lower_email ON users (LOWER(email));' end def down return unless Gitlab::Database.postgresql? remove_index :users, :index_on_users_lower_username remove_index :users, :index_on_users_lower_email end end ``` ## Plucking IDs This can't be stressed enough: **never** use ActiveRecord's `pluck` to pluck a set of values into memory only to use them as an argument for another query. For example, this will make the database **very** sad: ```ruby projects = Project.all.pluck(:id) MergeRequest.where(source_project_id: projects) ``` Instead you can just use sub-queries which perform far better: ```ruby MergeRequest.where(source_project_id: Project.all.select(:id)) ``` The _only_ time you should use `pluck` is when you actually need to operate on the values in Ruby itself (e.g. write them to a file). In almost all other cases you should ask yourself "Can I not just use a sub-query?". ## Use UNIONs UNIONs aren't very commonly used in most Rails applications but they're very powerful and useful. In most applications queries tend to use a lot of JOINs to get related data or data based on certain criteria, but JOIN performance can quickly deteriorate as the data involved grows. For example, if you want to get a list of projects where the name contains a value _or_ the name of the namespace contains a value most people would write the following query: ```sql SELECT * FROM projects JOIN namespaces ON namespaces.id = projects.namespace_id WHERE projects.name ILIKE '%gitlab%' OR namespaces.name ILIKE '%gitlab%'; ``` Using a large database this query can easily take around 800 milliseconds to run. Using a UNION we'd write the following instead: ```sql SELECT projects.* FROM projects WHERE projects.name ILIKE '%gitlab%' UNION SELECT projects.* FROM projects JOIN namespaces ON namespaces.id = projects.namespace_id WHERE namespaces.name ILIKE '%gitlab%'; ``` This query in turn only takes around 15 milliseconds to complete while returning the exact same records. This doesn't mean you should start using UNIONs everywhere, but it's something to keep in mind when using lots of JOINs in a query and filtering out records based on the joined data. GitLab comes with a `Gitlab::SQL::Union` class that can be used to build a UNION of multiple `ActiveRecord::Relation` objects. You can use this class as follows: ```ruby union = Gitlab::SQL::Union.new([projects, more_projects, ...]) Project.from("(#{union.to_sql}) projects") ``` ## Ordering by Creation Date When ordering records based on the time they were created you can simply order by the `id` column instead of ordering by `created_at`. Because IDs are always unique and incremented in the order that rows are created this will produce the exact same results. This also means there's no need to add an index on `created_at` to ensure consistent performance as `id` is already indexed by default. ## Use WHERE EXISTS instead of WHERE IN While `WHERE IN` and `WHERE EXISTS` can be used to produce the same data it is recommended to use `WHERE EXISTS` whenever possible. While in many cases PostgreSQL can optimise `WHERE IN` quite well there are also many cases where `WHERE EXISTS` will perform (much) better. In Rails you have to use this by creating SQL fragments: ```ruby Project.where('EXISTS (?)', User.select(1).where('projects.creator_id = users.id AND users.foo = X')) ``` This would then produce a query along the lines of the following: ```sql SELECT * FROM projects WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE projects.creator_id = users.id AND users.foo = X ) ``` [gin-index]: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/gin.html ## `.find_or_create_by` is not atomic The inherent pattern with methods like `.find_or_create_by` and `.first_or_create` and others is that they are not atomic. This means, it first runs a `SELECT`, and if there are no results an `INSERT` is performed. With concurrent processes in mind, there is a race condition which may lead to trying to insert two similar records. This may not be desired, or may cause one of the queries to fail due to a constraint violation, for example. Using transactions does not solve this problem. The following pattern should be used to avoid the problem: ```ruby Project.transaction do begin User.find_or_create_by(username: "foo") rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique retry end end ``` If the above block is run inside a transaction and hits the race condition, the transaction is aborted and we cannot simply retry (any further queries inside the aborted transaction are going to fail). We can employ [nested transactions](http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Transactions/ClassMethods.html#module-ActiveRecord::Transactions::ClassMethods-label-Nested+transactions) here to only rollback the "inner transaction". Note that `requires_new: true` is required here. ```ruby Project.transaction do begin User.transaction(requires_new: true) do User.find_or_create_by(username: "foo") end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique retry end end ```